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Everything posted by AggiePhil

  1. Jack Stamp pieces (more of them...I just know of Cavies doing Gavorkna Fanfare). B)
  2. I love watching drum corps in domes. You know why??? Air conditioning! I'm sorry, but being in the 70 degree Alamodome is absolutely gorgeous compared to being outside in the 90 degree heat. You just can't beat sitting in a chair in air conditioning and watching drum corps. And you know what? It sounds beautiful too! Love it. As for outdoor stadiums in the state, I'd [naturally] love to see DCI come to Kyle Field at Texas A&M, but I don't know that an 85,000 person stadium would be justified. B)
  3. That's what I meant to say instead of Airport. ;-)
  4. Yeah, it is kind of too much of a pause, and honestly, I prefer Russian Christmas Music without that big of a pause (and without the yell there). I wish it could go somewhere else in the show. And BTW, there is a current SCV APD that you can hear it on. I think the spot in the 2003 show was great. And I nailed it in SA. :)
  5. Young drum corps enthusiast gets a chance at a big break, is given the opportunity of a lifetime, but could wind up stuck at an airport??? Sounds like a cross between MTV's Made, Extreme Makeover, and Airport!
  6. There used to be a thread on here (probably a couple years ago now) about things hollared out during performances. There were some good ones. Only one that comes to mind this moment is "Greg's an American bad***!" from Blue Devils 2000. I never was able to tell what was being said there until somebody posted it. LOL. Then of course there are all the annoying names being hollared out in the worst places, but I guess that's kind of neat in a way. "Go Ian!!!" -Cadets 2000 "Christyyyyyyyy!!!" -SCV 2000 (people on here were practically giving out death threats to whoever Christy was--LOL)
  7. Wow! I just heard it at 2:02 on the 1990 Cadets recording. Didn't realize I even had that one. B) Thanks for the fully story, DBG. :) Anybody wanna do it at San Antonio this year and make the APD? :P
  8. Is that period over? If so, how come they still don't seem to be being used and marketed in the DCI circle?
  9. I have seen Phantom before. San Antonio will not be my first show. I have listened to Phantom's new show through APDs. I just don't care for this year's music. Doesn't nearly do as much for me as say...2003. Is that OK with you people? Good Lord...I still love Phantom Regiment. They are not their music selection. I'm just talking about this year's music selection.
  10. I predict that, as usual, there is going to be lots of tripping and falling in San Antonio. b**bs
  11. Couldn't find any pictures newer than 2001 on Corpsreps. :(
  12. What a lame insertion of "no offense". Offense taken, sir. And yes, I know what trite means.
  13. Seriously though, you guys really need to post pictures when you chime in with your favorite drums. Really helps things out. With that being said, here are some of mine. 2003 Cavaliers: BTW, what was the difference between 2002 Cavaliers and 2003 Cavaliers? Anything?
  14. Why doesn't anybody use Premier anymore? Also, they don't seem to market themselves much. I never see their ads in the DCI magazines or anything.
  15. Still, nobody seems to know for sure what he broke. Only a fracture or some kind of major tear would require it being in a sling.
  16. I wonder if anybody will wind up going for these.
  17. God I love amps. You stone age guys should go back to sleep. :P
  18. Yeah, I agree with the previous comment about the music just not being anything too brilliant. Gershwin seems a bit trite for what I'm used to hearing from Phantom Regiment. Shostakovich? Yes. The 2003 show? Perfect. But George Gershwin?
  19. Oh cool. I've always wondered that. Good story. Thanks guys.
  20. At 9:33 on the finals recording of 1999 Cadets, the crowd screams something but I can't tell what it is. Anyone know?
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