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Best/Worst 2011 Overall Show Design

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Such a great year for DCI. I've enjoyed so many shows. So tough to come up with just two. I thought about expanding the best (and leaving out the worst so as not to be too critical), but decided to be disciplined and play by the rules. I really do respect ALL the corps for what they do. This has been a terrific season!

Best Show Design:

Cadets - They have the total package. It's vintage Cadets, yet gives us something new and fresh at the same time. This is the kind of show that speaks volumes as to why they are who they are. It's a representation of everything the Cadets have become known for: traditional yet progressive all at once. I love everything about this show! 'Nuff said.

Blue Devils - For years I felt that their domination rested mostly on stellar performance. In recent years, they've pushed the boundaries of their show designs into new areas and stretched their creative wings. Couple this with that same stellar performance and you have domination on a totally higher level. I don't care what the skeptics say, this is a masterfully orchestrated and performed show, props and all. Mesmerizing (musically and visually) from first note to last.

Worst Show Design:

Blue Stars - I respect a corps that aims high. Sometimes, though, when you aim that high and miss, that fall to earth hurts a bit more. I find too many disconnects with this show design, too much scattered focus and incoherence. It's a shame because I think what they were aiming for was ambitious (in a good way) and could have been very special, not just with the crowds but with the judges as well. Too many design miscalculations for my tastes.

Crossmen - It seems a lot of folks are happy with this show as some sort of return to the "glory days" of their past. I can respect that, but at the same time, that's the problem. Their glory days are so long ago that this show comes off to me as extremely dull, slow, and outdated. It's an imitation of a programming style that is long gone in DCI. It's no surprise they've lost competitive steam the past few weeks. I've always liked the Crossmen, but this corps seems rudderless to me.

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Crossmen - It seems a lot of folks are happy with this show as some sort of return to the "glory days" of their past. I can respect that, but at the same time, that's the problem. Their glory days are so long ago that this show comes off to me as extremely dull, slow, and outdated. It's an imitation of a programming style that is long gone in DCI. It's no surprise they've lost competitive steam the past few weeks. I've always liked the Crossmen, but this corps seems rudderless to me.

I respect that you feel this way about their show. Full melodies may be considered extremely dull and slow for you, but I welcome having arrangements that make sense and are just 10 minutes of one effect after another that serves no cohesive purpose. I know melody is certainly an outdated concept. tongue.gif

I think it would be best to have a balance between the two. Visually, I think they march fine. It's not slow, it's not fast.

I would like to point out that they received an 80.9 for 17th place last year. In Erie, PA they received an 81.850 with about a week to go. They'll probably still end up in 17th place, but I think this design has turned them around. Maybe they'll be able to climb with this better type of design? I just don't see where you can say that they've lost competitive steam. They started the season at 17th, and they'll likely end it there, but with a higher score than last year. They're obviously moving up to me.

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I like melody just fine, thanks. Thing is, if you look up and down DCI this year, you'll find lots of melodic content. Maybe not as much as you or others might want, but certainly more than we've come to expect in the past several years. It's their presentation of that melodic content that seems outdated and leaves a lot to be desired for my tastes, especially when placed in direct contrast to what's being rewarded in the activity. If this show came out 15-20 years ago, I'd probably love it. I just think there is an opportunity for a corps like them to field a more modern DCI show and still retain the qualities of melody and groove and style that fans respond to, and that can also be rewarded in the activity from a competitive standpoint. That's the balance I'd be far more interested in seeing, and for all I know, maybe that's what they are building up to. I hope it is. But this thread is all about 2011 and I can only comment on what I see and hear from them this year.

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Another Worst is Blue Stars. Love,Love the show from a design point and from what I heard of your hornline it rocked. Probably my favorite visual show of the season. Those freaking amps and synthesizers ruined your show for you. George Hopkins figured out this year you do not need to go overboard with all the fluff. Just shut up and play.

Blue Stars hornline is incredibly powerful, sadly they've got the electronics cranked up so loud that they get buried.

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Sticking to Original Topic, slightly modified:

Strong Design:

Cadets - might not love the music in the first 1/3 of the show, but overall this show just works exceptionally well.

