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Everything posted by bearz

  1. The once were a bunch of old schmoes Who loved the old drum corps style shows They all got together Made DCI fix it better And the winners everyone knows
  2. in these placements. It is so close, and they all seem to have so much to offer and are fighting so hard.
  3. How about a REALLY good steak place? Hot rolls, thick, juicy steaks, nice tables but I don't have to dress up. I'm going to be on my own for FIVE WHOLE DAYS, and being that I'm a stay at home mom to a 6 yr old, this is like a vacation to me, so I'm gonna eat well, drink often and sleep LOTS!
  4. Well, it would have either been the Marquis out of Fond du Lac or whatever little corps was in Sheboygan at the time.
  5. You becha! I wanna be a "corps mom" and travel with the corps, but I'd have to rent a Winnebago with its own bathroom...at this age and after menopause, the bathroom and I are on an hourly schedule. I sure don't know how I did it in school busses for hours on end, or even on the rented coaches with bathrooms. I remember we were under threat of death if we used the bathroom and filled it up....
  6. OMG I'm gonna ### my pants! (and THATS what you do when you're 46!).
  7. To this day I can't STAND an egg McMuffin...makes me gag...and Big Macs aren't far behind! I think we spent all of tour at McDonalds. I remember thinking it was great when we found a grocery store next to a McDs and raiding the fresh fruit aisle. I also remember having a 2 liter of coke next to my sleeping bag and drinking warm coke for breakfast. And donuts...LOTS of donuts. There was a group who had absolutely no $$ for anything at all, and they pooled their $$ and bought loaves of bread and jars of peanut butter, and thats how they lived. I couldn't eat PB like that, day after day...I'd rather starve.
  8. LOVED the 77 show! They were one MEAN corps! Anybody remember a Cardoza that marched in 77? I *think* his first name was Dave? Know what he's doing these days??
  9. If you're into Zoos I hear Madison has a great one. Madison isn't that far from Wisconsin Dells either...if you are going to be there all week, take a run over there for fun in the sun. There's also Indian Casinos if you like to gamble.
  10. Doesn't ANYBODY know anyone at the show with a CELL PHONE???
  11. Thats really great that people are doing nice things for them...thats what I LOVE about drum corps...brings out the best in people.
  12. Yea, thats why I'm freezing it. I put in something like 35 cucumber plants for the corps and 750 sweet corn...I'm SO sick of weeding...but they vegetarians love it. I took 7 gallons of garden lettuce to them a couple of weeks ago and they loved it. The cukes just started coming in a couple of days ago, so I should be pulling a 5 gallon pail out of there every day or two starting next week...sheesh, I hope they like cukes!
  13. cadetmom...I'd love to bring them all fresh, but I won't see them again for 2 weeks, and they won't last that long, although I'll have tons of fresh stuff by then too. I'm only an hour from Madison, so I'll make at least 2 deliveries of fresh stuff during DCI too.
  14. Hey Cadetguardmom...you're baking cookies and I'm freezing green beans for the corps. I put in a garden just especially for the Blue Stars so they have lots of fresh and frozen veggies on tour, instead of the canned junk. I've been taking them some goodies already, and in Madison they will be eating well!
  15. What kind of cookies? Does anyone else think the run for 12th place is more exciting and less scriped than the run for 1st? I sure do!
  16. Did anyone else just lose the feed? What were those big things sticking up...on my small screen I won't even tell you what they looked like!
  17. OK, I'm getting great audio coverage, but for video I get one frame about every 5 seconds...any ideas how to fix this? I have DSL, but its the slowest speed DSL...could this be my problem?
  18. HELP PLEASE! When I click on stream tonights show, instead of going to windows media player, which I have installed version 9, and sitting open, it goes to a new Explorer Window, opens up a black screen, says its loading and then after loading, NOTHING>>>>no sound, no pics, NOTHING! HELP ME!!!!!
  19. I have never, ever seen a leaner, meaner show than 76 Blue Devils...what a machine!
  20. I hear ya...a rifle and flag toss on the 50...where those rifles went OH so high, with such precision you could break down the turns and see them all go at once, and then BOOM, there the were with the flags tossing underneath them. Now THAT was spinning!
  21. THANKS for the kind words about our STARS! I agree, it sucks to grow up, but its great to be a Blue Star alumni. FYI...I believe this is Tyler's 3rd year with the stars, and he is a real asset to the corps...and yup, he sure is cute...and there are alot more in the corps where that came from! LOL Appreciate the narration comments. It seems to be a bit of a bone of contention. The last time I saw them they hadn't added it yet, but I've seen 2-minute clips and like what I saw. The guy who does the narration is a 2nd generation Star, and has a real history with the corps. He's also amazing to watch in the pit.
  22. As a Blue Star alumni, I want to thank you, as well as the other people here, for your kind words about our return to Div1 and our show. I wish you could understand how much your support means to us all! Also glad you enjoy the show...it really blows us away!
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