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rudi man

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Everything posted by rudi man

  1. Yeah but they have to have talent in their staff to pull this off I'm now convinced thatthe Glassmen although the corps had very entertaining shows in the last three years just didn't have the muscle to pull it off and until something drastic happens this corps may stay in the top 12 but it won't go much farther that where they are right now . Come on people Crown gets second place in 20 years and The Glassmen can only squeeze 5th place three different times and that was in a four year period this organization has to many chiefs and not enough indians ! Oh yeah this corps had Colin McNutt & Lee Beddis and now their gone . Lets see where did they go Hmmmm well Colin just be with the CADETS and let me see again where could Lee Beddis be Hmmmmmm oh thats right he's with CAROLINA CROWN so what in the world is wrong with this picture ????
  2. Hey guys and gals the bottom line is no matter how much you gripe no matter how qualified your posts are nothing and I mean nothing you or I say is going to change anything , dosn't anybody reallize that DCI dosn't care about what what we think all they care about is what a few people think on their B.O.D. and don't blame Dan he's not the one that makes the important rules decisions it's take to a vote the only way to open their eyes is to hit em in the old pocket book and I think that DCI has this done to themselves watch and see , if DCI dosen't bring their ticket prices down drastically come finals week I believe that they will be singing the blues ! And as far as the judging system goes it's a JOKE and I've already posted my thoughts on this subject .
  3. WOW Madison is back !! Holy crap I would sure love to be at the first camp just to count the kids applying for a spot my guess 700 ? Thats a lot right ?
  4. WOW Madison is back !! Holy crap I would sure love to be at the first camp just to count the kids applying for a spot my guess 700 ? Thats a lot right ?
  5. I for one certainly hope that you are right ! I hope thats all it is . This corps has worked it's but off and finally or out of that streak that they were stuck in for the last 4 years Brian and his crewpulled it off this year and I wish them the best of luck in the future with their corps .
  6. Thanks G-bass thats what I'm getting at having the website down might discourge some potentially important people that might be interested in participating in the corps in 2010 . This isn'tthe time to let your guard down this is the time in my opinion to take the bull by the horns and set your corps up for success for the following year and I just don't see this happening . Yes I know that everyone needs some down time but this website problem is doggone serious . I'll bet you a million bucks that a corps like Blue Devils , Carolina Crown , etc would never let this thing go this far .
  7. You think that I would know the answer to this question but I don't , everything is top secret as usual . The website has been down for sometime now and they claim it's a serious server error ? Any thoughts on this ? You would think that everything would be upbeat and exciting with this corps apparently not so !
  8. Man I sure hope that your right because if this happens I'll sure be gone andDCI can finally stick it where the sun don't shine . I know that this must bother some of you .
  9. Holy Name Cadets what you said I second , that was really " COOL " !! Also I really hope that the organization keeps the name " Holy Name Cadets " !
  10. Sorry kid but drum crowds are tuff on corps and why would you want a pity clap anyway ? That's right a PITY CLAP believe me I know what that means and you don't want it . A standing ovation should be earned and you'll know when it happenes trust me it's the best feeling that could ever happen to anyone . I don't know what corps you march with but maybe the designers of your show either aren't capable of putting highlites into a show or they might feel as though your corps can't handle the difficulty that it takes to achieve the crowd response desired . I know that you think you deserve a standing O but you really don't you must earn it !!!!!
  11. I know this is off topic but thats one beautiful sunset where was the pic taken ? Thanks Rudi .
  12. Here's my thoughts if Madison wants to keep with the Latin theme then I believe the designers ought to at least consider an approach to the Cuban idiom I believe it would be outstanding and what the heck get some beautifull latino ladie to share a dance with a handsome scout in full gaucho dress on a platform with tapshoes WOW I'm amazing myself ! Come on people dosen't it sound COOL ? Estaban music is what Madison should look into !!!!!!!
  13. Well cudos to the Madison Scouts what an astonishing drum corps ! 40 yrs straight thats saying something ! But as far as taking a year off NO WAY , if their solid financially like someone posted then all the BOD needs to think about is what went wrong !! And if their smart they already know what went wrong then they will simply fix it . Number one the guard costumes were absolutly awful and the have a pretty young staff so their going to make a lot of mistakes , I hope that they learned from them ! Personaly I really enjoyed their show without getting anal obout some musical discrepencies , sure they had them but I just sat back and relaxed and enjoyed MADISON'S music and I was very pleased ! The one thing that I did notice was the traditional Madison sound coming out of that hornline it's still there !!
  14. This town sucks Indy has some really ULTRA EXPENSIVE restaurants downtown and just asmany panhandlers . Everywhere that you go someone is hitting you up for money or trying to sell something I don't think we'll be back , and I haven't even been to the stadium yet . We are sitting in sec / 539 row 5w / seats 7&8 I can only hope that there good seats ?
  15. Very good call Bruno your a very smart man thats why your the BOSS !!
  16. I'm staying w/ my favorite from my first predication CAROLINA CROWN !! I just think that C.C . has got a first place show design and the kids and staff to pull this one off ! Well here goes . ( Really anyone of the top 4 can win. ) 1. Carolina Crown 2. Blue Devils 3. The Cavaliers 4. Holy Name Cadets 5. Santa Clara Vanguard ( It really depends on how the the Kids are feeling ? ) 6. Bluoooooooo ( Solid Sixth ) 7. Phantom Regiment ( P.R. Is going to have to be real careful w/ Bawston !! :o ) 8. Boston Crusaders ( See above only in reverse :0 ) 9. Glassmen ( This corps is going to pull a fast one ! ) 10. Blue Stars ( Are going to be scratching thier heads ) 11. Blue Knights ( Great show but I'm sorry to say they might just have peaked in T-Town . ) 12. Troopers ( Are back in the saddle ) Thats it a little ballsy but thats my pick !!
  17. I'm 57 to all you young whipersnapers out there :)
  18. Got it "grey 0487" The Jim Beam is taking effect very well thank you , And thanks to youalso " My Opinion " Really appreciate it Guys !!!!!!!!!!!!! Go G-MEN
  19. Could someone tell me how did the Glassmen do was it a good show ?
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