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Everything posted by azwethinkweizm

  1. Now what if this were an audition rather than a concert? Which sticking should I use for a solo audition on the concert snare?
  2. I have this piece I have to play for a concert and it calls for a quarter note with a 3 stroke ruff. But I'm torn on how to play it....should I play the ruff rlr with the quarter note on the L, lrl with the quarter note on the right, or could I play it rll with the quarter note on the R?
  3. So you are telling me that you have no problem with people selling stamps with images of the 911 attacks on it? and you call me tasteless? You're a monster.
  4. But do not worry about it because four designs were privately sent to me and they look great. Thank you to those who have looked past the nonsense.
  5. But you are someone who will buy September 11th stamps. You missed the point I was trying to make. Doing this is not showing a lack of respect and maturity. I doubt you even know the whole story behind that picture and you have the gall to tell me that this is showing a lack of maturity? Are you kidding me? You do not know anything about Iwo Jima and if my grandfather was still alive, he would rip you apart verbally. What is even more sad is how you guys fail to acknowledge how clever and unique the idea was. Sad times we live in today.
  6. Maybe I am missing something but I think that you guys are presenting a double standard. In other words, you trying to label me as being rude while you have no problem with the rudeness I portray, just in a different manner. I would like to say something to those offended. You have no reason to be offended. You are the same people who buy stamps with September 11th images on it. I find it very humorous that the people who do not approve of me requesting an image portraying the struggle of drum corps are the same people who call it "Patriotic" to wear 911 shirts and buy pictures of 911 from people and glorify them. You people are also the same ones who buy knock off pink ribbons to support breast cancer. You know the ones that they sell at gas stations that do not go to cancer research, that really go to a company to make profit. But thank you to the 4 people who did send me the picture photoshopped with Cavaliers and BD on it.
  7. I need your help and for a good reason. http://www.estatevaults.com/lm/images/%20Iwo%20Jima.jpg That is a picture of American troops rasing the flag over Iwo Jima, Japan in world war II. What I need is this picture photoshopped so instead of US soldiers, one is dressed like a Cavalier one is dressed like a Blue Devil ect. If it's possible, let me know.
  8. Maybe I'm nuts but.... .... I love Dynasty drums and think this is a great move for Phantom.
  9. Overrated: Blue Devils, Phantom, Cadets Underrated: Cavaliers, Bluecoats, Crown, academy
  10. This year I plan on auditioning for a Division III drum corps as a bass drummer. The only problem is that I've never been to an audition like this before. I decided that jumping the gun to Div I was a huge step for me so I decided to start low and work my way up. My playing skills are good and I march decent. Any advice?
  11. I never got the answer I was looking for. The kept referring to under the pants and stuff I didn't understand. That whole topic was them having a conversation to themselves. I don't understand why you can't answer the question instead of being little miss detective.
  12. Oh, speaking of retreats, make sure you aren't rude to people as you shake hands with other corps or bands. 2005 San Antonio retreats: me and a friend met this really rude snare drummer. He made fun of our uniform and just other random stuff. We asked about his drum and he closed out his rant with "learn things". So my buddy took his snare sticks, making him stickless for the encore. We taped them on the front of his school bus with "learn things" written on the sticks.
  13. I know it doesn't count but at retreat during BOA San Antonio finals, I shook hands with members and tried to steal their gloves while doing it. I went away with one black glove. I probably ###### off some band parent that night.
  14. I'm not sure, it just looks like a plain black shirt. Go look at I&E videos and look at a BD player.
  15. I've noticed that the BD wear a black shirt under their uniform but over their pants. Is it just a plain black shirt but cut short or is it a special kind of shirt?
  16. I've heard it pronounced 2 ways and I want to know the correct way. Is it Winged Victory pronounced Wing-ed Victory or Wing'd Victory
  17. Are we the boy scouts now? Who cares who is booing? You don't complain at baseball games or football games when it's done.
  18. I remember a user named Jazzycat1 who was a regular here. He started to not post until I noticed he was in the "banned" group and that he had a sig pic that said banned for no good reason. What did he do?
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