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Best/Worst 2011 Overall Show Design

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Two sides of equal morality? :blink: What does that even mean?

I'm pretty sure sure the guys in red are evil.

It's pretty clear at the end when the "angels" shove the "demons" down onto their knees (while playing an exhilarating final chord). :-)

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1. Cadets

2. Crown

They both entertain the crap out of me.


1. Blue Knights (I've already seen the 1970-1971 27th show. No need to do it again. Nice push up to 144 bpm though :tongue: ).

2. Madison (Insulting to any true NYers).

What in the world insults you about Madisons show?

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I've said before that the whole NY thing might be a little offensive to NY'ers.

But - are the Scouts "using" this horrible event for the purpose of cementing this show as an epic pillar of Drum Corps history? Or rather, were they using this memorable event to make this show memorable for years to come just to keep the Madison Scouts brand popular?

Personally, I don't think this is true, but I guess it is open to debate...

Or were they just really trying to do a show about 9/11? Other than this part of the show, I'm not sure what about this show has to do with NYC.

The music is great, most of the drill is good, not too hard, but the closer just doesn't have any drill - and for me, seeing people just kinda "moseying" on up to the frontfield just doesn't do it for me. But I guess when you end a show with a ballad, your options for drill are kinda limited...

In any case, I don't think this show is anywhere near being "worst design", from either a musical or visual perspective. In fact, I think it's one of the top 4 best shows this year from a musical standpoint.

Best Visual Programs:

Cadets (No need to elaborate here. We all know how awesome it is.)

Spirit (Loving the street lamps and the bar stools. Need one or two more visual props, though, to make it that much more thematic.)

SCV (They keep moving and moving.)

Crown (This visual book may not be the best, but it's still better than most - especially with the new ending.)

Honorable Mention: Cavaliers. Stilt-monsters keep me watching closely to see if one of them falls down. :tongue: But I have never seen one fall on accident yet. Kudos!!

Best Music Programs:

Blue Devils (Phenomenal, again. Top notch arrangements, again. Good selection of music, again.)

Cavaliers (Excellent variety, keeps me engaged, love the Bach & the Jungle Tango.)

Crown (Excellent mix of Rach and Rock. Good arrangements. Loving the Paint It Black.)

Spirit (Probably the most entertaining music program this year. Incredible theme.)

Phantom (Glitzy and pretty, as usual. This is the only reason they are in 5th. Liking last year's music better though.)

Crossmen (Who doesn't like Spinning Wheel???)

Scouts (Good mix of exciting jazz music, and sentimental music at the end. Not a fan of the middle ballad though.)

Honorable Mention: Blue Knights (Who can't include these favorite wind band tunes that most of us know? Very good arrangements, besides.)

I'll include some negative stuff here, although I told myself I wouldn't be negative anymore on here, but I guess criticism can be a good thing. Staffs need to know when people don't connect with their show, and why, so they can go back and try a new direction the next season.

Most disappointing show design - Teal Sound. Their show is Sinvitation 7 - but nothing about this show seems to have ANYthing to do with sins, or namely, the 7 deadly sins. It really sounds like a show about middle eastern music, and that's about it. Nothing about the drill has anything to do with anything, either. And there is hardly any variety in this show.

The electronic clarinet is cool, something I've never heard before in a drum corps - and same with the fiddle. I don't really have any problems with those - it's better to have kids playing the music rather than a synthesizer, or a recording :thumbdown:

But I am just not getting this show at all. I'd like to hear something exciting from this corps next year - maybe something about their home state of Florida? Something positive and uplifting. This corps has potential, they just need a really good show that will highlight their positives.

Glassmen - nice theme, just doesn't seem to work - and the brass always sounds out of tune, and I think that is due to too much harmony in the trumpets, which also makes the sound wear thin. Also, the music sounds VERY similar to last year's show in more than one or two spots :ph34r:.

This is another corps with a lot of potential that needs something totally new and uplifting. How about a patriotic show? Please, nothing more new-age-y. Would be tickled to see this corps back in 5th sometime in the future.

Anyways, just my $.02

Edited by BoyWonder1911
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My Opinion of course

Best: Cadets. All the reasons have already been stated in previous posts.

Runner Up: Phantom. Anyone that says this show is boring, has completely forgotten what its about. Find something that you love so incredibly much that you are willing to die for, and now imagine that Phantom is playing that show just for you, and just for that reason... then maybe you can find a new appreciation.

Worst: Teal Sound.... yulpers

Runner Up: Glassmen, sorry to my friends that march there : / but this show is not okay with me lol

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Best : Cadets. Cool concept, visually very creative, especially with the constrasting meter beat and marching at different cadences, then bringing the two elements together at different stages. Guard with sparkling pole effect works well. So much to like here. This is just a total visual treat, imo

Very good: Phantom. Safe show visually, but it still has very appealing music, and it has a readily identifiable

theme. I'm big on understanding the theme, and the music, so this works for me re. design.

Boston. Again, it's an easily identifiable theme, with music that matches the theme ( Revolution )with

a nice creative blend of Le Miz and 1812. Not a fan of the silk, but Corps does not rely too

much on artificially created synthetic sound, and thats also a plus in my book. Corps has nice

use of color in the show with flags, and guard unis that match, and the bari solo is wonderful

Crown. I give them kudos for taking on a musical genre that seemed to have been lost of late ( Rock )

Very intriguing show concept that blended Rock and Classical... and it worked for me.

