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Everything posted by ApathyJones

  1. Weird. BD is one of the first shows I show new people because they in general look the most professional and have the least amount of cheese. If I was to show someone the Cadets show from this year it is just so hopelessly cornball that people would be laughing instead of enjoying it. BD, even if you don't like their shows, exudes a level of sophistication and professionalism that helps the activity be taken seriously. Getting past the bar of "marching band is lame" that is prevalent in most newbies is tough, and for my money BD is the easiest to do that with because at the very least they do what they do "cool".
  2. I know it is a strong word. It is probably my least favorite show of all time from anyone.
  3. What about those of us that don't fall into your category of "all"? I HATE Cadets show this year. To me it is cheesy tripe that is unwatchable.
  4. Didn't even get to the 2nd post of a pro BD thread without someone coming in and pooping all over it.
  5. This is probably the worst comment grammatically of all time. The content is pretty dumb too.
  6. Why would what BD is doing this year force an entire activity to move in a different direction? Also, are you equating BD's show design to somehow be responsible for 3 corps mismanaging their money and folding? Man, talk about a stretch!
  7. Maybe the show isn't designed to cater specifically to your mom and brother?
  8. This is a perfect example of how something can be difficult without being related to running full speed across the field...something that much of DCP can't grasp it would seem.
  9. You 100% must have ignored my post earlier...I don't understand you people.
  10. Once again let's see if we can make people understand this concept...just because YOU don't like the show does not mean that someone else doesn't find it entertaining. There is nothing wrong with liking or disliking a show, but to say that because more people seemed to enjoy Crown (for whatever reason, be it they actually enjoy the show more, they want someone new to win, they want to see Crown take their first championship, the Blue Devils killed their parents or whatever)that the Blue Devils are not putting out an entertaining product. It IS entertaining for those of us who are entertained by it. I enjoy their show quite a bit. In fact, I enjoy almost anything that is done at an insane skill level. People can enjoy different things. For me, how clean and skillfull a show is performed directly relates to my enjoyment. That may not be the case for you, and that is totally fine. But to say that because a show that is being performed at a higher quality level than any other show so far this year does not deserve to win because YOU don't like it as much as another show is just wrong.
  11. I was referring specifically to people saying that they weren't booing the performers, they were booing the poor judging.
  12. There are only 2 real options which I posted. Your list just breaks down the second option into smaller chunks. People booing are either A) Booing the judging because they are themselves more proficient judges than the ones on the field and in the pressbox and the booing is because the judges are actually getting it wrong based on the sheets and judging criteria or B) Some other reason that is based on personal opinion, peer pressure, ignorance, or spite that you broke down into a nice list. You helped prove my point. People can say they are booing the judges, but in reality unless they fall into group A above, then they are REALLY using that as an excuse to boo for one or more of the many reasons that are all subjective that you posted that fall into category B
  13. According to people on this message board it is very easy! You can just watch a show on the internet and single-handedly judge the show better than the judges that are actually there, 3 feet away from the performers and in the pressbox!
  14. Which of these two do you think is more likely; everyone that is booing in the crowd is more knowledgeable than the judges judging the competition and they are booing because they can tell from the stands that the judges are getting it wrong, OR that they are booing because the corps they like more didn't win or that the corps they hate did win? Seriously, which of these 2 do you think is more likely?
  15. Go read the other 12 threads he is posting crap in.
  16. I marched, and taught Visual which is why it is so frustrating to see people like this Corpsgasm doofus come on here and act like he understands the activity better than the people on these boards with real experience.
  17. So your entire basis for difficulty is based around how fast someone is running?
  18. Please defend this statement with facts. Thank you.
  19. My point is that this is the exact type of crap that these Crown honks spout out. They put down BD or defend booing under the guise of "I am blaming the staff, not the kids, so it is ok to be an ######## and if anyone gets angry at that or points out I'm being disingenuous then they are wrong, not me!"
  20. This is assuming that you are better at judging and critiquing a corps performance at a more accurate level than the judges who I am willing to bet have YEARS more experience doing than you. Who the hell are you to say which show is more difficult? By all means, provide some factual argument on why Crown's show is more difficult. Once you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are correct in your baseless assumption that whatever Crown is doing is more difficult than what BD is doing, you have no right to base your arguments on that as a statement of fact. I'll wait.
  21. Agreed. What the BD haters on here can't wrap their heads around is not that people are booing because they think BD's show is bad, they are booing because they want their corps to win. It is totally different. I am willing to bet 99% of the people in the audience (and hell, probably on DCP as well) can't tell the difference in performance levels between the top 6 at all. To think that they are able to pick up on the nuances of what the judges pick up in a way that let's them be able to decide who the winner should be based on the performance level and not just "who they like" or "who their favorite corps is" is moronic. The only thing the idiots that boo in the crowd understand when the scores are announced is that their favorite corps didn't win, not that BD's performance level was below that of Crown's. People on here need to stop trying to cloak their hate for BD around some sort of false sense of the judges being bad at their jobs and just come out and say "Hey, I like Crown more than BD and I want them to win, even though it is obvious that they should not be winning right now based on the performance level difference."
  22. Apparently falling all over yourself trying to march and not being able to lock in a straight line while the battery craps the bed for 90% of the show should be winning DCI this year. I don't blame the kids, I blame the staff! (See how stupid that sounds?)
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