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Cavaliers and Madison Scouts

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There are several valid reasons why a corps might want to stay all-male. The reasons are similar to the reasons why many people prefer single sex schools. Studies have actually shown that people that go to al lmale or all female schools (and yes, they are legal ... even if they are public) often perform better than they do in mixed-gender schools.

Why is this? I don't know if it is entirely known, but I can make a couple guesses. First, having a single gender group elminates a lot of sexual tension that can often be distracting and hurt productivity. While the all male corps don't exclude homosexual members, I would imagine homosexual members of the corps are a significant minority. While some might scoff at this, I think there is no doubt that adding the prospect of romance to drum corps can complicate things. Not to mention, that with an all male corps, it is easier for supervisors to make sure there isn't any inappropriate behavior going on between corps members.

The other advantage I can see is that it can foster a more unified corps. As much as people like to pretend that there are no differences bewteen boys and girls, but there clearly are. Especially at this age level. Boys and girls mature at different rates. That is a scientific fact. They think differently and have different hormones. An all male corps might have an easier time having total corps unity just based on the fact that they just think the same way.

This may all just be B.S., and the disadvantages of having a coed corps are obviously not insurmountable. Just thought I would give some "non-tradition, non-legal" arguments for people to think about. These arguments would apply to an all female corps too. If there is an argument for lost opportunity for women, it is that there are no all-female corps for them to participate in.

Edited by jasgre2000
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Here's an article on the pros and cons of single-sex education:


Some of the same arguments could apply to all-male corps.

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Well, they are private organization who are privately funded. The second that they accept public, state, or federal funding, they would have no choice but to change. But until that happens, they can do whatever they want. They choose to put themselves at a competitive disadvantage by not accepting female members.

Works for me.

A competitive disadvantage that results in nine DCI World Championships? That being the case, how do I sign up for a competitive disadvantage in life? :tongue:

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A competitive disadvantage that results in nine DCI World Championships? That being the case, how do I sign up for a competitive disadvantage in life? :tongue:

Well, I did say that both corps have done a pretty fair job of overcoming that obstacle.

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Well, I did say that both corps have done a pretty fair job of overcoming that obstacle.

Ah...that's what you meant by "works for me."

I just got to where I'm spending Tuesday after flying back from San Antonio. My satire meter is still in the bathroom recharging.

Please don't give me any riddles yet. I'd answer them all with the word, "doughnuts."

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