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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    See Phantom regiment win in 1996 & 2008 BEING THERE !
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Boston Crusaders, Phantom Regiment, Carolina Crown
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    TIE: Phantom Regiment 2008, 2015 "Carolina Crown", 2017 "Wicked Games", 2017 SCV - "Oroboros", 2018 Boston "S.O.S" and SCV 2018, Boston 2019
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
    2008 & 2015, 2017, 2018 & 2019
  • Gender
  • Location
    Northeastern Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Music, especially Classical, drawing and painting art, singing, teaching music to children as well as architecture and drum corps. A semi-professional photographer, I've done many professional events

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  1. That's interesting I believe I had heard JD shaw talk about work w/Boston when I was touring with them (PR) in 2008 during a conversation at lunch one day (I was aiding in sponsoring a hornline member ) but I never knew what year or years ......anybody know? From 2012 to present I've been on the BAC side of the volunteer spectrum
  2. I'm wondering if anybody has a list of all the brass arrangers BAC has had over the years. I'd be curious there's been a few notables over the years but I'm thinking 2012 was his first year. In 2020 I believe , in the music for all website that he maintains it had that he was in his 8th year of arranging for Boston.
  3. I'm trying to recall when did Ryan George become the brass arranger for crusaders was it 2012 or prior?
  4. After watching all of the top 12 (be it via FLO) - is it safe to say that Blue Devils are just "too good" for DCI? After all.... many on here and in the activity outside of DCP seem to think they ( BD ) are on a different plane, far above any of the other competing corps. Suffice to say that their titles are/have been earned so to speak and that they are simply 'untouchable/unbeatable'. Having said this, what if.... ( "IF" - not that this would EVER be a thought ) BD were to take the route of 'Star of Indiana'... leave the competitive circuit, and teach ALL the lesser corps how it should be done! Here is the recipe for success ... let us show you all how it's REALLY done! I mean if they are that superior - heck, I'd want to be shown by the BEST just how to win the judges over with spectacular design, great brass, percussion and colorguard. Who doesn't want to aspire to be the BEST! If the Blue Devils simply cannot be beat -- (and they have on occasion at finals in some years) is that what DCI has become? Multiple groups of aspiring hopefuls wanting, wishing and working to dethrone the current unbeatable team? I remember my Grandfather saying to me once as a grade schooler about a pro baseball team that seemingly could not/would not loose .... said he lost interest as no matter how good the game was, he already knew the outcome. I myself would not imply that sentiment but then I think about that seemingly unattainable 'goal' to be better than .....? I guess that's why we all buy tickets.... travel long distances to see whatever corps perform... spend endless hours volunteering and $$$$ to sponsor and support Corps A, B or C in hope of seeing them (any corps) do just that?. Let me be clear - I love this activity and EVERY group in it. It's my lifeblood ... my enjoyment, not my financial livelihood . But I ask my self, if someone is apparently so good that they simply are the best of the best ... what room is there to grow outside of that? Like any corps out there - they are there for their members and the fans. Each corps has their own following... alumni, staff, current members and their families and the plain' ole fan and supporter, I know like in any sport / activity -- any team/group CAN be ( and have been ) beaten on any given night -- but in these other sports etc , there is no judging system. So is there any true impartiality in the judging as we know it today? I know, I know ---- "they call it like they see/hear it" or "They got robbed" etc, etc. But it begs the audacity to ask "If someone is so far above others in same category (and they are not obviously) how do these other groups sustain themselves as far as getting to that level?. I know how it was when I was involved.... we had to beat XYZ, or is it something more? Or, something less? The activity had changed SO drastically in the past 10-15 years that every group has had to change with it. So, why do we REALLY need scores anyway? If the activity is for solely for the enjoyment and enrichment of the marching members = which summarily winds up as the enjoyment of us, the fans and the spectators, why not be like audience participation and have them --- the tens of thousands (well maybe not that many) be the actual judges via fan voting? But alas, I digress..... judges will be judges and corps will strive to meet their expectations (whatever that may be on any given night) with every performance but should it ever be said that "they are untouchable" or "unbeatable"? I leave that to you all ... or perhaps .... the judges who really are the one's who decides everyone's fate, or placement of sorts right?.
  5. Well in all actuality doesn't seem he's too partial on anyone but crown I certainly thought Crusaders brass was better than third but I give no credibility to scoring anymore it's all over the place
  6. Any one have captions? In the car and DCI won't load. BD take everything?
  7. Can anyone tell me the recaps for percussion and color guard? Failing to get on to DI to see them. Can't seeCavies drums over BAC - but wanted to see the recaps
  8. I'm not a percussionist - but what does that mean ?
  9. Wishing our "giants" the best tonight ..... IT IS ON !!!! Go get em and 'Eat em' up!'
  10. Jovanna Mullin is one of THE best female snare I've seen in years .... been following her HS career and her videos before/during and after 'Hit like a girl' which she placed 2nd
  11. The show just screams for a maritime bell ... perhaps right after the beginning narration and the opening horn solo .... just to signify leaving port. Also.... as said earlier we need some sort of 'whale' . I just started reading the novel again last eve .... also need a flag on the mast .... google youtube for the movie version, which depicts this as it's told roughly in the novel... but we'll see what they do come Allentown and beyond. So excited to hook up with the corps in Allentown
  12. Oh .... and lets remember.... Ahab never DOES kill the whale.... how about a the placing of a red flag on the lookout of the prob as Ahab's last attempt to have the ship noticed - and of course... the infamous last quote: "From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee." after that last huge FFFFF hornline drumline ending have some whale song ? as the show ends......
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