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The history of the Westshoremen

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"Whooaaaa Sharrri, I'm in love... Cloooothes off, Clooothes off..."

Steve Perry attack. Oh noes!

Yeah- seeing "The Wall" should be fantastic- When they do "Comfortably Numb" think of me. When I did College Radio, that was my signature piece, suggested by my fellow DJ's. Why... I dunno!!!! :thumbup:

I still remember when Ben got the post card from Neal Peart with him in the middle of a lake surrounded by fog with his drums. It was really cool!

And Ben, speaking of Neal Peart- you know the Rush song "Red Barchetta!?" I race slot cars with the guy who basically wrote the short story the song is based on- he's friends with Neal, which is also pretty off the wall crazy.

Man, can't be mentioning Steve Perry around me, all I can think of is that gawd-aful song "Shari Baby", or "Separate Ways"...

"WHoooOOOOoooOAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa.... (sing this 88 octaves up...) If he ever hurts yooou... True Love.. Won't desert yooou..."

Oh, man, Headache. Need to play 1991 Crossmen to exorcise Steve Perry.... :tongue:

Yeah! that's cool! I still have the card (actually there are two of them) I have them in a frame with a pencil sketch print of Neil I've had forever.

"A Nice Morning Drive"...There was a Rush-related site a few years back that housed a lot of old articles from EARLY years (pre-Neil) through present day, as well as other related stuff (Tourbook verbiage, liner notes, etc) and that was in there. Interesting story! (I used to print them and take them with me to read on my morning constitutionals while at work) :tongue: (I know TMI!)

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Back to 1980. After learning a lot from HB and Jim, A lot of this starts to piece together. DCA did want to try and set up contests where there would be as many winners during the season to create interest. I know this was discussed with us at the time, and we did win our first DCA contest at Midland, PA the season before as a result of that policy. Also, reading between the lines, it was really tough for non-DCA members to get into shows. And, there were some corps outside the normal DCA geographical area like the T-Birds and Ohio Brass, for instance, that also needed support.

Hence that "DCA West" Swing we took in 1980. A 2-week, 3 show run out to Canton OH, Erie, and Jamestown, NY where we won the shows. The big one was actually Midland, where Sun was coming out to. I still remember Rook and I taking time on break to watch Sun's Snare line. Looking back on it, they knew how to rehearse and work on cleaning. Very focused and disciplined bunch of guys. All Rook and I knew is that they meant business, were not fooling around, and maybe we'd better bust our humps too.

We did hold off Sun, which added to our confidence, and it was a lot of fun for us to do the victory retreat stuff. It really was a good devlopment situation for us looking back at it. Get us out and get a taste of winning, then head back in and know we still had work to do to catch the big guys.

It also meant the corps was making some money by placing well at the contests. I know Larry told us he bugeted based on last place finishes at every contest. The corps' success and improvement also helped us monetarily.

The Hurcs got us by .3 at the big Rochester show while we held off Sun by .45. I think everyone was tense, and we held up okay, but I think we knew the heat was on.

The other big thing was the American legion nationals in Boston, at BU's Nickerson Field. The parade was long and hot, and staying in Peabody (Pibadee) Massatwochitts was also... interesting. Nothing to do except play Silverball mania until your quarters ran out and watch like 4 TV channels, which were all equally lame. "Meet the Press" would have been more exciting. No wonder the Bridgemen went looney there and superglued all the TV dials a couple of weeks before we showed up.

It unfortunately alerted the normals who ran the Holiday Inn that we could be an issue. There were like 8 of us plinking quarters down the single pinball machine playing in foursomes to kill time. One good thing was I think Rod Goodhart was there to work with the percussion, and I know he was very well liked by everyone in the drum line and his help was appreciated by them. Also a nice guy to the rest of us bums, too!

I went to the normals at the desk in desperation and asked if there was a nearby eatery- a McDonalds- anything! The walk would do me good.

"Oh, we have an I-Hop..."

"Great! Where!!?!?!"

"10 Miles down the road"...

To this day, I wonder what these people ever did in Pibadee. When H.P. Lovecraft wrote those crazy Horror stories about goofy, creepy places in New England, he must have been thinking of places like Pibadee, where there was nothing to do except hide in your homes and worship dark and eldritch gods, so it seemed, and maintain a normal appearance to the outsiders to hide your deep and profane secrets.

Anyhow, we went stir-crazy, and Virgin and others looted their rooms, and I mean looted their rooms like Lawrence of Arabia's Arabs looted the Turks. I know of some towel theives, but I'm still not calling them out.

The buses are pulling out, and two police cars move to block us. Well- at least it was more entertainment than we had been afforded in Pibadee up to that moment. I didn't take anything, so, I sat back and decided to be entertained by what was gonna go down in the next 10 minutes with the police and us. And, I was quite, quite, entertained.

