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Everything posted by DCfan76

  1. Topics were merged. Read post #78 on page 8. And for cryin' out loud, lighten up a little bit. Of course the "World Champions" reference is an exaggeration (I believe most of you were picking 2nd). And the asterisk thing is just poking fun at my friends on the west coast. By the way, I grew up on the west coast. There's a lot of great shows left to see. Relax and have fun!
  2. Unlike any other corps of the night, I found myself humming their music after Allentown. This is the Rodney Dangerfield of DCI - they just don't get no respect. But I think that's going to change soon. I really enjoy their show and think they should be WELL up into Finals this year. Way to go Colts!!
  3. P.S. I want to apologize for using the words, "shut up" in my first post. That wasn't nice, I shouldn't have said that. If it makes you feel any better, my wife reamed me out pretty good for saying it. And I also want to apologize for leaving out the Seattle Cascades as western finalists. The Cascades are a very fine corps, of which I have enjoyed many of their shows. My wife let me have it for this blunder too. Maybe next time I should let HER do the posting!
  4. Shhesh! A guy tries to offer a little freindly advice and look what happens!! Let's see... where to begin, where to begin... First of all - most of you should go back and read, re-read and re-re-read both of my posts. At NO TIME do I ever condem Academy, it's organization, financial status, members, staff or philosophy. That "criticism" is something YOU added, not me. In fact, my second post says we should all APPLAUD their efforts... did you happen to read that? No, my words are directed to those HONKS who have been over-hyping a group that until JULY 21, will not have competed anywhere east of Glendale Community College! And when you look at ALL the corps, the 5-6 weeks they've been on the road and THEIR fans too - maybe you might want to tone it down a little bit. That's all. No, once again, I am NOT critisizing Academy's organization, tour or schedule. Heck, working with DCI is like working with the IRS - you should be using all of their rules to YOUR fullest advantage. Good for them! I am simply reminding you to keep everyone else's organization, tour and schedule in mind, and wait for the ENTIRE season to play out before you annoint yourself World Champions. Personally, I don't believe ANY limited-touring corps should be able to compete for a Finalist spot. But that's just me. I'm a grouchy old guy. Of course you will be very happy to know that I don't make the rules. So there you go. I can tell you that among my large group of old Drum Corps fans IF, I repeat, IF Academy makes it into the Top Twelve - it will always be with an asterisk (for those of you on the west coast, it's one of these things *), meaning: didn't do it the same as everyone else. Once again, NOT a criticism - just a fact. From top to bottom, this is the most competitive season of Drum Corps that I can remember in a long, long time. I have the feeling that placements are going to move around until that final score is announced in Pasadena. And the REAL winner will be... US!!! Here's wishing you all a lot of fun these last few weeks of the season!
  5. I woke up on the same side I always do... cantankerous! And if you've never seen an uglier post, then I guess you just haven't seen very many posts. I don't have the time to search every thread and provide all the links for you because I serve a higher power... my wife. She has a list of things for me to do right now. But I will tell you that the "Countdown to When We Come Back Out and Kick Everyone's ###" thread was probably a little over the top. Sorry if you took it the wrong way. I know all you west-coasters have been dying for another finalist from your region since you lost Freelancers and VK - now Academy is your greatest hope. So I understand that I must be hitting a nerve somewhere. But that wasn't my intent. We should ALL applaud the growth, development and outstanding achievement of Academy and it's entire organization. But Academy Fan should keep in mind that perhaps the "we're better than you are" attitude, under the circumstances, just might rub people the wrong way. That's all.
  6. Allow me to give you some freindly advice - if I were you, I'd just shut up and keep quiet for a while. Good for you, your corps is scoring high. In California. Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but why don't you give the rest of the country a chance to actually SEE your corps so we can form our own opinion - instead of trying to over-hype everything you do. We get it, you're good. I congratulate the members and staff for all their work. But keep in mind that almost every other corps has been on tour, away from home for about five weeks straight. They have been battling lack of sleep, upset schedules, bus problems, bug bites, hard floors, dirty laundry and everything else a life on the road brings with it. The highlight of the week is a Wal-Mart stop. Try as you may - the rest of the drum corps community is not going to fully embrace a group that has been home for weeks, sleeping in their own beds, enjoying their own bathroom and practicing all day, every day. Yes, I understand the money thing, the need for a limited tour and the fact that you didn't write the rules... you only used them to your benefit (as you should have). But please keep in mind that the luxuries you enjoy today have not, and will never be enjoyed by the other full touring corps. So maybe you could tone it down a little bit. P.S. Those of us who have been there before know that this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. A lot will happen in these last few weeks.
