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Everything posted by lameisrob

  1. I haven't written for marching percussion in a very long time. Now I have an opportunity and have no clue what software to use (if any at all). Nothing terribly complicated (or expensive, I'm not doing it for the money). I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion and thanks in advance for your time.
  2. I am obviously in the minority, but I thought Colts unis were way, way, way too red. I'm not sure if it was the shade of red, but it seemed too distracting (like I needed Visine after watching them). Cadets did a great job re-inventing the classic uniform for the 10th time. Crown got my vote because they stuck with the base color that's given them instant recognition and more credibility. Yeah, the brass line helps, but notice how they've risen among the ranks since switching colors. I do wish other corps would move away from black or dark. I like Bluecoats new unis, but I miss the old ones.
  3. As a fan, the 89 show was more musically concise than '88. Both books were marvelous. '89 seemed more focused on story telling (through music and visual). I would have a tough time choosing between '89 and '87 as my favorite SCV show (both are in my all-time top 6.
  4. 1) 27th Lancers 2) Bridgemen 3) Argonne Rebels 4) Oakland Crusaders 5) Kingsmen
  5. Cadets 94.500 - There's your surprise of the night
  6. Not that I've been on this thread for awhile, but I'm thinking about buying an industrial drum crusher
  7. If Cadets marched all F bugles, honor guard and played nothing but marches, people would whine "George is making fun of the past!" Hopkins is not the Al Qaeda of drum corps. Step away from the Kool-Aid, folks
  8. Blue Devils (Romeo & Juliet/West Side Story, sorry I can't remember the year) - Incredibly brilliant arranging. Three great shows from 2004 Cavaliers (Bond) Cadets (Jethro Tull) Carolina Crown (Bohemia) There are more, but this are off the top of my head.
  9. Getting back on the thread subject, I seem to remember the Bridgemen going to court in order to perform at finals.
  10. What corps designs the best t-shirts for souvies? These are my opinions, your mileage may vary. Phantom Regiment (best because they use a variety of colors on the season and standard shirts) Cavaliers (a very close second...both score high because they sell 3XL) Santa Clara Vanguard (top 3 are also best in buying online) Cadets (good design, but shirt quality is lacking) Carolina Crown (always good season shirts - need more evergreen designs) Corps I wish would be more creative with shirt designs: Bluecoats (hopefully the new logo will spur some excitement) Blue Devils (doesn't match the corps' cool factor)
  11. I just need to make sure and print out a stadium section chart before I get there. Hotel wise, I got a quote from hotwire for $68 a night at what hotwire calls a "three-and-a-half" star hotel in Buckhead. Based on a couple of co-worker's reaction, their response has been "no way." I've also heard good things about the Airport Hilton Gardens. Thanks
  12. a Console] I just finalized plans to go to Atlanta. I'm 'whelmed" to say the least with ticket selection. Am I better to wait and buy tickets at the GA Dome?
  13. I would think '95 cavies show is the early favorite to win
  14. Nooooooooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition sorry, couldn't help it
  15. I was just curious. I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition
  16. Has Crown announced its show for the season?
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