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Everything posted by asifindnoarta

  1. Great thread I think DC is art and art first above entertainment and education. Many disagree, particularly the traditionalists out there. I say to them defend your opinion as I defend mine. We can agree to disagree and will be the better for it because if you're makinf entertaining shows while I'm making pieces of art that only enriches the variety of the medium. Some films are art and some films are not. I would not want all art films to be art because sometimes I want to go to the theatre just to be entertained. This is why differentiation is ok. Because I think DC is art, or can be art - and because I think art natrually responds to political issues - sure someone could do an Iraq war show. But good luck. That's risky business and the corps to do that has a lot of balls. I do see a problem with it though, and that is the message of the show may conflict with the opinions of its members. What if you have a pro-war 5-year ageout who shows up to the first rehearsal and finds out that he's gonna have to march an anti-war show. I'd suggest that he leave the corps but thats a lot to ask a 5 year dedicated veteran, pun intended.
  2. If I was in control of a drum corps, I would govern the actions of members staff and volunteers with a value system based on one central thesis: Every action I perform while actively participating in this corps should, either directly or indirectly, benefit the final performance. I think this is the perfect rule. From here one could logically extract an entire value system based on this concept. If everybody tried to only act in ways that would somehow help the finals performance the corps would be better off. I like the idea of basing a corps values off of reason and rational thinking.
  3. many things that were very strange after coming back from my first year of corps with the '05 cadets eating at a table while sitting in a chair seemed lavish and decadant having meals served to me at resturants made me feel like royalty showering alone and in a comfortable temperature was boring jeans and a polo felt like a tux after gym shorts and no shirt all summer so much time... endless time... unlimited time... with which I knew not what to do my friends told me I seemed quiet, introverted, lost in my own thoughts, unusually reserved none of my pants fit
  4. I marched Cadets for the following reasons: 1) To get a ring 2) To play in the best mello line in DCI 3) The visual technique program 4) The camps were in Jersey so I could drive there from UMASS 5) I wanted to wear that uniform for what it looked like and for what it meant... double sided or not 6) Jay bocook + Gino Cipriani + Cadets Ballad = me crying during encore performance 7) I was taught by a Cadet. 8) Cadets 1998 9) Cadets 1993 10) Cadets 2000
  5. No he's right, they yelled EAST!! I talked to a couple kids in the corps last night I knew from when I marched and they put EAST! in the yell
  6. I heard from someone in a corps that there were numerous fights last night at quarters. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  7. I am liberal. I don't like any of the previous uses of narration in drum corps as of yet and I marched this one show one time (you may have heard of it) that had some. But it could be used well effectively. uhm... right so narration. Here's the thing. Every other caption in drum corps, well music and visual, have different sub categories, effect, ensemble and performance. Effect is where you evaluate the design... how elements of the show fit together. Ensemble is how the corps performs as a group and performance is how individuals perform. Roughly speaking anyways. THe big problem with narration is there is no performance category. The judges simply don't have a rubric space where they can evaluate the quality of the individual performance when if comes to narration. They can evaluate how the design element fits into the show (over-all effect) but there is no space where they can put numbers down when it has to do with how these lines are actually performed, delivered, what have you. Also, these judges are here to judge drum corps and up until very recently, narration was never a part of drum corps so really these judges don't have any formal qualifications to evaluate the quality of narrative performance. And even if they did, as I stated before, there wouldn't be any space on the sheet to put a number down for it. I don't think this issue has been addressed before on DCP and I wonder if this has even been brought up in the judging community. Oh well... DCI needs to THINK more.
  8. Did I use an incorrect word? I'm sorry if I did. I just meant to say that uh... the cadets won't let last night get to them. Thanks for listening everybody... I hope you at least sorta enjoyed my hyperbolic rant. It was meant to be a little stirring especially for cadets fans. I guess I just wanted to express my frustration with the situation because. We all love drum corps... so why all of this utterly tragic hatred. I'm exsasperated. I don't know what to do. I think we all need to seriously work together to take drum corps into our own hands and make a better future for it. My God this artform could be so good if we just did the right thing with it. I can only hope to someday have my own corps so I can show the world that drum corps can be wonderful art for the benefit of humanity. And we can all enjoy it together. Competition is bad for drum corps I think.
  9. No, you are right. The cadets were sleeping when I posted. I was wrong.
  10. I posted at 9:27 A.M. the cadets were stretching. not sleeping.
  11. "they" wanted to march on that field delay or no delay hashes or no hashes with a thirst more intense then the white hot fire of a thousand suns... and would have been "fine" but they.... the members of the corps... have nothing to say about it.
