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some old corps photos

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It was said somewhere along here it's ashame we only have the typed word and not face to face, and it is true both sides can mistake things, things can be said, and easily missinturpited on. I say as a friend and knowing Marlene for years now, that she does not have a milicous bone in her body. I don't know 27 or Sandy but I also think some things they said were misunderstood, but 27 you did not read right what Marlene said, she ment to say Yahoo locked the sites down, no one can access them. 4 years of work in seperating pictures into the different era's, Jr. from Sr., names and areas are gone. Yes it may have been wrong for her to sell pics. copywritten, if she did it was unintentional she didn't know they were copy written. We all make mistakes, the last time I looked we were all human. I can see why you took such an interest, as you said right down your alley, I guess you'll make this your Theasis? All I can say is shame on all of you who over reacted and blew this out of proportion. A simple email to the parties involved could and would have straightened things out before they reached this point. But some people can't do it the simple way. Let me tell you there's a lot more history than the two books written in the name of Drum and Bugle Corps, that only scratched the surfice, there were more drum and bugle corps in New Jersey in the 50's to 70's than there are in the whole United States today. Alot of small corps pic's were lost, ones that never would have made the books. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME. You did the drum and bugle corps world a disservice in the way it was handled, not that it was handled, just the way it was done. They are trying to work on getting some kind of response from Yahoo, they never said a thing, just shut them down.

When addressing, address me, my name is Lancerlady...and I did nothing wrong thank you very much for checking.

Here it is...she admits she knew what she did is wrong and selling 20 pictures at 25$ a piece isn't chump change to me...I am not the one overreacting, but since you keep coming after me, the ones who are overreacting are the lynch mobs coming on here acting like they know what they are talking about when they don't...

I did NOTHING, NOTHING wrong...and all we did do was send her an email and ask..she is the one who came over here and brought all her friends ready to crucify us when all we did was ask not to have pictures that weren't hers sold on ebay. There is nothing wrong with that.

Here read this...she admits she KNEW what she did was wrong but the rest of you are acting like she didn't know...

If you go to the first site


that we have left you will see a Disclaimer that says "Disclaimer: This site Drum Corps of the 60's and 70's and the owners and moderators accept no responsibility or liability for content, opinions etc." I am not saying what I did was right but there are others doing it.. I had extra pics and sole about 20 3 X 5's (small) for about $25 before Ebays charges... I did not know they were from an individual...someone sent them to me... Afterall I had over 3000 pics on there and I don't know today who sent what...Most people don't know how to put a pic on the site so I did it for them...they sent them to me personally and i saved and put them on...That was the reason my name is on most of them...If you look at the name of the sites, you can tell I don't know much about computers...4 years ago I had 1 site and as it filled up I made a 2nd and as that filled up I made a 3rd... Each time I had to move all the pics from 1 site to the other to keep them in alphabetic order...Then I started Seniors & the same thng happened..It became a challenge and I am retired with not much to do as I lost my hubby and was at home all the time....Also there would be no sense in putting it in a disk (which I don't know how) but it is on Yahoo's site so as long as they won't let me in I still couldn't get to it....

If Yahoo got copyright infringement...remember it all started here....I don't care who...but it was here...You know it is ironic....I had great 8 x 10 of Holy Name cadets (The Cadets) in 54, 55 & other corps in 55 and I sent them to Bob BellaRosa for the Drum Corps Hall of Fame (of which I don't think he has it anymore) They were given to me by the Cadets when we housed them at a Bon Bon competition... You would think that Drum Corps would have A REAL Hall of Fame so we could send things to because they are going to get lost as the years go on...That was the reason for my site...Here is a link to my Bon Bon's from the 40's & 50's that I made... I am glad it wasn't with Yahoo or todays. world...Mar PS Again look at eh URL...LOL!!!


I did NOT have her yahoo account closed, nor did I have a #### thing to do with it being closed, NO I didn't report it and I don't give a #### and I would appreciate it you lynch mob's would quit suggesting other wise..all I did do was email the lady and ask her to quit selling pictures that didn't belong to her on ebay. Yes, a simple email WAS Sent and I have it to prove it and then SHE and her friends came over and began harassing and blowing things out of proportion if you ask me.

Now if this thread gets closed down it's cause of the way y'all are handling this situation.

NO shame on you, shame on you, shame on you..

You automatically think it came from here? Maybe someone else found out about this website (hers) and didn't appreciate it either, ever think about that? Uh..Now go crucify somebody else for TRYING to do the right thing...and get YOUR facts straight before you go believing...and remember there are TWO SIDES TO A STORY.

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Here, Marlene, maybe I can help. You need to right-click on the image, itself, then copy and paste the image URL into the "Insert Image" field (little "tree" icon up above the reply box). Looks like you've got some quote formatting stuck in there, so the photo didn't show up. I followed the link to your photo album, then right-clicked on the image URL and pasted it into the "Insert Image" field. Here 'tis:


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Wow... whoda thunk snapshots of some kids marching around 20-30 years ago would cause such a fuss. As if any harm was done. No one died or was injured and no one lost anything, except the old farts who like looking at the pictures. Sigh. :(

remember, not too long in the future you'll be an old phart, looking for your dvd's and pics, and I hope they treat you better than you're treating us old pharts, remember if it weren't for us old pharts, you wouldn't have drum and bugle corps, oh yeah, that's right your generation did away with them you wouldn't have brass bands of such high quality today to play in, go play your trumpet, or tuba along with your high school band bando. When you are looking for your band pics. that is hope they have some.

