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Everything posted by ^Michael^

  1. I'm with you, George. What is it with all these unhappy people who feel the need to announce that they are done and really leaving this time... and this time... and this time.... ad naseum. We get it! You're miserable and you want everyone to know it. (I guess it's true what they say - "misery loves company.") I'm sincerely sorry that the drum corps activity of today no longer appeals to you - I mean that. But - it is what it is and no amount of repeatedly announced departures on your part will revive the version of drum corps you experienced in your youth - nor will any number of passion plays by the "left behinds" be rewarded with a sudden retrovision back to the days when bugles were bugles and lead pipes were scared. If you can truly find no pleasure in today's junior drum corps, at least have the conviction to stand by your stated beliefs and go quietly - with the class you espouse. We will miss you, but we'll miss you quietly while we do what we can to support the drum corps product that our kids (today's members) identify with and love. :ramd: With respect for all views and opinions, Michael Terry Woodstock, GA
  2. No problems for me from Stanford and no worries for this Friday's webcast for me because..... I'll be there in the Rose Bowl LIVE! (in a luxury suite, no less!) ^OO^
  3. [sarcasm /on] :ramd: I think that DCI should, as a matter of policy, stop trying to offer fans any additional services beyond those available during the "pre-internet" days where all coverage, score reporting, etc. were delivered days or weeks later via limited subscription print media and end of season cassette audio tapes and vhs video tapes that were delivered around Christmastime. To the extent that we have demonstrated that a vast plurality of drum corps fans (if one believes the assertions made by the disatisfied contingient on DCP) are an inflexible, unforgiving, unappreciative bunch - it is simply a no win situation for DCI to offer any service enhancements beyond what was available "back in the day" when drum corps were real drum corps and no one made any errors because no one tried anything new! You wanted ideas for a plan to keep there from being any future issues? There's your foolproof idea! Maybe once we get Al Gore to nip this internet fad in the bud, we can begin restoring the activity to a time when bugles were bugles and old AL and VFW guys snoozed in their seats (except during the color pre - when they they jumped to their feet and broke a hip! ^OO^ [sarcasm /off] My apologies to anyone offended by my sarcastic rant. Ummm - not really, I've been offended plenty by certain opinons offered here as fact - so I guess that if I can take a little grief - you can too! :P
  4. Please come to Pasadena and exercise your "right" to boo loudly in Section 118, at row 30 near seat 101.
  5. July 30, 2005 scores: 1 The Cadets 94.150 2 Cavaliers 94.075 3 Phantom Regiment 90.975 4 Blue Devils 90.900 5 Madison Scouts 90.725 6 Bluecoats 88.975 7 Carolina Crown 86.000 8 Boston Crusaders 85.900 9 Santa Clara Vanguard 85.175 10 Blue Knights 83.375 11 Glassmen 82.275 12 Spirit 81.625 July 31,2006 scores: 1 The Cavaliers 94.050 2 Blue Devils 93.550 3 Bluecoats 91.450 4 The Cadets 90.900 5 Blue Knights 86.500 6 Esperanza 73.400 July 31, 2007 (last night) scores: 1 The Cadets 94.300 2 Bluecoats 92.100 3 Santa Clara Vanguard 90.900 4 Blue Knights 88.650 5 Glassmen 84.500 6 Crossmen 80.450 7 Cascades 78.200 8 Troopers 77.450 9 Mandarins 75.800 August 13, 2005 Finals scores: 1 The Cadets 99.150 2 Cavaliers 97.625 3 Phantom Regiment 96.825 4 Blue Devils 95.250 5 Bluecoats 94.450 6 Madison Scouts 92.625 7 Carolina Crown 90.725 8 Santa Clara Vanguard 88.650 9 Boston Crusaders 88.400 10 Blue Knights 88.225 11 Glassmen 87.700 12 Spirit 86.075 August 12, 2006 Finals scores: 1 The Cavaliers 97.200 2 Phantom Regiment 96.850 3 Blue Devils 96.550 4 Bluecoats 93.175 5 The Cadets 93.075 6 Santa Clara Vanguard 92.350 7 Blue Knights 90.125 8 Carolina Crown 89.975 9 Madison Scouts 87.700 10 Boston Crusaders 87.325 11 Glassmen 86.000 12 Spirit 84.825 Are we on track for another record high Finals winning score?
  6. Daniel - why are you not on tour right now? Slacking? :P Get back out there - they need you!
  7. The Cadets HONK!!! (I get confused whether I'm a Honk, a Homer, or a Borg)
  8. It's about choosing your attitudes in life, your belief system, and choosing how you respond to and play the cards you are dealt in life on a daily basis. For instance - one can choose to be miserable or choose to be happy with any given set of circumstances. As for me - I choose to be happy! b**bs
  9. Nick - I agree with you. Lance showed real understanding and insight into the motivation behind the theme. ^OO^
  10. I absolutely agree with Mr. Dixon's post. In fact, it reminded me the message that I sent to George and Mike new back on January 27, 2003 resiging my position as a DCP moderator for these very reasons. Pasted below, for informational purposes, is the text from that resignation message (with the names of certain individuals deleted to protect their privacy). ------------------------------------Begin copied text------------------------------------------------------ (letter text removed - MikeN) ---------------------------End copied text--------------------------------------------- Respectfully submitted, Michael Terry
  11. Looking back - this wasn't really that big of a deal, but at the time it was very scary. In 1982, I was driving the equipment semi for Memphis Blues Brass Band in Bloomington, IN. We were headed from our housing site to an afternoon of rehearsal in the University of Indiana stadium. On the way, there was a low bridge over the road and the buses pulled carefully under it to make sure that there was enough clearance. The lead bus radioed back to me that there was plenty of clearance, come on through. Well, I slowed down to a safe speed, but trusting the bus driver (who drove a semi for a living in "real life"), I started under the bridge. Well - you know what happened next - CRUNCH! The trailer stuck hard under the bridege and it took several attempts before I was able to get it unstuck by backing it out. Traffic was snarled and then I had to back the semi for three blocks before I could find a side street to turn off on! I sheepishly found a fire station and went in to get directions to the stadium via an alternate route with no overhead bridges! To this day, I turn red with embarrassment every time I think about that incident! Fortunately, there was no damage to the trailer, even though it seemed like it was stuck badly under the bridge. I learned a lesson that day though - always honor the clearance signs and don't trust the buses (they were 6 inches lower than my truck - 12'6" vs. 13'0"!) :sshh:
  12. You forgot to preface that with "In my opinion," Thank God that you do not get to say what is and is not "Drum Corps" for the rest of us! <**> I'd like to see "Big" Lou stand in front of the Cadets membership and offer his "opinion" that they are not a drum corps! In fact, I'd pay good money to bear witness to that spectacle!
  13. I thought it was just me! Not to mention the "creative" spelling throughout! However, I've come to expect no less here on DCP from posts that include the phrase "I remember the days..." in the first couple of sentences. :P Must be the "oldtimers disease" kicking in! I suffer from that sometimes myself so I've got no room to talk! :sshh:
  14. I'd be glad to loan you $1.00 so you could buy a clue, but you'd probably use it to buy a conspiracy theory instead! :P
  15. Says who? You? And your qualifications to make this assessment are???? Talk about "deserving to get ripped"! <**>
  16. My apologies for an admitted knee jerk reaction to what I consider to be a "dead horse" topic. Still - my reply was unwarranted and I should have counted to ten before hitting the enter key! :sshh:
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