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Is DCI trying to eliminate the older fans?

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The times, they are a changin'. Ron Burgundy never heard that song.

Though DCI is changing because the corps themselves are changing. Compared to what may have been in VFW, or CYO, DCI has always charged forward at a rapid pace. That hasn't slowed today. Every year I see things happening somewhere in the activity I never thought possible. This is good. Seeing shows from now compared to 1972 can be worlds apart. Still the fact remains that you are seeing a group of individuals running around a football field playing music. The formula was a success, and thus hasn't really changed. I applaud the accomplishments, and the creative streak that brings them about.

From a fans point of view however times are far different. Social media, the internet, and all the forms in which we as a society can consume information and entertainment have advanced tremendously. Webcasts, youtube, FB, and Flickr can all be relevant sources to watch the activity from afar when need be. Fans are expecting ease of access to come with high quality these days. I see the proposed changes as a way to expand access, and make it easier for fans to see a live show. I'm not sure how all of this will play out, but I want to witness it happen. Any governing body that doesn't experience revolution can become complacent. DCI was a revolution, and now possibly stands at the brink of yet another. Something else to push the activity forward. We have DVD's, VHS, and even LP's as a means to remember the greatest shows ever thrown down. I look forward to cheering on some of the greatest shows yet to be done.

As DCI comes to grips with change in the media landscape there will be decisions that are difficult. Reach out to new potential fans? Or please the home crowd? They aren't mutually exclusive goals. Bringing drum corps where there previously would not have been however is simply never a bad thing. I cannot think of a single show that I thought was useless or unneeded. The changes proposed by the G7 corps reflect a desire to expand on the current schedule for their own needs. Far be it from me to cast stones at them. They wish to bring greater opportunity for people to enjoy their passion. That is an honest goal with the potential for numerous benefits. I'll keep an eye on this over the summer. I hope more do the same.

Edited by Phirefenix
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Whether or not DCI is purposefuly trying to eliminate older fans is debatable. What I don't think is debatable is that the legacy fans, though maybe not as numerous as the young band kids in the stands, are unfailingly loyal to the activity and regularly make a significant financial contribution. How many 15 year olds can afford the steep costs of tickets to multiple events? How many routinely donate large sums to individual corps? How many sponsor corps members year after year? (My own financial support -- through ticket/merchandise purchases and donations -- totals several thousand dollars each year.) To ignore or even unwillingly alienate these people seems rather foolhardy.


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Not to mention a lot of the corps use electronics that are really not built/marketed for outdoor use. Several of the Yamaha corps use the Motif, a top of the line keyboard that really shouldn't be outside 15 hours a day. I think as far as electronics are concerned, the real "motivation" behind DCI making the change is because most of the designers and instructors use them in WGI. While the marching band ratio of uses synths/doesn't use synths might skew in favor of doesn't use (and it's not really debatable, as there are SO many small HS bands who do rah-rah type shows for athletic events and don't compete), the ratio in WGI is nearly 100%, and has been pretty much since the beginning. When the activity is saturated with the same designers/instructors doing both DCI and WGI at the highest levels, the needs and design tendencies will naturally conform.

and...WGI has made it work. well. DCI hasn;'t.

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and...WGI has made it work. well. DCI hasn;'t.

I certainly don't disagree with that. Just about everything in regards to show design is trial and error: what didn't work for some corps in 1980 (asymmetrical drill) worked like gang-busters in following years. What worked for Cadets in 2005 (from a competitive standpoint), didn't work as well in 2006.

Of course, this circular argument (electronics have merit but are not always going to work vs. electronics haven't been perfect so far we should get rid of it altogether) isn't really the topic at hand. I personally think that it's ludicrous if people think that somewhere behind closed doors DCI is intentionally trying to alienate fans. I think they make decisions based on what they believe is best for them with the understanding that they wouldn't please everyone all of the time. Some years are better from a popularity stand point than others, and show design has been constantly changing as designers get new ideas, want to try bright shiny new toys, etc. If people like the 'acquired' taste of drum corps as they know/knew it and don't like certain changes, there's not a lot DCI can do about it. They're not going to drop electronics because a faction of the fans don't like it. Attendance has fluctuated quite a bit in the 15 or so years Dan A. has been the head guy at DCI: some years in the 90's were horrible attendance wise (Jackson, many of the Orlando years), while some years in the 2000's have been significantly better.

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I dont think anyone has purposely tried to #### off fans, minus one or two people and some comments made over the years.

but I dont think they realized from a business perspective, it's better to keep your core while adding on, as opposed to having periodic turnover and starting anew.

I've given DCI a lot of #### over the years, and I feel most of it rightfully so. But I have given them props too, and here I'll give some.

