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Everything posted by gbell211

  1. They are known for making lots of changes.
  2. I think Blue Devils, The Cavaliers, and The Cadets will distance themselves from the rest of the pack after tonight. Those three corps will go at it for the top spot. The corps in the 4th-7th spots will be slugging it out as well. It can go either way. I say flip a coin on 8th and 9th. 10th-15th could get very interesting. I can imagine things getting kind of crazy when the World Championships come. With all that said, I would not rule out the possibility of some tied scores in the future.
  3. Carolina Crown is my favorite this year!! Their guard work is incredible and they make it look so effortless. Phantom Regiment's color guard is looking good also; they were really good in Murfreesboro last weekend. As far as who's going to win it, it's either going to be The Blue Devils, The Cavaliers, or Carolina Crown (too close to call for me). The BD is my all-time favorite because of their movement, dance, and technique. I heard BD guard puts a lot of emphasis on movement in the offseason (probably spending lots of time in dance and yoga studios). I've always liked the guard work of The Cavaliers, because they make it look so easy. Although they've struggled this year and coming along nicely, The Cadets guard has always performed well.
  4. I didn't realize Carolina Crown was ahead of the Bluecoats and not that far behind Phantom Regiment. Or Santa Clara ahead of PR. And the Madison Scouts??? Tied for 13th??? They are making a push down the stretch!!! It's also good to see The Colts do extremely well. But the results from Lafayette are still to come.
  5. I happened to like this show. Them, The Cadets, and Carolina Crown have very loud openers this year. However, this show was missing something in Murfreesboro when they performed. I dont' know if it was just me or not.
  6. Same here!!! I saw them in Murfreesboro last week and I was just blown away at their show. I absolutely love the opening statement and the color guard was awesome!! They are becoming one of my favorite drum corps.
  7. Wow! That's a good score for The Cadets. It's also good to see Carolina Crown move up as well.
  8. I prefer the narration but they could cut out just a little bit more of it.
  9. I went to the show last night and enjoyed the performances. My favorite that night was Carolina Crown. Their sound was strong and was really impressed with their color guard. No wonder they've been doing so well. As for The Cadets, all I have to say is the hornline was off the chain!!! THE BEST THIS SEASON!! They were, by far, the loudest of the night and sounded really clean. I was totally blown away. The percussion was good as always, and the color guard was alright (kinda rough around the edges). I think without the narration, I would not have understood the show but they could cut out some of it (or have they). I think they should have won. The Blue Devils were very good as well, but I don't think they were as good as the The Cavaliers (I can't believe I'm saying this) and The Cadets. I'm kinda surprised they are winning right now. Unlike previous years, I like The Cavaliers show this year, especially the music (easy to remember because of the melodies). The color guard was really good also and their drill was good. I can't believe they got 3rd. The Bluecoats did very well. What I liked the most about Criminal was their use of narration. It was utilized very well IMO. I also like the guard uniforms with the orange jump suits. Nothing really jumped at me about Phantom Regiment (other than the guard), SCV, or the Blue Knights. PR's guard was good that night and seem to be doing well right now.
  10. From what I saw from the video clip, they sounded and looked good.
  11. I see where Carolina Crown's color guard was first again!!! They have been making some progress over that past few years. Keep it up! Does anyone know how The Cadets color guard did tonight?
  12. Wow! The Cadets must have had a good night tonight. The 1.75-pt. spread is what's kind of surprising.
  13. I will be there too and I can't wait!! :D I agree with seven of your picks but that eighth spot is up for grabs.
  14. Yep, that's me!!! I also run to DCI while running. How about when you have music clips from DCI shows as email notifications?? I think that qualifies.
  15. 1. 1992 (Gavorkna Fanfare is probably the best fanfare I've ever heard. I use it as an email notification sometimes ) 2. 2000 (I use some of their music clips as email notifications also) 3. 1995 (ditto from #2) 4. 2006 5. 2004 6. 2002 7. 2001
  16. My vote was for 2000 (just an incredible show!!). 1993 is my second choice. I absolutely loved the drill, horn line, and the color guard.
  17. I will be at the Murfreesboro show next week and it's going to be intense. Congratulations to be Bluecoats on their victory tonight and I hope they keep going forward and not let down. According to the latest standings, Carolina Crown is ahead of Phantom Regiment. :D This might be the best year for drum corps in a while, but this season is not quite over yet.
  18. These scores were close. Way to go Crown and keep it up!!! ^OO^
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