Of course, Larry, (Who I do feel sorry for about this whole mess) comes onto the bus and says--

"Look. Some of you took things from the hotel rooms. Just give them back, no questions asked, and we can leave. We're not leaving until we give all their stuff back."

Hmmm..... Well, everyone on our bus sat tight. I figured the Lollipop Bus wasn't the issue. We look over at the Ogre Bus, figuring yeah, that could be the issue.

A procession of Lamps and objects d'art began to come out of Bus 2 in a steady stream. Cheap kitschy quasi-modern art paintings galore. Obviously Virgin didn't have a good eye for art worth stealing, or the Holiday Inn had such bad taste in art they actually wanted that crap back. They should have let Virgin steal it so they could buy velvet Elvis paintings and poker playing dog art as replacements that would have proven more appealing.

Thanks to Howie's hot foot, we got to Nickerson Field in time for the AL Championships, and we actually got to go on last because we were the defending champions, which was pretty cool in and of itself. Like we thought we'd win, but it was still neat.

You say the words "American Legion Champiohship for grabs!" out loud and you know the Cabs are gonna go flat out crazy to win it. They're syonymous with the term "American Legion National Champs". It was their 16th title! And... it was from what I see, also the last AL National Championship held until 1997, unless Corpsreps has holes in its database.

It was also the first turf field the corps had been on since the '78 New Orleans Superdome AL Championships, and that old style artificial turf stank. When it was wet, and it had rained ealier that day, it was like a thin carpet over concrete. When we did that pull down the horn, turn around fast in sequence, and get to our knees stunt to finish Spanish Dreams, all I remember was how daggone hard that turf was on the knees (OWTCH!!! #*&%*%*!!!!) and seeing big spatters of water everywhere as everyone in the hornline hit the deck.

(to be continued!)

Wow...I remember a LOT of lengthy bus rides that year! But I also remember making the best of them! If I'm not mistaken, the Canton show was where a group decided to go skinny dipping in the hotel pool (which was closed for the evening) After my swim, I remember pulling on my suit, and going to one of the tables to have a smoke and a beer, when a flashlight came around the corner...The next thing I know is there was a cop shining his light on Jeff Raudabaugh's...um...'little soldier' and the cop telling him to FREEZE! I casually draped my towel over my beer and got the flock out of there...Rick was still in the pool and searching like crazy for his trunks....the cop told him to get out of the pool and he refrained because he couldn't find his trunks (which were at the bottom of the pool) Long story short (well short because my quick exit, as well as a few others that happened to be out) Jeff got taken "down town" and Larry had to go get him.

Legion Nationals was an EEEEEN-teresting trip to say the least! I can add a lot to that story! One was anytime the corps got put into a hotel, drinking was definitely paramount to any other activity we had planned! I remember the hotel security guy. (Fat bald guy that looked like William Conrad from the old Cannon show from the early-mid 70's) So we referred to him as Cannon! This dude was ALL OVER the hotel while we were partying...but I'm getting JUST a little ahead of things....I remember the show, and waiting in the bowels of some warehouse before we went on the field (and if I'm not mistaken, we went LAST since we were the reigning champions) SO Larry provided champagne for the entire corps and we had a toast to, well ourselves, before going out and stepping off (I blame that toast on our losing....that's my story and I'm sticking TO IT!) Anyway...of course after any show, partying is in order, and COULD WE PARTY BABY!!! Larry related at one point that he had explicitly requested that the corps be situated on one or two floors since he KNEW that there would be room hopping, partying, and just all out fun after the show! Well, it DIDN'T happen that way, and we were spread all over that poor doomed establishment! And of course, after working hard WE PLAYED HARD! Well Mr. Cannon was around every corner telling people to get back to their rooms, we were disturbing the guests, there must have been two or three of them, because no matter where you went THERE HE WAS! We didn't pay much attention to him, but I remember buzzing around to everyone that it would be a good idea if you were under the legal age, to make sure you DIDN'T get caught with anything, and I don't recall any busts like that.

