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Everything posted by jjeffeory

  1. We had Shapiro's one day. Another day, we walked to Naf Naf and had middle eastern fast food. The first day we ate at home and then shared oh philly steak at LOS.
  2. If they have good designs, they will recruit well. If they don't then they won't. The gender makeup of the corps doesn't matter. They're not interested in going coed at this time, and if they were, it'd have to be a logistical nightmare. They'd have to implement slowly from an administrative standpoint and a logistical standpoint.
  3. I disagreed a little with this until I processed that you said **JUST REWARD**. I think the opposite happens now, and we don't get a lot of sustained fast marching, we get marching in pods and a lot of boring cluster forms and compact drill. I think there should be room for all styles to be rewarded if they're performed well. That's just my take.
  4. ...and that doesn't matter anymore. Notice that there isn't as much drill on the field as before? IT. DOESN'T MATTER.
  5. A lot of you commenters don't know what you're talking about. Just saying, there is opinion and wrong conclusions about what's going on being posted in this thread. I find out new things everyday about certain corps that I can't share, and I know that many here don't know as much as you claim... I've cut down on posting because of what I've learned this season.... Have fun guessing who goes where and when they did whatever they did. We get a lot of misinformation here...
  6. Ok, 87 to 88 Madison shows, 6 to 1st. Sorry, I'm at semifinals and was guess off the top of me head, Daddy.
  7. Honestly, I think this year's corps has been slotted for 10th or 11th. I was there in person, and I felt that they had a better run than Colts last night, and were close to Blue Stars. They've really polished what they've been given and were pretty "on" last night. We shall see what happens at Semifinals!
  8. I'm not actually confused about your post, but I wanted to make sure you got all the emoticons on this post!
  9. Good score increase and interesting changes. Gone is the first solo. Probably for the best, and doesn't hurt the show.
  10. We want what is best for the CURRENT members. It is a brotherhood with all opinions stated, but at the end of the day we want the organization to thrive. I know that all the groups are like this, I just want to state it for the Cavaliers!
  11. The alumni are supportive of the guys first and foremost!
  12. They keep making changes to the show. Drums are doing better. Maybe Mike's back?
  13. Best run yet, Cavalier nation! Disappointed that the score went down, but we will see what the rest of the season holds for you.
  14. BD is hanging onto 2nd pretty well. Cavaliers still currently above Blue Stars and Colts despite being dirty visually and with the brass and guard dirt. Hope they continue to fix and clean. Maybe add some power too, but nice shaping in the brass. Good job to all corps.
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