  12. I speak as, as a drum corps enthusiast and theorist, a performer, a musician, a fan, a writer, but most especially, a grade A pure bred home grown 16th note stickin' stop' n' goin' running his butt off blowin' his brains out balls to the wall all or nothin' do or die win or loose tough as nails MAROON BLEEDING "see" "ay" "dee" "E" "Tee" CADET and I want to say something about the kids in the drum corps that got booed off the field last night. They don't care. They really don't care about the boo's. They don't care about hash marks. They don't care about penalties. THey don't care about winning. They don't care about loosing. They don't care about you or me. Right now every single one of the members in that God - blessed drum corps right now is not thinking abotu last night.... I assure you. I used to be there. Yeah we had some flack for a few things back in '05... but nothing compared to today, and you know what, it doesn't matter. I will tell you the mental state of these kids. They are not shaken up. They're not hurt or sad. These are fierce competitors that do not let emotion come into play. I bet you ANYTHING that last night every single one of these PROFESSIONALS would have killed to go out there and be the GODS they are hashes or no hashes. They would have marched on coals if they had to let alone without hashes. I'm not commenting on Mr. Hopkins' choice to call it out -- that's irrelevant. I'm commenting on the utter tenacity that this corps displays. They would have gone out there without hashes just to see if they could make it happen. I will let the non-cadet community in on a little secret. These kids are crazy. Literally crazy, they will put everything on the line just for a taste of glory. If you tell them to get across the entire field in 8 counts while playing trumpet voluntary they will stay up all night trying to make it happen instead of eating sleeping or doing anything remotely close to what might be described under normal human limitations. So what are the cadets doing right now. They're practicing stop 'n go's, they're looking at their dot books. They're going over licks that they already have looked at every night. They're thinking about the show. THey're not thinking about hash marks or last night or boos or rude fans. That moment is gone. It doesn't exist anymore and all they care about is that direction change in the second movement tonight. The high A they have to stick. The buzz roll that slips sometimes. That toss in the opener. They are imortals. They are uneffected. They will not let the ignorance and anti-class of the fans hinder them from giving it up... giving all they have... all they possibly have not for the fans... not for the staff... not for themselves... but rather, for the Cadets. The members past and present and future. With each count they execute tonight the members of the Cadets add a brick to the monument that stands for the meaning and honor of the Cadets Drum and Bugle corps. You can love them or hate them, cheer them or boo them. But they are The Cadets, The Cadets of Bergen County, The Garfield Cadets, The Holy Name Cadets, and they are in the business of being perfect. The cadet craves most a challenge. GO ahead, give them an impossible show and they will perform it like nothing. Go ahead and boo them... it will only make them play louder. The Cadet does not care about anything other than doing impossible things better than anything else on the planet. Cadets love to get their ##### kicked. So go ahead. Spit in their face, they will not notice, they are too busy focusing on their yard line relationships, their body allignment, their intonnation, their articulation patters, they think of nothing other than details. Nothing other than being better than perfect. Nothing other than being a Cadet. I swear to God if you people try to close this thread or merge it... notice the difference. Understand what I'm saying and post your comments now. This is not about penalties. This is about the Cadets.
  13. quick question. who won visual on finals night in 1996. I think it was the cadets but I don't really remember. \ thanks
  14. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure you need a tape recorder, a green shirt, and no idea what your talking about.
  15. Yes it is far from reality. This sorta thing just doesn't happen in DCI. Look... I'm just being realistic... you can fantasize all you want about dramatic upsets and crazy turnarounds but you and I both know that Cadets are a solid top 3 and I'm being generous. I promise I won't post on DCP EVER AGAIN if the cadets place lower than SECOND PLACE. You wanna take that bet huntington? ooooh please pretty please accept my wager Cadets drop under 2 I never post on DCP AGAIN!!!! cadets take a top 2 spot and you do the same deal?? no I didn't think so because like me.... you as well as I know what's gonna happen
  16. ...and those would be wrong too this guy is off and you know it Mr. Mallets
  17. Drink every time you hear a sharp 4 in a sustained chord and I swear you'll all be dead by the end of the night.
  18. hahahaha are you seious? Can you explain to me how the cadets are gonna drop 4 places before this weekend? COME ON are you serious? I am serious when I ask... do you actually think that the Cadets are going to get 5th? Is that what you really think? I mean, sure everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I will not hesitate to tell you that your prediction is dead wrong. The Cadets will probably win and won't drop any lower than 2nd. 5th place is an utterly absurd prediction and this weekend will prove that you are wrong.
  19. 10th DCI victory where'd you get 12?
  20. 1) That all depends. I'm not suggesting that using my time phasing technique should go on for the entire show, but if for one moment when tension was meant to be built, where the mood of the program is slightly disturbing and uncomfortable, marching and playing at different tempos would add to that tension very effectively. The corps would then come back together for a single tempo. The switch back from out of time to in time would be a startling and drastic change in texture creating a huge effect. 2) I don't understand how its an illusion, and my reason for why I would want it is in response to number 1 above. 3) Yes it would be hard for judges to judge this, but I don't care. I have stated many times on DCP that I think teh competitive aspect of the activity limits its artistic potential, which it does, but that's besides the point. There are no rules against my ideas just like there were no rules against asymmetrical drill when it first hit the scene. Judges simply did not know how to evaluate or react to drill that was asymmetrical. They were used to evaluateing forms based on their equality on either side. But now asymmetrical drill is the norm and judges have no problem with it. So to sum up: 1) I don't care what the judges think 2) judges can judge this stuff, they would just need to get used to it, like asymmetrical drill. I would also like to take this time to say that I wonder if you, Ognib, have any ideas about future innovations? You seem so eager say that my ideas, which I intend to better the activity for all fans including you, are actually the dummest ideas you have ever heard. I'd like to hear some better ones.
  21. Moving and playing disgracefully segragated Convicted on charges of hype Impecible steak smothered in ketchup Deadalus soars: waxen feathers melt True blue flies sky high Fifth by final photo finish
  22. Thanks for thinking about my ideas and taking them a step further. I totally agree with you that star really would have used this well. Excellent comment about improvised music. There are "rules" to improvising. You can't just do whatever you want... well you can... you could play a flat 6 in a maj7 if you want to but you'll sound terrible... you could march wherever you wanted during improv drill but the consequences might be a busted lip.
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