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Everything posted by corpsband

  1. Its a royalty payment for using the phrase "And I'll leave it at that." The $1 credit for re-using a phrase goes way back to RAMD days (and I'm sure it pre-dates RAMD). I thought EVERYONE ($1 to she-who-may-not-be-named) knew that! lol
  2. Started with this snappy response. Adam is definitely there running day-to-day stuff.
  3. Despite all this discussion, CCCG is just .4 behind the BD and .2 behind HNC and SCV. I'll just leave it at that ($1 to Tekk).
  4. Uggh....what a terrible question !! I voted music because great shows start there but we (human beings) are visual creatures!! It's all about seeing what you hear. If you had chosen another word beside *bland* maybe I would have voted visual. But bland music is NEVER a good show.
  5. Ditto. I also think you'd should look carefully at the WHAT in the guard books. There's a really wide variety of writing out there; some guards are killing their book already and some guards have a book that's just not going to be clean right now. And I'll leave it at that.
  6. You're entirely too high-strung to be a BD fan.... Relax dude, it will all work out in the end!
  7. Yeah but there was a big drop in clarity and tone quality at upper volume levels (esp. the mountain climber climbing up the brass section. Maybe its just the feed?
  8. I agree there doesnt need to be a message or a story but we *should* get it. It needs to make sense.
  9. Wow. An INT comment that was actually funny !!
  10. fwiw i hear crown is doing a standstill (although adam sage did freak out the guard bus by telling them to get ready to warmup (and later laughing at them)),
  11. i dont see much movement in that line of storms at all.
  12. first four are doing standstill -- then up to each indivdual corps
  13. Crowns been stuck on buses for more than an hour!
  14. Not sure if he meant that BUT Phantom going Co-Ed had to hurt recruiting some. The rise of the Blue Stars adds yet another midwest drain on the regional recruiting base. I can see where the Scouts are having trouble recruiting enough guys to fill a guard nevermind getting the talent they used to draw.
  15. Meaghan's updates on twitter are protected. Hopefully she gets on here today and unprotects them....
  16. This. IF you really want to control the quality, why not encode to FLV locally and THEN upload? This will give you small file sizes for ul'ing and give you full control of the quality of the end-product by avoid the double transcoding. If Brightcove insists on doing the FLV conversion, the only way to ensure good quality to is upload the originals.
  17. tweet: A few forms were hard to figure out, but overall, they marched VERY well. Great show phantom!!
  18. more tweets (in order this time!) Man does Phantom have class! Militaristic discipline is a better term. I might not be a phan of Phantom this year, but they performed the HECK out of their show tonight!!! Quantum horns sound great!! Still that classic Phantom sound!
  19. From CEMATHIS tweets Overall, a great show! Now for Phantom Brass had a very very nice sound. Drill was nice, with a few phasing problems. Body movements don't fit with the show The Blue Stars should be placing higher than they are. Their show tonight was CLEAN. My personal favorite NICE warm brass sound Blue Stars are entering the field.
  20. Well spoken. Analogies to movies or similar entertainment are not very valid. Movies are *always* complete before they're released. As for major league sports -- just like drumcorps they are playing by the rules of their respective games. Since the corps make their own rules, don't expect to see penalties for incomplete shows any time soon.
  21. Very nice summary. I agree that comments here on DCP that suggest that Crown is "more polished" and "further along" or even "cleaner" than Cadets are very misleading. As for the ending, it is indeed coming and I can't wait. (unfortunately my attempt for gain further details from that source was foiled ! ) Not sure the HNC are finished (comments from Hop: "We turned to the backfield the first part of TONIGHT! It was just too much, all of the time." and "We are adding a bit of movement to the brass line") but I see where you're going with the statement. Choices have been made which kind of limit the types of change that can occur. (btw emphasis in the hoppy quote is mine not his)
  22. Fred and Irving -- you guys rock! Every corps needs to make this kind of blogging happen. Fabulous work!
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