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Everything posted by SaxmanSilver

  1. I don't know if this means anything, but I did see Southwind selling souvies at the Hattiesburg show about two weeks ago.
  2. I'd really like to see Phantom win an out-right championship, especially with Spartacus. That hornline is breathing FIRE. But I think BD's going to take it all this year. We'll see though. Only two more weeks...
  3. Now that I think about it... it would be pretty cool if Phantom put that knife up for sale. I know the Cadets sold both of the doors used in their 2005 and 2006 shows after each season had come to a close. So who knows? It might just fetch a nice chunk of change.
  4. So I heard this was an old BD reference/joke from the 80's, maybe '84. "I want the knife." Does anyone know about this or am I just crazy?
  5. You are corret. They also made semis in 2000.
  6. I'm simply amazed at how they continue to field a corps every year. So many corps have come and gone since Pioneer was formed 1973. They've never made finals since moving into Division I/World Class in 1997. In fact, I don't even think they've ever made semis. I'd love to hear from folks who know more about that organization. Why do kids still march Pioneer?
  7. Thanks for the info. I was wondering what I could do to kill time before the show tonight.
  8. It was two years ago in 2006 that the show got rained out at Tennessee Tech. What a disappointing night. They pretty much called the show in the middle of The Cadets drum feature. I predict the Blue Devils will remain dominant and Phantom beats Crown tonight.
  9. So what's up with Academy this year? I haven't seen their show yet. They did so well last season. I honestly expected to see them higher in the standings than they are right now? Could it be that the rigors of a full tour schedule are taking their toll? Or is it show design? Does anyone have some insight? Discuss.
  10. I was a saxophone player all the way through high school and the majority of my undergrad career. I wanted to march corps. So I picked up a mellophone in my college marching band and eventually marched in a junior corps. I then became a trumpet major at my university. What can I say? I love playing brass.
  11. It really is pretty surprising to hear people say 2006 Cadets since the show took so much heat that summer. I was on tour with them as a member of the prop crew and I can recall a couple of nights when the corps got little applause- if any. I enjoyed the show all season. It was great to watch the corps grow and develop. It was my first time experiencing life on the road with a drum corps... and what an enlightening experience it was. But I have to say that my favorite non-medal show is from the 1999 Cadets. Now that's an amazing show that doesn't get discussed much. I think that's due to the fact that it came between two championship shows. Go watch it sometime on google video if you haven't seen it yet, or even if you haven't seen it in a while.
  12. Wow, I didn't think those guys could improve on the original chopsaver. I just might have to check this new stuff out.
  13. They're the same as they are on any other instrument. Just use the circle of fifths and trumpet fingerings.
  14. This is not your best poll question, sir. The real discussion is concerning the subject of semi-finals. Who will close it out this year? Will it be Academy, Troopers, or Mandarins? Discuss.
  15. Drew... you should be ashamed. Honestly, how many good beers have you wasted with you incessant party fouling? I mean, come on. COME ON.
  16. That may be the case, buddy; however, alcohol should be sold to everyone but you. I only say this because I'm your friend. And friends don't let friends party foul.
  17. I've never those syllables used in combination together, but it seems reminiscent of the "diddle" tonguing that I've heard used by some jazzers. Do what works best for you daily and you'll succeed.
  18. Oh, and don't forget about making the right vowel shapes inside your mouth and throat that correspond to the register in which you're playing. And don't stop the air either. Your tongue should ride on the current of air.
  19. I've never auditioned for PR, but I would think the only double tonguing you would encounter would be in an etude you were using to audition and/or an exercise that would be taught to the hornline during the course of a camp weekend. Pick the syllable (doo-goo, tu-ku, ta-ka, [insert others here]) that works best for you and practice saying it... A LOT. I personally like the doo-goo syllable. It's smoother than others I have tried and less harsh sounding to the ears when you're actually playing through the horn. Also practice it on your horn everyday, even it's just five minutes. This is one of those things that just has to be incorporated in your daily routine. Umm... try saying doo doo doo doo/ goo goo goo goo/ goo-doo goo-doo goo-doo goo-doo/ doo-goo doo-goo doo-goo doo-goo... A LOT. Also do your normal single tonguing exercises with the back of your tongue instead of the front tip. That will strengthen the back of your tongue, which is where most people encounter problems with the clarity and evenness of their double tonguing. Start in the middle of your comfortable range and work up the range and down the range. And don't forget to use your metronome. Start slow and work methodically to achieve an uncompromisingly even tongue stroke. You may encounter set backs, but just keep plugging away. Multiple tonguing is great to work on at the end of a practice session when you have no chops left. Do scale and different chromatic patterns as well. Mix it up and vary your exercises too so that they do not become monotonous. It's tough at first, but you'll get the hang of it soon enough. Do these things daily and you should be in good shape when auditions come around next year. That's all the stuff I do. Hopefully it will be helpful to you. Good luck and I hope you make PR.
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