Percussion may not score well, but the percussion parts fit the music well, imo. Fun show.

Once again, easily recognizable theme ( which is important in my evaluations ). Guard fits the

theme well, as does the visual.

Worst : Blue Stars. Good drum line, good brass talent, starts out with an intriguing concept with some of the

marchers elevated, but as the show unfolds it devolves into a mish mash of confused

concepts where the individual pieces do not fit the whole, nor come together in the end in

coherent fashion, imo. There are some moments, ballad, that are appealing however.

Meh : SCV. Interesting visual, solid percussion, storyline is intriguing, and the solo marcher running

at different stages in the show is a nice concept, and some visual moves are creative too.

But brass arrangements are unappealing, and the finale does not bring it all togther in a

manner one would expect from a staff that is not untalented.

Troopers. I so want to enjoy this Corps. There is talent in this years Corps. I like the long extended

brass chord. I like the roll out carpet visual. But the show goes nowhere, and the theme

gets lost in translation in the end, imo. The music is too unmemorable for me as well. If

somebody asked me what songs did they play after the Troopers show I'd sadly have to say..

" I forget.. I don't know ". Thats not good, imo.

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Crown: Easily the most entertaining show of the year for me and many others. The theme is played out SO well, and the rock and classical are masterfully integrated together. The visual, while certainly not the "best" is very entertaining and fits the mood of the music at all times.

Cavaliers: They have the best drill design of any corps out there, easily (yes, even Cadets.) and the theme is pretty apparent at all times and the show is just flat-out entertaining. Now if they would only do away with those awful nature boy synthesized samples...

Cadets: It's pretty obvious what the theme is from the start, and the visual is very interesting (though I think their visual is not executed nearly at the level of Cavies.) The music is their weakness, imo. It just doesn't do that much for me. There are many times in the music where not a lot is really going on. It feels like too much transtiion in many places. Still, I love this show anyway, and would be okay with them winning (though I'd rather see Crown take it all.)


Santa Clara Vanguard: Wow, I can't believe what a difference a year makes! I LOVED their show last year, but this year, I really, really strongly dislike it (don't use the "H" word...) This show is full of awful music and boring visuals. If you didn't know the title of the show, you would have NO idea what the theme was. Just terrible. It's too bad. I feel the same about this year's SCV show as I did about last year's Blue Devils show...

Bluecoats: What is the theme again? Exactly how is it portrayed in the show? This show starts out awesome with "Creep", then turns into the 2010 show, version 2.0 The music just doesn't hold my interest like it did last year (which was awesome.) The visual is pretty uninteresting, other than the opening intro (again.) I hope they can put some magic into this thing and really step it up for finals week.

Phantom Regiment (runner-up): REALLY? Phantom? Well, they are only listed here because the theme is NOT clear at all in their show. I have watched this show about a million times. I LOVE the music AND the visual. My problem comes from the theme. They don't sell this theme at all. Okay, you have a guard member walk up the podium in the end and hold a dagger up to herself as if she is going to kill herself in the end. Why? Where are the other story elements? I must have missed them, and missed them every single time I've watched their show (including live!) I really love this show, but as far as design goes, it has to get an honorable mention for worst (for now...) because again, if you didn't know the title of the show, you would have NO IDEA what the theme is. Okay, I'm gonna go watch this show again on the fan network (because I love it, bad design and all!)

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If you are at all familiar with Romeo and Juliet then it shouldn't be that hard to figure out the theme elements. You have the opening, then the introduction of the two fighting families when they have the back and forth light high brass then dark low brass music. The two blocks run together symbolizing the 2 fighting families. Then there's the dance scene from the story where Romeo and Juliet meet (shown by a horn member and a guard girl). They dance and fall in love, then they are separated and he goes looking for her (all portrayed my romeo and juliet). then there's the balcony scene. The moon drill set (nighttime) then the sun ("Juliet is the sun" she runs to the middle of the set). We then see the fighting families again. The show ends with Juliet mourning the loss of Romeo and going to the podium to (hopefully) kill herself... see full story. And i've only seen it a few times.

As for Bluecoats, their's is a little tougher to find thematic elements "Brave New World" is supposed to be about exploring new things (i think). You have the horns at the beginning discovering their horns. There's the part where they move to the four corners (not common in drum corps) and the pit guy throwing an 8 with a rifle. Like I said, it takes more paying attention but it's there.

As for the original topic, I would vote PR and Cadets for best design. Both incredible shows! Worst would have to be BD. box, box, box, follow the leader, park and bark, box, scatter drill, park and bark, follow the leader, park and bark, company front. boring music and more boring music. I love BD's earlier shows, but the past 3 years have really turned me off to them. Winning isn't everything (I'm a Phantom Phan, trust me haha). Perform for the audience, it's what drum corps should be about, not pleasing a bunch of judges.

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As to the Blue Stars comments I loved the show for the most part. HATED The amps and for that reason wound up hating the show. Unplug that crap and you have a show.

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Best Cadets for all the reasons stated. The show has so much going for it. Very well thought out.

Another Best for me was CC. Love love that show.

Worst. Teal sound. I have a different word for your sound but the censor here would spike it.

Another Worst is Blue Stars. Love,Love the show from a design point and from what I heard of your hornline it rocked. Probably my favorite visual show of the season. Those freaking amps and synthesizers ruined your show for you. George Hopkins figured out this year you do not need to go overboard with all the fluff. Just shut up and play.

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