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Everything posted by ohwiseone

  1. Sooo BD. I think I might like your show. I watched it again this evening and though parts of it were amazing and fantastic. And lets be honest, You and I both know there is a high chance that they will probably win next year. But Congrats to Crown. Finally broke through. Now, comes the hard part, to keep winning championships. But, this is a show that will always be remembered I think.
  2. Great Seats Kevin. Jealous that you might be at a potentially Historic Night (To crown a First Time Champion).
  3. I loved BD's show that year, but the reaction when they were announced second is probably one of the best I have ever Heard, And I love watching your video of the reaction, because its just insane.
  4. Since finals is streaming. is the chat going to be going again? I personally would love to drop in. Fun times are had in that chat.
  5. Tomorrow night is going to be a hell of a showdown. I am so hyped for tomorrow night.
  6. Congrats on the Semi's Win tonight. I saw them in the theater. I said this last night, That is your champion. Tomorrow night, I fully expect the end of the show to be ridiculous, and awesome. I cannot wait for the stream, It will be totally worth it. That ending with the crown appearing, Will be so good tomorrow night.
  7. Okay, I fianlly saw the new ending (I have been super busy and haven't seen the show since early june. IF they end up winning in next saturday night, I feel the slow reveal of the crown at the end of the show, will be a fitting ending to a Championship Season.
  8. So I heard the run-through at Music at the Park. I did not know they were using Mahlers 2nd until I heard it at the very end. Plus, that run that I had to listen to TWICE in Nimrod is just awesome. I am gonna do everything in my power to hear it live. But Using Mahlers 2nd is already making this seasons Phantom Show one my favorites.
  9. WOW those uniforms are cool and slick as hell. I love the DM Uniforms. And, I just heard the version floating around, I Really really like the show. But those uniforms, are wow.
  10. That drum break with the run (that's seems to go on-forever) is probably going to be one of my favorite moments of the season. I heard it live during a rehearsal, and it is awesome live.
  11. Maybe, it depends on if I swing by before I have to go into work for the evening. I want too, I feel like I'm starting to just finally get a grasp of the show I think. They did some pretty big chunks.. And I mentioned early the drum break with the corps members counting, works really well in real life. And a bunch of notes happen as well. The narration was back during the ballad (which is absolutely beautiful and classic crown). And the return of 'The Chord' in the opener is good as well. If I end up going I'lll take some more. Their rehearsals are very fun too, at one point some of the horn members had a push a pole vault bag off the field because the guard almost crashed on it. The Horn members ran over and went " Push!" Loud enough so everyone that was watching could hear it. As they walked back the rest of the corps were jokingly clapping at them, and the crowd starting doing it as well. And Klesch made a comment after they went back to starting points along the lines of "I find it funny that they clap louder for you guys pushing a mat off the field, than they do after a rep". I found it funny at least
  12. I have a few short clips and pictures from tonight that I'm gonna post in the next 24. Hours. They had a good crowd of.. 40-90 people probably more this evening during rehearsal. I can tell you one thing, if they get the book clean, people better watch out.
  13. The counting with the run is so impressive in real life it's almost mindblowing. I have a few vids and pics from rehearsal, I'll post later.
  14. I think.. I am starting to really like those uniforms. Also, the Horn Book is ridiculous in a way that I Like. OH Crown, I like the idea of you guys being the ones that plays Stupid Hard Horn Books.
  15. Thanks after the video I just saw, I am going to be excited to hear that MASSIVE run live tomorrow night.
  16. Okay so quick question (I think I know the answer but I still wanna make sure). Crown is going to be in my neck of the woods tomorrow. I would like to see them do ensemble rehearsal. It should be an open rehearsal right?
  17. Wow the uniforms are unique.. I kinda like them.
  18. These uniforms must be RADICALLY different. They are being talked about a ton. I am interested and intrigued. Maybe me never finding the leaked picture of the uniforms is a good thing. I like not being spoiled this year.
  19. I am still super excited for this show. I am probably gonna have to wait till july however to see them live at least. Oh well, it will be worth the wait.
  20. Nooooo! Stupid me for being late, the video is gone. Oh well, Maybe its a good thing, that way when I hear it for the frist time, I will be totally blown away.
  21. or CBS's Network. BUT NBC really needs viewers so maybe they are a better fit.
  22. I do think the market is there for SOME network to pick it up. Then again, that goes back to my whole idea that if someone tried hard enough, I could easily see a company like reebok, or Adidas actively dabbing their foot in producing products for DCI. (But that is for another topic another time)
  23. hmmm.. Showing finals Live on ESPN2. Unless ESPN is actually wanting to try to help grow DCI and show finals LIVE (which considering the time length the finals are.. Would be ridiculous) I don't believe it, It would be awesome, but I don't believe it until I hear an announcement.
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