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Everything posted by IllianaLancerContra

  1. Mike Boo was the Poet Laureate of Drum Corps
  2. It was early 1970s, I don't think there was Extra Crispy back then 😎
  3. At one level, yes, a MAJOR success. But from a financial standpoint, which is just as (if not more) important to the future of DCI, will that many fans pay the bills?
  4. First Drum Corps show (early 1970s) I was in the cheap side seats. The thing I remember most is that there were picnickers allowed around the field & a few had encroached on the end zone. Announcer told them they needed to move, but a few didn't. It was one of the years when Corps were allowed to do a re-entry during closer, so the Corps were marching in the end zone. I distinctly remember an SCV guard member marking time on a bucket of chicken.
  5. For a few years Phantom had a member posting a daily synopsis
  6. Perhaps Tricia Nadolny will get in next year.
  7. This is the verbiage from DCI: – Post-performance interaction with family, friends and other performers will not be possible for this summer. Performers and staff will not reenter the stadium after performances. Family members, fans, alumni and sponsors will not be permitted in “backstage” areas. This includes parking lots, warm-up zones, corps entry/exit gates and tunnels. & if Drum Corps fans organize a protest march, it will be the best dressed & covered down protest march in history.
  8. There has been a large German Expat community in much of South America since about 1890.
  9. Somewhere in the most recent set of press releases DCI has stated there will be no spectators in the lot...😒
  10. Lots of TBD concerning exact performance dates & locations (except Indy in August). That said, I thing that due to geographic reality that the Combine has the best chance of success in 2021. Note - I define success as 'some sort of performance series without bankrupting one (or more) Corps in the process'.
  11. I really hope DCI is able to pull off 2021 without killing the activity. But at some point there needs to be a reality check. The devil is in the details. DCI 2021 is like a chain. There is a financial link, a transportation link, an overnight lodging link, a member/staff Covid/health link etc, etc. If one link breaks, the then the entire chain fails. I just hope someone at DCI has the authority & intestinal fortitude to toss in in the towel if it becomes apparent that 2021 just won't work. To echo others on this board - Drum Corps financials are flimsy at best. The last thing Corps need to do is throw good money after bad.
  12. Helps to have event in state with no restrictions on crowd size or spacing
  13. Can someone who speaks 'Pennsylvanian' translate this for me? I'm not sure if he agrees or disagrees with what I said.
  14. I think the current plans need to be solidified before more stuff is added. Here we are, in the latter part of April & there is still a lot of 'TBA' on the schedule.
  15. A problem with the current covid situation & response is that it has been politicized. And politics ruins everything it touches. I really hope that somewhere an accurate, comprehensive, non-politicalized data set of all things covid exists. CDC should be doing this; my understanding is that Johns Hopkins is as well. And after covid cases reduce to some low, steady level, some competent, apolitical epidemiologists can look at the data & see (1) what really happened, & (2) what can we learn so as to do better when the next epidemic hits.
  16. Well, that’s what happens when you are required to ‘social distance’ for 13+ months
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