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State of Drum Corps 2009

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Or sometimes the person hasn't been to a drum corps show in years (like me in '07) and has a very visceral reaction to what they see (attending quarterfinals and witnessing the abortion of narration with my mouth agape in Cadet's otherwise brilliant show).

Tom, anyone who isn't happy with what drum corps has become is a troll? If DCI were a for profit business maybe they would listen to the paying customers. The unhappiness with a lot of things with DCI and drum corps in general isn't happening in a vacuum (although it seems like you think many of the people on DCP are just squeaky wheels).

But, maybe tomorrow, we'll see that DCI doesn't exactly have everything figured out. I have heard whispers of a lot of change coming to DCI very soon. But of course, it has nothing to do with the product on the field.

No troll means you have a new DCP account...less than 10 posts...and are snapping off with many thoughts and bents that border on irrational.

Here's an idea...have at least an idea of what you would do to change things if your not happy.

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this is just Tom. Bash DCI and he gets pissy. then he says the things that he accuses others of.

so basically, he's practicing a run for office

unfair each and every statement.

I have bashed DCI myself. However, I have an idea about things gone wrong and then a plan on how to remedy it. Trolls save up all year for their diatribe and then create a new account on DCP so their real account doesn't get banned.

Mods...how am I doing?

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unfair each and every statement.

I have bashed DCI myself. However, I have an idea about things gone wrong and then a plan on how to remedy it. Trolls save up all year for their diatribe and then create a new account on DCP so their real account doesn't get banned.

Mods...how am I doing?

I am so glad you get jokes Tom.

it makes my job that much easier :doh:

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The funniest thing to me is that the same people who complain about not playing on G bugles anymore are the same ones complaining that visual dominates the activity and that's it's not musical anymore.

Yeah guys, we'd make it a whole lot more musical by switching back to horns that are crass and out of tune...

I've stood in front of lines playing Bb/F horns, and lines playing G horns. I've stood in front of lines playing three-valved Kanstuls with TAN slides, and lines playing P/R car bumpers.

It ain't the pitch of the horn that determines whether the line is crass and/or out of tune.

edit: and for the record, this is coming from a guy who both prefers G hornlines, and highly-visual show design...

Edited by MoonHill
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The funniest thing to me is that the same people who complain about not playing on G bugles anymore are the same ones complaining that visual dominates the activity and that's it's not musical anymore.

Yeah guys, we'd make it a whole lot more musical by switching back to horns that are crass and out of tune...

I'm sure today's manufacturing capabilities are far greater than 20 or 30 years ago. AND in my humble opinion, it was the players playing crass and out of tune, not the instruments. Granted the horns had their quirks and weak spots .. but they could all be overcome. Also, with today's instructional staff quality, I'm sure they could teach this generation how to play them better than we ever did (sans a few corps at the top every year).

The corps are buying new horns all the time because these ones don't stand up to the punishment. Why not get horns that are built for drum corps and suck it up. Let's see what they've got!

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I've said it other places, and I'll say it again here: The King two-valved G euphonium is one of the smoothest horns I've ever played. The Bb DEG euph I played around with in Rochester last year was a piece of crap in comparison.

I'm always going to be a little disappointed that when the "any key" rule came down, the whole of the movement was to Bb, with F mellos. The occasional C tubas, too, but rarely.

Not a single one of the really ridiculously financially-stable corps ever experimented with keeping the sops, baris, euphs and contras in G but switching the mellos/middle horns to C, thus achieving the tonal coverage a Bb/F line gets but at the lower basic key. I think it would be a neat sound, and while there wouldn't be as much of a sell-through ability, the initial investment would have been cheaper.

I won't even get into the fact that music education seems to be entirely focused on Bb horns, when teaching kids to play all sorts of different keys might actually be a worthwhile use of teaching time...

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Hey Jeff....have you heard any Saturday night attendance estimates yet? And most of the aftershow chatter has been about the stadium and Indy downtown. Much less about synths.

actually the synths sounded like a low rumble most of the time...you';ll see complaints on here about that.

as for attendance...i'm still waiting to see last year's numbers. I know this....if they announce it, expect a smaller number next year if they keep it there.

they already hit my card for next year, but if it sucks, they'll ban me for life.

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Yeah, I can't believe I'm helping to keep this tread alive but...

Despite the fact that I hate a lot of changes made to drum corps over the years, I have to admit that corps are better now than they ever were.

Shows are much more sophisticated and if a show is over your head (like a lot of them are for me) freaking educate yourself. I didn't know crap about Roman history until I wiki'd Spartacus. That is one of the wonderful things about Drum Corps, it can enlighten and open your mind to music that is deeper than well...pop that you can tap your toe too.

EVERYTHING sounds better (though not loud like I like) and there's better quality throughout the top 20...much better.

Sometimes you just have to let things go, drum corps may have been mine (in a way) 25 years ago but it's not anymore.

Oh and you are probably right MoonHill, the 2 valves horns could work as well if not better for Drum Corps...well maybe.

Ok, enough time wasted.

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The corps are buying new horns all the time because these ones don't stand up to the punishment. Why not get horns that are built for drum corps and suck it up. Let's see what they've got!

I think corps are buying new horns all the time because they can. They get GREAT deals form the horn companies because the horn manufacturers sell the brass instruments to students/high schools (which is the same reason drum lines have almost always gotten new drums year after year). It doesn't have a ton to do with horns holding up. The high school I teach at bought a line of mello's from a Top Yamaha-sponsored corps that have held up GREAT over the past 6 or 7 seasons. Back in the day, the only outlet for corps to sell old G pitched brass was to other corps (i.e. a World Class corps might sell their brass line to an Open Class corps), thus making it harder for most corps to replace their brass line consistently. It's a lot easier now, hence corps get new instruments on a regular basis.

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