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Favorite Drum Corps Personality

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In the spirit of community, I'd like to nudge this discussion back to the topic of favorite drum corps personalities.

Robert "Pepe" Notaro was mentioned early on, the man who championed the cause of Div II and III corps, whose image graces that first place trophy. Aside from his awesome prowess on the French Horn, he was an incredibly able old school instructor who could teach a potted plant to play the bugle, and sort of Zero Mostel-meets-Yogi Berra who once quipped after a tie was announced, " Tie? I thought it was a a lot closer than that!"

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In the spirit of community, I'd like to nudge this discussion back to the topic of favorite drum corps personalities.

Robert "Pepe" Notaro was mentioned early on, the man who championed the cause of Div II and III corps, whose image graces that first place trophy. Aside from his awesome prowess on the French Horn, he was an incredibly able old school instructor who could teach a potted plant to play the bugle, and sort of Zero Mostel-meets-Yogi Berra who once quipped after a tie was announced, " Tie? I thought it was a a lot closer than that!"

I remember listening to my buddy's late-60's DCA recordings and thinking that the guy from Skyliners was playing in a way I'd never heard before. In my early years, our corps had a number of instructors who marched with the Burlington Commanders and Toronto Ambassadors and who perpetuated the Pepe myth.

Did he not work with an all-girl corps at one time? I seem to recall seeing him at Marion or Butler in the 70's with the Fire-ettes.

The most bizarre person I recall meeting was Mike Duffy, who worked with our corps for a day or two in 1975 (maybe as a favour to someone). None of us knew anything about who he was, but it was evident from the start that he knew his stuff. He was a little out there though - kind of reminded me of Tommy Chong.

I've seen references to him on DCP and his work with Blue Stars and Anaheim. Anyone know what happened to him?

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There are so many people that we have heard about throughout our time in this activity.  Let's hear who yours are.

Mine are.....Donny Allen, Mike Linton, Jerry Kelsey, Ted Key, Tom Peashey, Dick Hoppe, Sledge, Karl Essler.

Start your own now

Okay, with all the genius and brilliance it has been my privilage to come in contact with over the years I spent in drum corps, and I have known some of the best, my favorite drum corps personality, just on a sheer weirdness scale is a guy I marched with in Kingsmen. I can only remember his first name Greg and the knickname we gave him, MadMan, but this guy was a trip. He had a pet corn cob - don't ask - and when he felt stressed wich was whenever someone would talk to him, he would break it out and pet it - I said don't ask. But when it came time to march and play, good gawd this guy rocked!!!!! I remember him playing mellophone, perhaps I'm wrong, any other ex-kingsmen care to share on MadMan?

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