Well after a long crazy night, we got up the next day and had a few hours to kill before the banquet, (and the parade) Seeing it was summer, and the hotel had a pool, we did a little swimming, thankfully (something to do) When it was time for the banquet, we all dressed in suits and dresses and had a nice meal and the awards, etc. Of course there was PLENTY of alcohol at the dinner, so most of us went right back to our party state! Once the festivities were over, a bunch of us decided that it was time to go to the pool again! (this time with bathing suits) As some of the banquet attendees exited the room, they walked by the pool, and of course, being drum corps, you KNOW someone was getting thrown in in a suit! A few suits and dresses made it into the pool, and it was all harmless fun....well harmless until McShane decided to stand in his hotel room window and threaten to JUMP! (Ironically, Mr. McShane, by day (I was once told, and this MAY be inaccurate) was an executive with Holiday Inns banquet division in PA, MD, and NJ.) Well Tom was having a blast and stripping bits and pieces of clothing and tossing them out the window. Of course Cannon arrived and tried to stop the festivities (and apparently Rich Templin tried to slug the dude at one point) I also seem to recall Steve Bollinger flashing from his window as well.

Anyway, it was about this time when Larry told us to go, quickly pack and get to the busses! When someone would start to ask a question Larry would just yell "GO NOW!" So we did, and of course, we left them something to remember us by...MY room decided to take the beds apart, and stack the mattresses NEATLY in the corner, while using the bed frames to make a nice Indian "tee-pee" in the middle of the room with the bed spreads. (we took the towels and sheets, and probably the ash trays...sidenote...when we were cleaning my fathers basement a few years back and having a yard sale, I found a box with about 50 ashtrays from various hotels) Bowser fund a way to block the toilet, and we left the water running in the sink and bath tub (tub drain clogged of course!) And as Big W reports, there were two MA State Troopers blocking the busses....AND a few more cars, each with two cops escorting us out of Pibodee! I recall someone yelling "MOON 'EM!" as we passed, but we figured, nah!

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Oh crap... I almost forgot the parade!!!! After we left the hotel, we had to do the parade in Boston! So the busses went to our staging area, and we all changed and got out the gear, and warmed up...still feeling the effects of the banquet and night before. Brother Dave decided to wear a guard skirt over his pants, and all of the drummers took the gear out of the "saddle bags" on their drums and fill them with beer and alcohol! Every time we stopped, we set down the drums and had a beverage break! I don't think we won any awards for that parade, but it was definitely a FUN one!!!!

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Oh, yeah, that whole "Pool incident" in Canton....

Other stuff happened in that Days Inn, too.

Denny the mello player- also a good friend-- who incidentally was in the seat next to me when Howie hit the arrow--- got so messed up...

Hmm- better set this up.

Someone gained access to the Days Inn conference room.

Needless to say, a party started in there. Even Chuck was supposedly involved in this party.

Denny was a former Capuchin Monk of all things, and well he got really under the influence.

He told me later on the bus when his head cleared and when he got some help from others piecing together what happened, He took a banana, sliced it into wafers, and offered them up as communion. Brother Dave was also mixed up in that stuff as well.

Where was I and what was I doing? :thumbup:

Good question!

Benny Behrens was hungry after the show. He wanted "Pizza Pie", and I directly quote him. He thought he knew where to get some, and well, "Little Pete" Messina, Bill Light, and I figured we'd better go with Benny because it was dark and late and we didn't want him getting ran over, so we gave chase.

We walked for a good hour total, I think finally, after NOT finding anything down the road Benny was walking, Bill and Pete (I tried, believe me as well, but who freakin ever listens to me!?) tried to convince him there was no pizza pie down that way on the highway, got us turned around before we became hoplessly lost, and we found a Denny's where Bill and Pete convinced him Spaghetti and Meatballs was a good second place to Pizza Pie. So, I had a great late night dinner with Bill, Pete and Benny, great conversation about old school Drum Corps stuff, and went to bed, hearing later about Rickie Lee, you, and the pool, and Denny trying to get over his hangover and piecing together what happened in that conference room with Brother Dave doing "Swing Low" in language for the deaf and Chuck seriouslly partying as well.

I think also, that Canton weekend, McShane also went crazy in a mall. Of course when that happened, Howie, Rook and I were with Benny for lunch at the Big Wrangler Steak (YES, STEAK and Benny which was why the three of us were there!!!!) House, but all of that's another story.

Whether or not I got mixed up in the really crazy stuff, I found interesting things to do anyhow. :tongue:

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isn't that the trip where McShane came out of the pool holding a bathing suit, and asking the lifeguard if someone lost theirs....and this poor teenage girl realized it was his?

