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Just wondering if anyone out there still has dreams that still seem very real about drum corps days? Every once in awhile I have a dream about my old corpsand it seems so real and then I wake up :( . Do you remember them?

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Sometimes I wake in a cold sweat, my heart is beating a mile a minute and sweaty palms.

I had a dream that I married my girlfriend in the corps. She was the kind of girl

you liked but not THAT much.

The dream was so real that I was afraid to look at who I was sleeping beside.

Thank God it was my wife!!!!!

Later that day she asked me who Sharon was. I looked her right in the eyes and

said " Just a girl from the drum corps that liked to play bus games." With that

I turned around and went to my work shop and closed the door with my wife asking me what kind of bus games were they.


No, I didn't get into it with her!!!!! :sshh:

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Still dreaming after all these years...At least 2 or 3 times a year I have the same basic dream. We're getting ready to do a show or parade and I discover that I forgot to bring my hat or my boots or whatever and I get really upset and dred what the Guard Captain is going to say. So even as I'm running around worring about getting into uniform, it slowly dawns on me that I am waaay too overage to be marching anyway. So then I get bummed that I DON'T get to march and I wake up.

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Believe it or not, just had one last night. It's quite the ride, you feel so good when your having it, and then so sad when you wakeup to reality.

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Amazingly, the last and only drum corps dream I ever had was back sometime in the mid-1970s while I was living in Minneapolis and concerned my ex-wife wearing nothing more than a pair of those high, shiny leather Anaheim Kingsmen color guard boots.......and a grin.

Oh man, is that sick or what?

Coincidently, there's a picture on the front page of the xkingsmen.com site right now that has an early picture of four ladies from the late 1960s Kingsmen rifle section, one of whom was my, ah, 'first' true love "if-you-know-what-I-mean-and-I-think-you-do", as Joe Bob Briggs would say.

With all due respect, I won't say which one.....except to say it wasn't Ms. Linda Rieke (on the left) who, a few years after this picture was taken, became a great Kingsmen guard captain and can truly be said to be one of the hardest working women in drum corps that it has ever been my pleasure to know.


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I still have dreams....typically one of the following flavors:

1) I'm over age, helping the corps out in the off season. Everybody knows I'm over age. During the course of the off season, nobody is able to fill my spot ( :P ) and when it comes time for the season, nobody tells me I'm no longer needed. I do several shows until big tour comes. Then the dilemma which usually causes me to wake. I'm faced with the choice continuing on with the season, and the corps taking a chance of getting DQ'd, or I quit and let everybody down. Either way, I feel like crap.

2) It's DCI Finals, I didn't march the season, but learned the show the day of finals. I'm on the starting line.....and forget everything. I basically follow somebody else around collecting ticks.

3) I'm over age (variation of the first one). My friends in Vanguard are all pointing me out in our victory concert ( :P ), and I'm sweating bricks that somebody is going to say something to Don Pesceone and have the corps DQ'd for the season.

You should hear about my dreams regarding graduating from college........ugh!

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2) It's DCI Finals, I didn't march the season, but learned the show the day of finals. I'm on the starting line.....and forget everything. I basically follow somebody else around collecting ticks. (bd5times)


This sounded like me when I was asked to march with Bellvue, WA, Sentinal for one show in Olympia while I was in The Army in 1968 and stationed at Ft. Lewis.

I'd never seen their show or heard their music before, just suit up, tune up, mark time four and go!

Fortunately the music consisted of at least some early to mid 60s San Gabriel, CA, "Senoritas," so not much of a problem there. Sort of like being a jazz player and having to know the standards. But the drill thing was just insane! Make elbow contact with somebody and just hang on!

[You do remember "elbow contact," right?]

I think, fortunately, it was just and exhibition performance and not a corps show or I would have set the record for attracting more ticks than a Wisconsin farm dog, but thanks to the good Anaheim Kingsmen M&M experience I learned from Pete Emmons in 1967 at least I "looked" good!

Slightly lost.....but lost with class and military bearing.

Oh, and Maggie (Ms. Bus Driver) that "forgetting something" actually happened the night of the Inaugural Concert that opened Flint Center on the DeAnza College in Cupertino in 1972. All dressed in tuxedo for my part as one of the 8 brass players on stage with a 150 voice choir split around the hall.....I drive over to the gig (fortunately just a couple blocks away), lock up the car and realize I DIDN'T BRING MY MUSIC FOLDER!!!! Had to speed all the way home to get it.....made it there after the other folks were already in place on stage and had to walk out from the wings by myself....got an abbreviated applause as the audience thought I was the conductor for a minute.....evil looks from the rest of the brass players....at least one was a SCV contra player and my room mate from The Bogart Bros. House...and of course, major stink eye from Royal Stanton, the conductor and choir director.

Oh well, made it through the gig.....


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I have a dream that comes to me quite often.

1991 DCA finals, Scranton, Pa.

I am filling in a spot for Steel City. :whip:

It's the day before prelims and I am still 500 miles from home. (Butler, Pa.)

Maybe I should mention that I am a trucker.

I push on through the night arriving home at 2AM.

Set the alarm for 4:30AM, just giving me enough time to drive the 5 hours onto Scranton, just in time to make prelims.

Wake up at 10AM and realize I could never make it in time.


Then it hits me, it's not a dream at all. :sshh:

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The next time I'm sittin' in the practice room playing slide along with Little Feat's "Willin', or "Truck Stop Girl" or "Feats Don't Fail Me Now" I'll think of you, John. Been more than one trucker in my family, don'tcha know.

Man, I seem to have a big old collection of truck songs from over the years......from way back to Roy Acuff's "Wreck On The Highway," I guess.

"Roll Right Through The Night," Big Daddy....and you know, the most lonely sound I ever heard was the sound of those jake brakes coming down Vail Pass in the middle of the night when the world was dead quiet..

..I was sleeping next to my woman in a nice comfortable bed there at some 8000 ft. of elevation and should have been content but I was way younger then and I swear that when I heard the sound of that semi I wanted to get up, get my boots on and just go somewhere.....don't know where.....just "somewhere."

Drive careful, brother.


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