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Everything posted by tubaribonephone

  1. So my question now is, is the $69 price for current Platinum subscribers who will be resubscribing or is it going to be the price for everybody? I'm really hoping it's $69 for everybody!
  2. Name: Ricky Lopez Gender: Male What age were you when you marched: 21 What age are you now: 22 Which instrument did you march/play: Tuba Which corps is you favorite (besides your own): Santa Clara Vanguard What is your (intended) college major/degree in: Instrumental Music Education Which corps did you march with: Phantom Regiment What years: 2006 Why did you join drum corps: Ever since 2001 when I saw the Blue Knights rehearse at my high school, I was hooked. I fell in love with drum corps. I not only wanted to march but that I HAD to march. Then in 2003 at Corps Encore in Ogden, UT, I saw Phantom Regiment live and was determinded to march in that hornline! Even though I only marched my age-out year, it's still the greatest thing I've ever accomplishment! What was your best experience: Getting to march my age-out year.... with PHANTOM REGIMENT!!!! Do you intend to continue to support DCI after you retire from competition: yup!
  3. I've been searching my butt off for this and now I'm turning here... I'm puttin my Tour of Champions cd's onto my iPod but I can't find the case and nothing comes up on itunes as far as the name of the songs go. I have all the show names but I'm looking for the names of the other songs that are on the cd's. If anybody could post the track list that'd be freakin' awesome!!! Thanks!
  4. I should be getting my free copy on or around Nov. 10th :P
  5. So while this IsoMike thing is great and all, I'm sick and tired of it. And I'm not the only one.... I attend Weber State University and I've been first chair tuba since fall of 2003 in the Symphonic band, the Wind Ensemble and I play tuba in the orchestra. I am on ALL of the IsoMike test cd's (HE 2004, IsoMike Recording 2005A, IsoMike Recording 2005B, IsoMike Recordings 2006, IsoMike Recordings 2007A) and I own all of the test cd's (they were given to everybody in the band so we could hear his "great" recordings....). Now, I have not heard the BK stuff yet, but I have marched DCI (Phantom Regiment Contra '06, SUTA!!!!) and I do know what a drum corps sounds like live and I'm very hesitant to hear what he recorded. Ray says that we can just pop in his cd's and they will sound fantastic... yeah, that's after you turn up your stereo about twice as loud! or if you have "high end" equipment like him! Sorry, but most of us don't have the "high end" equipment that you have and thus can't really appreciate the quality of your recordings. And when I get a recording from one of my concerts that he recorded, I have to normalize it, otherwise, it's just to #### soft!!! I'm pretty sure that Ray will shutter at the fact that I said I normalize his cd's but I just can't stand it otherwise. Now that I've gone on a little rant about the way his recordings sound, how about the IsoMike itself? Like I said, I've been at Weber State since fall of 2003. I have played in tons and tons of concerts on campus and there is literally one time where this thing was not hanging above the seats and blocking the view of most everybody in the concerts: You have no idea how many people (family, friends and general concert goers) this thing annoys. After EVERY single concert, you will here people saying "you guys sounded great but what is the deal with the big microphone thing?" I know that he is trying to raise the bar when it comes to recording but it's like he doesn't even realize that people are paying to hear AND watch us perform! Plus it's distracting for the performers to step on stage and see this huge thing in front of them. Some of you say good things about Ray but some students at Weber will just say "meh." Here's mine and a fellow tuba players personal story: After hearing a dress rehearsal cd together with a my friend and his dad (a former tuba player and a recording engineer for the LDS Church who deals with recordings of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir) his dad said "I can barely hear you guys on this cd but I can hear you guys just fine live, that's really weird..." We agreed but thought there was nothing we could do about it. The next day when Ray came in to the band room for a bit, our band director asked if there was a way that he could pick up the tubas better on the recording. All he said was "if you can't hear them on the recording, they have to play louder." That's when my friend (a very bold man) stood up and said "we play plenty loud, you need to change the way you do your recording!" Apparently that hit a nerve with Ray and he just said "it's not my recording that is the problem." That's when my band director got off the podium and talked to Ray privately. The next day (the day of the concert) the set up of the IsoMike was noticeably different. Like I said, I'm not the only one that feels this way, pretty much the entire band and orchestra (I'm not in choir so I have no clue how they feel about it) feels the same as I do, especailly the people that have had to deal with this thing for as long as I have.
  6. Just because it's via satellite doesn't necessarily mean that it's live.....
  7. Does DCI broadcast the Classic Countdown via Satellite? If not, how do they do it? I hate to be impatient, but If somebody could respond fairly quickly, that'd be cool. Thanks!!!!!!
  8. I was going to post that same link but you posted as i was writing mine. oh well. I guess that I could say, mikietuba is right. I've been doing this and teaching this for the last 3 years and it works wonders. This is not only one of the best investments I've made as a player but also as a teacher.
  9. "That'll be 10." Dwight Emmert, Co-visual caption head for Phantom.
  10. There's me and another guy in the Phantom contra line that are hispanic. I'm not from Guatemala but my dad is Guatemalan and my mom is Caucasin (from the U.S.) so I guess I'm sort of half hispanic... I'm sure there are more in Phantom but I'm not exactly sure.
  11. If you want to know the color of the uniforms, just watch the March camp video... just click all of this.
  12. I may be one of few around here but I 100% agree with the pyramid. That was one of the very 1st things I was taught when I first stared playing the tuba and to this day, I still think it's one of the most important things I've ever been taught. Literally every single band director and music professor that I've had has talked about it to great length at one point or another and has greatly impoved the sound of the ensemble(especailly in some junior high and high school bands). I think that one of the biggest reason's for the pyramid set up of sound is because of the overtones. The tuba, when played correctly, has several more overtones that can be heard compared to a Euph/Bari, which has more when compared to trombones, which has more compared the french horns, etc., etc. (in a band situation) and if you really think about it, adding instruments into something as simple as a Bb chord is just so that the overtones can be heard more clearly. But when those instuments are added and they come in at the same volume, they add volume to the slightly less important overtones, then it becomes harder to hear the root of the chord, thus making the sound unbalanced. So say that the dynamic written on everybodys part is FF. To fix the unbalanced sound problem, the ensemble was taught to think this: ---/\ Trumpets F --/--\ Mellophone F+ -/----\ Baritones FF- /____\ Tubas FF This has everbody playing at a reasonably "loud" volume but with a much more balanced and, at least to me and aatlb25, much more pleasant sound. Now I'm not saying that this is how it always must be by anymeans because sometimes you want that middle voice to come out more for color and what-not, but this is a very standard method of thinking and playing for a lot of different people out there. But, yeah, that is just my 2 cents...from the bottom ends perspective.
  13. it's supposed to take me about an hour or so from my house in Roy, UT to West Jordan, UT.... but i'll probably make it down there in 40 mins.
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