DCI was in bad shape suring the Sam Mitchell era. attendance at 95 finals was horrid. Dan got in there, rolled up his sleeves, and being a former director, I think he was a great choice because he understood the problems on that end. Slowly DCi started coming back, if you take out the 2nd and 3rd Orlando years. finals attendance grew. local shows seemed to be doing better. yes, some corps came and went, but as time went on, DCI got a lot better about helping corps build the business the right way.

then earlier this past decade, things started really turning around. I remember Dan at the Friend banquet in 02 being able to say finals had 20,000 paid attendance. key word paid..not kids with their wrist bands, vendors and vips with their super special passes. PAID. He was thrilled. Had the chance to meet Mr. Warren in the restroom, and he asked what I thought...I said " finally turning a corner" and he agreed. regardless of what I thought of rules changes the next few years, it kept building....til the last 3 years.

as more rules changes came and went, more fans felt alienated and started to bail. Indy was announced, and, well, even DCI has had to admit that caused issues. Then the economy tanked.

But..in the last year, I see a willingness to be open out of DCI HQ Ive NEVER seen before. Jacobs has done wonders for their credibility. He didnt do that without the directors and Dan signing off on it.

But....is it too little too late? can those fans that walked come back? Of all the efforts to get band kids the last few years, how many have stuck and become die hards for life? How many people got ###### off over some comments made in the past and won't come back?

this is the biggest area I feel DCI dropped the ball. Yes band kids are the future...but to them, it's been at the expense of the lifers how stuck with them thru thick and thin.

I know so many people who were there in 95 when attendance sucked that are long gone. Imagine if they stayed...Indy's crowd would have been huge, even in this economy

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Is DCI trying to eliminate the older fans?

Yes. They want to get rid of people who pay them money. :tongue:

Edited by BlooContraGuy
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I love how people specify 'older fans' on this stuff. I hate electronics, synths, woodwinds, the whole nine yards... (though I'm fine with Bb) and I'm still of marching age... Everyone acts like all the kids involved are okay with this stuff, and, well, I'm not.

I started with a valve/rotor. I LOVED the Yamaha Bb I got to play for awhile. It was a super nice horn. What I've noticed though, it's much more challenging to get that G horn to sound great. So if we can just get you to side with the G...lol... us "old folk" will be thrilled...lol.

On another note, with all the new stuff I think they need to quit calling it drum corps. It's not drum (and bugle) corps any more... it really isn't. I'm not sure WHAT it is, but certainly not drum corps with singing and woodwinds and synths and electronics... sorry. :tongue:

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Yes. They want to get rid of people who pay them money. :rock:

.... and it's working! :tongue:

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Its all about money so why would they want to get rid of people?
Its all about money so why would they want to get rid of people?
Don't worry about losing the older fans. They're long gone. Oh, they gave DCI a chance for about ten years but finally vanished in the 1980s after the Mod Squad succeeded into changing D&BC to the "Bolshoi Ballet Meets Ingmar Bergman".

Of course They don't *want* to lose ticket sales, but They have always known what's best anyway, and all the little 'theys' let them get by with their ultimate goals anyways as they gazed with sighing admiration upon the lofty Theys who set policy, so let's forget all that tradition stuff with color-presentations and concert numbers and start-at-the-left/finish-at-the-right genuine Beginnings and Endings that those old poops at the VFW/AL who started and nourished the D&BC movement invented, those silly old fuddy-duddies who were still fighting WWII and who didn't matter anymore because, hey, "We're gonna do Total Programs now!" (Remember those 1971 Midwest Combine buzzwords?)

"What's that you're saying, old-timer? Ninety-five percent of America's D&BCs have folded? Ah, but look at the QUALITY of what's left! You just don't get it, Gramps. Now get lost because we're in charge and we're cool and you're not, and ... hey, where'd everybody go?

It's 2020. Guy walks into a bar (maybe at a VFW post) and asks the bartender "Hey, who won DCI Nationals this year?" Bartender says "nobody". Za-boom!

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"What's that you're saying, old-timer? Ninety-five percent of America's D&BCs have folded? Ah, but look at the QUALITY of what's left! You just don't get it, Gramps. Now get lost because we're in charge and we're cool and you're not, and ... hey, where'd everybody go?[/b]

You're cool and we're not? Quality? Are you kidding? I can think of 5 people right now that teach brass lines in DCI that could rip your face off with a G horn right now, no valves, valve/rotor, two valve, three valve.... pike one! So exactly where do you think you got that "quality and coolness?"

I know of a few people teaching drill that got there start with those 'unqualified old-timers'. You're cool? Really! You know what quality is? Really! I suppose you're an expert on talent too! And 95% of those old-timers helping you being so cool were in those 95% of D&BCs that folded (and they had a bunch of friends that were just as good too, sometimes better, but hey, what do I know?)

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