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here's another good one to entertain you guys while you try to reclaim lost brain cells :thumbup:

1995, early July, Allentown PA. After a ###### rehearsal at the usual Allentown rehearsal site, we all hit the road and headed down to JBC and the park. So, we're sitting there, eating ( McD's), and bass 2, Eric Gettler...a Cedar Crest kid with good hands and an ok brain, decides to cross Hamilton BLVD to the convenience store to get cigars for post show. He was riding with me, and at that time, we weren't doing Sunday rehearsals if we had a show on Saturday.

so, as he heads off, we keep eating and killing time, when we hear tires screech and a lot of people yelling up on Hamilton. I look up, and start to go investigate, when Chris Pagotto, the bass tech, comes over to me with his book..." don't get up, finish eating and start looking at bass 2's notes. Eric just got hit by a car, and you're basses 1 and 2 tonight".

oh yeah, that made the bass feature fun...not!!!

so i cram in as many notes as possible, we work on the bass break really quick before warmups and off we go.

as we're heading to the gate, Jerry comes up and says Eric is on his way to the hospital broken leg. Jerry informed him this one time he'd be excused for missing a show :tongue:

show came off well, won drums and I think just missed beating Bush as we climbed our way back up to the top 3....and we go sit to watch the junior corps.

Many people kept coming up and asking me "dude, why were you so far away from bass 2 in the drill?"

my reply: " because that was bass 3, bass 2 was on his way to the hospital."

even funnier, Chris Miles jumps in on 2 the next week and crams as much of the show as he can in one night and one day, and marches that night. 3 and I talk him thru the drill during the show ( ok...turn 2, 3, 4 hit! etc)...and the only notes he drops were a bass run in the drum solo....where we were the only thing playing :tongue:

loved the field tape that night....wow, must be a bunch of drill changes, 1 and 3 are doing a lot of talking about drill and when and where to go :ph34r:

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Oh, yeah, that whole "Pool incident" in Canton....

Other stuff happened in that Days Inn, too.

Denny the mello player- also a good friend-- who incidentally was in the seat next to me when Howie hit the arrow--- got so messed up...

Hmm- better set this up.

Someone gained access to the Days Inn conference room.

Needless to say, a party started in there. Even Chuck was supposedly involved in this party.

Denny was a former Capuchin Monk of all things, and well he got really under the influence.

He told me later on the bus when his head cleared and when he got some help from others piecing together what happened, He took a banana, sliced it into wafers, and offered them up as communion. Brother Dave was also mixed up in that stuff as well.

Where was I and what was I doing? :thumbup:

Good question!

Benny Behrens was hungry after the show. He wanted "Pizza Pie", and I directly quote him. He thought he knew where to get some, and well, "Little Pete" Messina, Bill Light, and I figured we'd better go with Benny because it was dark and late and we didn't want him getting ran over, so we gave chase.

We walked for a good hour total, I think finally, after NOT finding anything down the road Benny was walking, Bill and Pete (I tried, believe me as well, but who freakin ever listens to me!?) tried to convince him there was no pizza pie down that way on the highway, got us turned around before we became hoplessly lost, and we found a Denny's where Bill and Pete convinced him Spaghetti and Meatballs was a good second place to Pizza Pie. So, I had a great late night dinner with Bill, Pete and Benny, great conversation about old school Drum Corps stuff, and went to bed, hearing later about Rickie Lee, you, and the pool, and Denny trying to get over his hangover and piecing together what happened in that conference room with Brother Dave doing "Swing Low" in language for the deaf and Chuck seriouslly partying as well.

I think also, that Canton weekend, McShane also went crazy in a mall. Of course when that happened, Howie, Rook and I were with Benny for lunch at the Big Wrangler Steak (YES, STEAK and Benny which was why the three of us were there!!!!) House, but all of that's another story.

Whether or not I got mixed up in the really crazy stuff, I found interesting things to do anyhow. :tongue:

You mean Denny Chiavetta??? now THERE was a whack job!!! I think they modeled Dick Soloman (from Third Rock from the Sun) after him!! Dude was way out in left field, facing the wall, and the game was yesterday! HE was two french fries short a brick wall!

Wow...I could never figure out how Benny ate steaks with both of his teeth! Man could eat his way out of anything!

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isn't that the trip where McShane came out of the pool holding a bathing suit, and asking the lifeguard if someone lost theirs....and this poor teenage girl realized it was his?

Hard to say, there were SO many incidents! That one, him wearing Sue Troutmans bathing suit etc... man was h*ll near water! :thumbup:

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Whether or not I got mixed up in the really crazy stuff, I found interesting things to do anyhow. :thumbup:

I TRIED that approach, but always seemed to get stuck hearing Bowser crying in his beer (or puking) over some bimbette (the bimbo of the week) that dissed him! My partying was always hard, but the end of the night, when Mr. Casanova didn't score, it was a buzz-kill!

Then again, hanging out with Rickie Lee for a good part of the time was interesting to say the least! I really missed him in 1988 Reading! (although I tried!)

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Hey they didn't call Craig "Colonel Urinal" for nothing.

Some time I have to tell that story up at the Gap in 79 and what was up with Joe Soprano and why after that, I was careful about drinking. I learned a lot of lessons off of Craig, Joe, and Mark Plotts.

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