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Everything posted by TerpCorpsNut

  1. I'm sure some of you have heard this story before... Summer of 2004... I was attending George Parks' Drum Major Academy in West Chester, PA, where the Cadets were supposed to give us kids an outdoor performance one night. The weather was looking pretty iffy for the evening, with showers and tstorms in the area, so the performance was moved inside. I was a little bummed, but still being pretty new to the activity, I wasn't going to complain about seeing a top corps. As soon as the corps started playing... just WARMUPS, mind you... the place went nuts. There was so much energy going in there, and it only escalated as the show continued. Members of the horn line came out into the audience, stood on seats, played around with us... it was amazing. Hopkins was moved to tears, and if I remember correctly, I was too, especially after being blasted with Cadillac of the Skies in a small auditorium with Bocook conducting. I had joined up with another kid there who was a drum corps fan so we were sitting together, and even with his Cavies jacket on, he admitted that the performance was absolutely incredible. Needless to say, the performance being moved inside was probably one of the best decisions ever, and my heart will always be with the Cadets, if only for that one concert.
  2. Add another "agreed" to the list for this one... The fact that you can meet a completely random person who likes corps and instantly have, at the very least, a great conversation.
  3. I'll have to agree with most and say the "elastibox" from the Cavies. And along with that show, all the little visuals they put in that added to the concept of a machine... quite amusing! I also liked some things from Crown's performance, there was something near the end where they all kind of formed lines coming out from the far left corner of the field... maybe someone knows what I'm talking about, I thought it was neat. And in one part of the Crossmen's show... the car they made with the spinning tire! Cute. Edit: AND SCV's exit.
  4. At least from where I was sitting, there was a good one in Allentown. My friends and I certainly yelled it at the top of our lungs.
  5. MARYLAND!!!! (that's where I'm headed in the fall) :D
  6. I'm a relatively new drum corps fan (I've only really been into it for the past few years), but it was definitely an honor to see the Bridgemen last night. Thank you for playing, it was awesome!!!
  7. Perhaps I just haven't listened to their APDs enough... I'll definitely do some researching before this weekend. Thanks!
  8. Where is the yell this year? A few of my friends and I have already discussed doing it at Allentown... we just need to know where it is.
  9. Aw, good for The Magic. Their show definitely excited me a lot more this afternoon than it did at Westminster.
  10. I have to agree, the new ending is great. I saw them live at Westminster and this is definitely an improvement.. it ties the two years together very well, which is nice even for those of us who understand the connection between them. The musical changes are nice, too... once again, ties back to last year, but isn't as identical to 05 as their old ending was. I can't wait to see it again at Allentown.
  11. They did indeed just finish a camp... called it "change camp" and whatnot, and they.. well.. changed a lot of their show, or altered it, or whatever. I'm in frequent correspondence with a bari player there so if anyone has any questions I can get it straight from the horse's mouth :)
  12. I've been talking to my friend in the Colts all season, and last night he said they were all (obviously) really hot, but they're getting through it all right.
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