  7. Today, coming in 13th is not bad at all. Of course, Top 12 is always goal #1 - as it should be. But today's top 17 are competitive and entertaining. The bar has really been raised over the past few years, and it keeps inching higher. I remember when #12 and sometimes #11 corps were just not that good - hard to watch even on Finals night. It seemed like DCI had about 10 solid corps and that's it. But I think the best deal in drum corps now is the Friday night Semifinals show. Those top 17 corps really put it out there! As far as the money, I seem to remember that the cutoff was at 14 or 15 for some reason, not 13. I thought the cutoffs were for 6th, 9th, 14th... something like that. Hopefully someone can post and verify this. 13th may be a disappointment, but it's still VERY respectable by today's standards.
  8. I think we can all relate to Harvey's frustration at some time (even at many times) in our drum corps fandom. I actually heard two judges talking to each other last year: "Your'e right, I should have put (corps) one place higher." Oh great, I thought - who's going to let the kids know? Also - are you going to tell the next show's judges that you made this mistake, or just let it go and hope for the best? The problem for the fans is that judging seems to happen within some sort of secret society. We see scores, but never get an explanation for the score... which, as Harvey pointed out, can flip-flop change - depending on the panel. So we are left with our own explanations = slotting and conspiracy theories. I guess the answer is (as much as I hate to admit it) that judges are mere humans that are going to make mistakes. My only hope is that the mistakes they make don't mark a particular corps in a particular slot with no chance to move. Because they're not affecting numbers, they are affecting the kids who have poured their hearts into this thing. As one corps director put it: "I hope they judge the show tonight, not the uniform." In their defense, maybe it takes all eight weeks before all the judges can come to an agreement of what "good" really is for that season and who should be a finalist, in what order. I think a wonderful solution would be for DCI to put on a web-cast judges clinic for the fans. Give us an example of a box 3, 4, 5... and WHY. What does it mean when you put that score down? And where did that number come from? Heck, I would pay money to tune in to that, and I'm sure a lot more of you Drum Corps nuts would do the same. And, who knows, it might even help us all feel better about what we see. Knowledge is a good thing. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful finish to the 2008 season!!
  9. There is a LOT of drum corps left between now and Pasadena. You don't win a finals spot in July, you win it in August. The big question will be, whose show has the "legs" to take them there - i.e. difficulty, complexity and sophistcation on all levels. Too many times I have seen a "great" show lose its luster and drop in the rankings because it was done too early and had no where else to go. San Antonio is going to be verrry interesting this year. One thing to consider with Academy. IF they make finals, then the pressure will be on to run a FULL tour next year. No way will DCI let a finalist sit at home - you need to get out there and defend your spot. We. as fans, want our corps out on tour. Will Academy have the financial resources to sustain... or will the burden of their own success produce yet another one-hit wonder?
  10. Actually its autumnal equinox (capes and autumn colors), winter (the soloist with the poofy thing "freezes" everybody), then hard winter / ice (the mean dark stuff - with the asterisk form = an ice crystal) and then spring equinox... the sun comes out and everybody's happy!
  11. Yes, but when Phantom switched to King, their brass scores went up. My main curiosity with Academy will be to see if their entire corps and show design can match those of a finalist corps. Even those with long time experience have a hard time making that happen. In a way, Academy is in a "no-win" situation. If they come in 14-15, everyone will say, "See - told you so!" And if they make finals, it will always be with an asteisk... without a full tour, AND they will be expected to be even BETTER next year - no excuses. 13th place will look like a failure. I almost feel like their fans have a huge chip on their shoulder, which is a shame. I would suggest they just stop listening to opinions, stop polling about a corps that is not out, and enjoy a wonderful season of drum corps. There's only one "first div 1 season" and this is it. Enjoy the ride.
