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Everything posted by HockeyDad

  1. I haven’t thought about this much (refer to previous post concerning my attention span), but does testing/contact tracing actually work when you’ve reached the point of community spread? With community spread i.e. coming at everyone from all directions, it may just be a very large exercise in futility. Not saying all is lost. Not saying that at all. Just that maybe plan B is what we should be doing versus plan A. Plan B being something along the lines of - isolate the vulnerable, keep working hard on treatments and vaccine, slowly open things back up for the under-60 crowd. Just a thought, don’t be mean to me. 😘
  2. Instead of shutting this thread down, how about one of you who just can’t stop themselves from injecting your political views start a different thread and have at it.
  3. You would have no way of knowing this, but your first sentence right there made me burst out laughing. This is because I know I have a short attention span. So touching on things is about as good as you’ll get from me haha.
  4. I wonder how many thousands of undiagnosed cancer cases have occurred since the Covid quarantine started. My point? The idea was to flatten the curve and not overwhelm hospitals. Good job has been done in both areas. Zero Covid deaths at the expense of cancer deaths, diabetes deaths, suicides, etc. is not logical at all. A balance is needed. I’m glad to see some reopening occurring. I hope a spike in Covid doesn’t occur. Doctors shouldn’t be getting laid off during a pandemic. I hope to see an opening up of so-called non-essential procedures. I personally know of a friend who fell and thinks they cracked ribs but are afraid to go to the doctor. Here’s hoping we can move forward beyond this.
  5. When the disease affects different age groups so differently, the one-size-fits-all approach seems very unnecessary to me. I have two immediate family members in the medical profession. One a nurse working with Covid patients. We are on the front lines. I am not being flippant about this. When zero percent (per the local media, not making this up) of the population under the age of 40 in my state (WI) have died of Covid, and when the curve is flattened, it is time, at a minimum, to send them back to work. Oh, and the other kid in the medical field? He was laid off a week ago because “no elective procedures” mandate has emptied his office. This seems insane.
  6. To be clear - I’m not defending them. BUT at the same time, it’s kind of scary how quickly we all gave up our liberties. At some point, “consent of the governed” will become a dominating factor. You cannot run people out of business. The goal was to flatten the curve so as to not overwhelm the hospitals. It was not to drive cases to zero. Let’s keep sight of that. If the curve has been successfully flattened, it’s time to start the opening up process. Perhaps on a voluntary basis. So old coots like me can stay hidden away if desired.
  7. Dom Deluise? Ok I know, he’s deceased. I guess that leaves the Kool-Aid Man.
  8. Well, likely more people were out and about watching Blue Angels and Thunderbirds flyovers without proper social distancing. And as the flyovers are continuing in cities across America, more still to come. So I wouldn’t just pick on one group. Also I see Remdesivir is showing promise. So much so that Dr Sexy err Fauci is excited about it. And so much so that even the NYT says it shows “modest benefits”. Coming from that source it’s practically a ringing endorsement! Interesting that none of you mentioned it. This is the encouragement thread after all.
  9. Last year of mandatory color presentation was well before 78 or 79. Might have been 73 or even 72.
  10. I was on my treadmill listening to Sergio Mendez on Spotify, enjoying the old familiar tracks. Then the song “Like A Lover” came on. And I had one of those - “hold on a second” - moments. I Know that song! Where have I heard it. Oh yeah - Blue Devils 1984. What a show. I had no idea that BD closer was a Sergio Mendez song. Hah. Now I know. I missed large portions of 1984-1986 driving around in large squares in the North Arabian Sea demonstrating the value of nuclear powered navy ships. So I never saw any of those seasons live. But that 84 BD show was smoking hot!
  11. I did attend Preview of Champions. Prelims during the day and finals at night. Remember those days? Anyway, my take on the booing was not so much that people didn’t like Star, rather, people REALLY loved Cavies. So it was more a disappointment that Cavies didn’t win versus not liking Star. But oh boy, yes I remember the booing. It was at Prelims. And more than the booing, I remember the announcer’s reaction. Right over the public address system - “That’s uncalled for!” Remarkable. Dressing down the crowd over the PA system. Never saw it happen before or after. The crowd reaction at the night show was definitely more muted, having been properly scolded in the afternoon haha. Was I one of the booers? Hmmm. I can’t remember. 🙄
  12. I declare you the winner of some sort of prize. You played twice in quick succession and violated the rules both times. I only did once. Well done!
  13. Alternative rule proposal - if you look at the show name and draw a blank, it shouldn’t count. I’m guessing BD for those shows. As to the years? I got nothing. Must be within the last ten years
  14. It’s April 22. I’m looking out my window. It’s snowing. Somebody hold me.
  15. Remember when Garrison Keillor would recite a short poem every day? He sure dropped off the face of the earth. And NO I Don’t want to go there as to why. I remember the first time I heard A Prairie Home Companion. I was spinning around the radio dial and landed on public radio and....what is this? This is cute and funny. Ahh the time goes by. That was 35 years ago haha.
  16. Kinda like the Antifa protests right? Along with those who “passively were okay” with them, to borrow your words.
  17. Yes. Continue to trivialize the economic devastation with pithy nose-in-the-air sarcasm about nail salons and iced coffee. I have a sibling who owns a small restaurant and employs a couple dozen staff. She may not make it. But that doesn’t fit the narrative of the neo-nazi stupid protester. So continue to ignore that. It’s not all one way or all the other way. People who want businesses open are NOT ignoring the health safety precautions that must accompany these things. But by all means, continue to ignore this and keep sneering.
  18. Yes apparent they’ll pay you to take it off their hands! If only I had a thousand gallon tank lying around.
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