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It said ing is not accepted??? so I took the ing off??? If it don't work do the same thing... This is when Color Guards were competitive..This Holy Name (Cadets) and I was in Bon Bons comp. guard and beat them...this is MY pic...

Here, Marlene, maybe I can help. You need to right-click on the image, itself, then copy and paste the image URL into the "Insert Image" field (little "tree" icon up above the reply box). Looks like you've got some quote formatting stuck in there, so the photo didn't show up. I followed the link to your photo album, then right-clicked on the image URL and pasted it into the "Insert Image" field. Here 'tis:


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MarimbasaurusRex You don't belong in the Drum Corps family...with that attitude...maybe you can find another job..

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I hope they treat you better than you're treating us old pharts, remember if it weren't for us old pharts, you wouldn't have drum and bugle corps, oh yeah, that's right your generation did away with them you wouldn't have brass bands of such high quality today to play in, go play your trumpet, or tuba along with your high school band bando. When you are looking for your band pics. that is hope they have some.

You know.. I kinda have to giggle about this.

Cliff LOOKS really really young.. but man.. I think maybe you might want to take a look at his website or his profile or something before you go off on him. Last I checked, he proudly counts himself among the "old pharts" and rightfully so.

As for your comments about being how well you get treated.. well.. there's a quote from the movie Forrest Gump that would fit pretty well right about here.

Can we get back to the picture posting now? Fights on the other thread, please!!


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remember, not too long in the future you'll be an old phart, looking for your dvd's and pics, and I hope they treat you better than you're treating us old pharts, remember if it weren't for us old pharts, you wouldn't have drum and bugle corps, oh yeah, that's right your generation did away with them you wouldn't have brass bands of such high quality today to play in, go play your trumpet, or tuba along with your high school band bando. When you are looking for your band pics. that is hope they have some.

A few of us are old pharts now . . . but we still make an effort to understand copyright law. (And I'll admit that I don't know all there is to know about it.) But what forms the basis for copyright law now--and I feel like this is a basic concept that people are missing--is that it protects the little guy every bit as much as the faceless corporate entity. It gives the copyright owner the right to decide how and where his or her copyrighted works will be distributed, displayed, published, whatever. It's not strictly about money; it's also about creative control.

I think most of us are pretty much in agreement that sharing of photos is fine. But even with that sharing, people need to ask permission. It's that simple. Then, when it gets into the issue of selling someone else's copyrighted material, regardless of how little or much money was made, the problem is that that still removes control from the original copyright holder. And, for that matter, deprives him or her of revenue. I know that a lot of these photos are difficult, if not impossible, to track down. I don't think this would have been such a big issue were it not for the fact that these photos were put up for sale (apparently multiple times). If it was just making them available for others to view, free of charge, then I honestly don't think any of this trouble would have come about.

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Lancerlady, I never said you turned her in I said shame on the persons that did when I mentioned your name as 27 incorrectly, and Sandy I was stating you were the people involved in the whole mixup of words of not getting the correct meaning because it wasn't face to face, there were overreactions made, on both sides. All I said is if it were handled differently it wouldn't have gone so far. You bring up twenty five cents, a pic. I guess that broke the bank, it wasn't even that by the time you add on what ebay charges, and other charges she was basicly getting her money back. She took them off once she realised she shouldn't have been doing it. Also shame on letting it go this far, to the point where when I tried to reply to your comments I was blocked out, I had to go to one of my other comments and reply to myself. I'm not saying you had anything to do with that either, just that it was done, and someone is doing it, someone with some pull. Once again I'm not saying you did it, nor do I think you did it, but someone's pushing our buttons, and shame on them.

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That is a total of 25.00 for all...That is all I made before ebay got theres...I ended up with 12-15. as a total... I want you to always remember this as a lesson...Wait till you are 71 and you will be and I hope you are alone (like I am) and look for things to keep you busy and get into problems such as this... If you never brought it to lite it would have never happened...This died last July and that is when I took everything off Ebay & quit them...I was sorry then that I did it and I am certainly sorry now... I have a lot of drum corps buddies that are with me...Over 600 on my site now...Mar

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Marlene, the issue isn't how much money was made. It's taking others' photos and selling them without their permission. John has explained, I think in pretty clear terms, why this is wrong.

It sounds like you understand that, but it also sounds like you want to blame others for your not knowing. No one else is responsible for that. That belongs to you, or any of us who get involved in the copying and distribution of photos. For the most part, it causes no harm because everyone is in agreement with what's being done. But in a situation where apparently you took someone else's photo, copied it over and sold it and that person didn't want that done, like it or not, that right lies with the copyright owner. Please read JohnD's posts on this subject. They are a good, easy-to-understand lesson to us all on what to do, and what not to do, with copyrighted photos.

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