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Everything posted by ChwyNiblet

  1. Mr. Hopkins just posted a new video of the Cadets hornline playing something (from their show I'm guessing) on his facebook page. All I can say is holy mother of god this is going to be a great season for the Cadets if they keep that up!
  2. Honestly, I don't see Pioneer breaking into the top 12 this year. Its just not the year for them. What they need to do is go back to their celtic roots and play some of that classic irish repertoire (Danny Boy anyone??) and while they're at it, single keyed bugles and field drums, even throw a fife in there for good measure.
  3. Idk, let me call him up and see what he thinks, then we will come up with some way to annoy you guys.
  4. There is something to be said when the band does get on the field and you're there in person. Brings me back to the days when I was in the West Chester University Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band. Getting on the field, the audience having absolutely no enthusiasm for us because our highly competitive Division II football was loosing quite badly (was seldom any different). As soon as the band played the first note though, the audience know it was about to get real. Because down in eastern pennsylvania, halftime IS game time.
  5. I didn't catch them this camp, they sound better?
  6. You guys would be quite surprised. Gino Cipriani is actually a world-renowned clarinet player (he uses an alias which I am not at liberty to tell you). But he likes to keep it a secret because of the flak he would receive if anyone were to find out. But when woodwind do enter the field for that first time (the sooner the better IMHO) I'll be here with open arms waiting to take them into my bosom.
  7. No its the complete truth. Phantom wears their helmets while they walk in twos to the stadium so it would be impossible for them to "bump shakos". I've seen Carolina Crown members (this past season) hitting PR members in the back of the head while in uniform. To be completely honest, I think Carolina Crown is one of the most classless organizations in drum corps. They have no respect for other corps and think they are the best thing since sliced bread. I'm just waiting for all the Crown supporters/members to post on this thread saying "nuh uhh". Fact of the matter is I have a video of this occurring taped by a good friend of mine who's in PR. Needless to say, his mother was not pleased when she saw Crown members disrespecting them in uniform.
  8. I'm watching Ina Garten on her show Barefoot Contessa. Discuss.
  9. Whenever people ask me what I do over the summer I just have them watch Drumline...its about the level my drum corps is at anyway...
  10. I think EXPERT here is bringing up a really valid point. Doesn't seem like trolling to me, its as much as a legitimate topic as any other thread here am I correct. I think everyone needs to get off brassEXPERT's tail here. He clearly has demonstrated his knowledge of the activity and just because he presents it in a very distinct way, does not mean he doesn't know what hes talking about. For all we know he could be Gino Cipriani...just food for thought, although I'm sure I'll be called a troll or accused of being the same person. So flame away brothers and sisters of Drum Corps [we think we're better than you] Planet!
  11. Someone uploaded it on facebook but has since taken it down...Hop probably told them to.
  12. Guess who has a recording of the camp? This guy!
  13. Yeah I know, you said the exact same thing a few pages ago.
  14. If I didn't live halfway across the country I'd be there in a heartbeat.
  15. Do I need any support? You guys are so fast to put down my opinion of Jupiter horns but the only support you give is that the Gen 3 horns are better than the Gen 2's. How is that any better then my opinion of them being awful to play on? Have you even played any of the Jupiter horns? I played on the first batch when they were first put on the field and I've also played the Gen 2 and 3's. Opinions are just opinions, they can't be right or wrong because they're not facts...I'm sure even our brassEXPERT will agree to that.
  16. I think the Blue Stars are going to sound like garbage on the new horns..hows that for an opinion?
  17. Was anyone able to attend the camp this weekend? I heard they played part of the show.
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