  12. I have seen Spirit, Glassmen, Colts and Blue Stars and I have a hard time believing that Academy's total program (visual, guard and perc) will be better than any of those... especially with yet another week of competition / looks from the judges, etc. under their belt. The strength of Academy seems to be the horn line, yet they play on Kanstuls. Personally, I've found the Yamahas to offer a bigger, brighter "drum corps" sound. And when surrounded by corps with full horn lines of the Yamaha, Academy's output may not stack up. Of course, I have been wrong before - just ask my kids. I wish Academy the best of luck. One thing I know, the next five weeks are going to be a lot of fun for us all!!
  13. My Story: I was attending a drill clinic for band directors in 1984. Zingali was the main clinician. The new, "wild" Garfield drills had gotten our attention and turned the marching scene upside down. You have to understand how revolutionary this was at the time, compared to the symmetrical pattern-type we were all doing. George had just finished explaining how the music should dictate the direction of movement and started giving examples of thinking "outside the box." This man was all about creating art on the field - it was incredible. At the end, our heads were exploding with all the new information he had poured into us (imagine trying to drink out of a fire hose). One band director was brave enough to ask a question - she was obviously torn between two worlds... the old one we had all been writing in, and the new one just revealed. "So are you saying then, that we should do it like A or B?" And from George came the answer, "Yes!" "No," she said again, "I'm asking if we should do it like A or B?" "Exactly!" said George. "Well... which one?!?" she asked, now a bit agitated. "YES!!" said George, with more enthusiasm than ever. And that was it. The band director, and half the room looked completely perplexed - the other half had giant grins, because we just got it. What he meant was - yes to both, or one, or neither! It wasn't about the x's and o's, or lines or dots or pretty pictures... it was about what the MUSIC created visually on the field. Again, an ULTRA-revolutionary concept to us at the time. That short clinic of Z's was the most instructive thing I have ever been part of. I remember it 22 years later like it was yesterday. George spoke to us with passion, enthusiasm, and a flair like none other. It was a joy to be with him that day.
  14. My hair still parts funny from the impact of his sound when I first heard him in '74. Like you, I consider myself very fortunate to have experienced his energy. Truly one of a kind.
  15. My mistake, I took the comment as coming from an alum. Of course people have every right to vote with thier wallets.
  16. So that's how that MYNWA thing works. When the organization does something you don't like, you stop supporting them - nice.
  17. As you have probably heard by now, Maynard Ferguson passed away suddenly on Wednesday. Not only was Ferguson unsurpassed as a player, but he did a tremendous amount of good for music education... and was a giant influence on drum corps shows and arrangements. There was nothing better than a hot brass line and an MF chart. Which corps do we think could pull off an MF tribute show for 2007? Hmm... RIP Maynard, and thank you.
  18. I was one of about, oh - maybe 6 people in the stadium who was NOT surprised to see Blue Knights move up on Saturday night. Their perfomance was outstanding. I think most people really had a problem listening to/understanding the music. As one fan put it: "If I just turn off the sound and watch the show, then I really like it!" You have to respect what BK has done over the past 4-5 years... just slowly get better and better. Something is definately happening right in Denver! And I agree about #7 - 15 corps. Those slots were as competitive this season as I've ever seen it.
  19. After a full season of all my complaining, grousing and venting... I think the judges got Finals in the RIGHT order last night! Could that mean that they actually conspired to place EVERY corps in the right order? All season long?!? Someone should look into this. Seriously - It was a wonderful night of drum corps. I don't know the details of every caption scored, but after watching each show, I have to agree with the placement of this top 12 (I don't particularly like it, but I do agree with it). Congratulations to each and every corps member who marched in 2006. Best wishes to you all - no matter which uniform you wore.
  20. Colts dropped to 16th in brass?!? They haven't been lower than 13th all season... at times they were as high as 10th. And, no - they didn't have an off night. Maybe there was to be no "accidental" ties at 12th place. Anybody out there hear something different?
  21. There's a reason why they are not Div 1 yet... because they are NOT ready. This is definately a great program this year - with a limited tour and weeks home for everydays. Once you hit the Div 1 trail, everything changes. I expect them to stay Div II next year for Pasadena - but then they need to take the plunge into Div1 in 2008! Best of luck to them! DCI needs MORE excellent corps like Academy - everybody wins that way! By the way, I thought the top 5 in Div II would fare quite well in Div 1 quarterfinals.
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