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Wipe the Judging Slate Clean

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It seems as if there's a significant degree of inconsistency in judging. Beyond that, there is a clear indication of personal bias and professional prejudice. Hasn't it often been true that those who really aren't qualified to teach turn to judging. This, of course, isn't true across the board. There are certainly a few fair minded, non ego based individuals out there looking at drum corps and evaluating, as clearly as is possible, the performances taking place in front of their eyes.

But, there are judges out there who feel it is their right and indeed, their cause, to swing the decision towards the corps with whom they have personal ties, or rather, against those who create and perform beyond the boring level of homogenized mediocrity.

If fact, I'm pretty sure there are some very small minded individuals judging who, from a place of pure ego, feel it is their job to influence and to determine the course of the drum corps activity. The lives these people live must be truly insignificant and unfulfilling. How pathetic their attempts to mess with children's lives in this otherwise wonderful activity.

And as long as I'm supposing...I wonder at DCI's posture behind closed doors. The head of that organization has been known to personally favor the Carolina crew. Funny at the scoring hype that corps seems to be getting lately. Think it'll improve ticket sales that they have suddenly leapt ahead of The Cadets and were place a mere tenth behind The Cavaliers. Crown is a solid corps but are not attempting anywhere near the complexity exhibited by Cadets or Cavaliers.

Oh but wait, I forgot, mediocrity is champion anymore, in this country and now this activity. I digress.

I say wipe the slate clean. Create a certification program. Enforce that program. (They used to train judges you know.) Eliminate the egos, the elitists. Administer psyche profile tests to determine the true motivation behind a persons desire to judge. Frakin fire anyone with an agenda now. Hire anyone under 30 who doesn't feel they are god's gift to the pageantry arts. Establish checks and balances. HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE.

I swear, this part of the activity is so inbred it's no wonder it's a mess.

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in for the close.......

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if this is your third post, i wonder what the other two are :worthy:

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Yeah, I'm closing this because of the political commentary and obvious flamebait type points of a personal nature against judges.

If anybody wants to open a legitimate thread talking about judging, please feel free.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM any FSTM member.


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