Phantom - flat ... out ... gorgeous. It's a beautiful show, cemented by being taken up a notch at the Meadowlands. I the visual program is actually quite good and very appropriate - and if you look at recaps, this show is being carried by GE and Visual scores. The moon & sun sets are quite effective (Juliet is the Sun) and that building wedge of guard that accents the building Elsa's music is just brilliant.

Crown - So the visual program is not the best, musically this show is wonderful, and what could have been a disasterously cheesy concept works very, very well.

BD - I don't love the props, and there could be more drill, but the music is delicious, and there ARE visual highlights.

Boston - for the first 1/2 of their show

Blue Knights - oozing with demand and crowd appeal - a rare combination

Madison Scouts - what a tasteful job with a sensitive topic, and oh so emotional. That closer is so uplifting. Not the best visual design, but a very moving show.

Weak Design:

SCV - while this show has some visual highlights, the music and overall accessibility and effectiveness of this show is just not there. Easily to me the poorest SCV show design since 1993.

Blue Stars - Still ok, but no where near the stellar design Blue Stars have been bringing since 2008. Way too much sameness through this show, and the visual program is far too compact

Bluecoats - a pale and tired rehash of last year, apart from some highlights with the "Creep" opener.

Just my humble opinions - since this is by nature a very subjective thread.


Edited by TexasPRfan
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Best Cadets for all the reasons stated. The show has so much going for it. Very well thought out.

Another Best for me was CC. Love love that show.

Worst. Teal sound. I have a different word for your sound but the censor here would spike it.

Another Worst is Blue Stars. Love,Love the show from a design point and from what I heard of your hornline it rocked. Probably my favorite visual show of the season. Those freaking amps and synthesizers ruined your show for you. George Hopkins figured out this year you do not need to go overboard with all the fluff. Just shut up and play.

isn't this thread about show design???

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Worst Show Design:

Blue Stars - I respect a corps that aims high. Sometimes, though, when you aim that high and miss, that fall to earth hurts a bit more. I find too many disconnects with this show design, too much scattered focus and incoherence. It's a shame because I think what they were aiming for was ambitious (in a good way) and could have been very special, not just with the crowds but with the judges as well. Too many design miscalculations for my tastes.

Has anyone seen the Bourne movies, the are very segmented and until the end of the movies they may seem incoherent. Do I this is the best designed show? No. Worst? No.

It is just a little to scattered for the field to be great. If they utilized the scaffolding a little more, I think this could be a better show. But I also thinks it limits a corps whose drill in past years was great even through the props. I just don't see how this show is the worst designed of the year.

Edited by Rubiks6Side
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Blue Stars - Still ok, but no where near the stellar design Blue Stars have been bringing since 2008. Way too much sameness through this show, and the visual program is far too compact


I respect your opinion and agree with the design compared to previous years. But do people actually think that the drill is "that" compact. I think its great drill and it looks better the higher you are (the judges box).

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I respect your opinion and agree with the design compared to previous years. But do people actually think that the drill is "that" compact. I think its great drill and it looks better the higher you are (the judges box).

Well, this is a subjective topic. I sat very high in Allentown and low at TOC at the Meadowlands. I think that Bluestars visual program gets weaker the higher you sit. It's a jumbled compact mess in my opinion. To each their own, of course!

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Crossmen - It seems a lot of folks are happy with this show as some sort of return to the "glory days" of their past. I can respect that, but at the same time, that's the problem. Their glory days are so long ago that this show comes off to me as extremely dull, slow, and outdated. It's an imitation of a programming style that is long gone in DCI. It's no surprise they've lost competitive steam the past few weeks. I've always liked the Crossmen, but this corps seems rudderless to me.

I can understand where you're coming from on this. But. . . it's not about a return to glory days. It's about re-establishing a foundation. You're not gonna see the steeple on the church until you finish the foundation.

Rudderless? Nah. . . just that the rudder had to do a 180 degree turn in cold water. Crowds standing up, melodies being played, kids coming back, excitement in the organization. These are the ingredients that lead to a better future.

It's not leading to a return of Pat Metheny or "Birdland" for the 19th time, or to "non" programming. It's a foundation. Enjoy it for what it is, and look for more next year.

The sun now sets on the bow instead of the stern.


all the best,

Chuck Naffier

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