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Everything posted by cartographer

  1. You can still make it by car from these points west of the Mississippi - Seattle, WA 18 hours Portland, OR 15 hours Boise, ID 14.5 hours Butte, MT 15.5 hours Denver, CO 14.5 hours Salt Lake City, UT 10 hours Las Vegas, NV 4 hours Albuquerque, NM 11 hours Phoenix, AZ 5.5 hours Pumpville, TX 16.5 hours Drive times approximate. Does not account for stopping. For anything. Plan your departure time accordingly.
  2. Reason #613 to march in SoCal Dream in 2008: In the Land of Appearances, it's safe to say that Dream members have neither been nipped nor tucked.
  3. Reason #519 to march in SoCal Dream in 2008: Overuse of Extreme Range
  4. Just looked it up... That would be Reason #7734...
  5. Speaking of filling... Reason #2812 to march in SoCal Dream in 2008: Home of the Hot Anthrax Twinkie Twins
  6. Reason #6304 to march in SoCal Dream in 2008: Purple is the new Khaki ...in addition to being a royal color...
  7. Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
  8. Getting older sucks. <**> I've done drum corps just this one year so far, and it does help me feel young. I love how everyone I've met is so accepting. Drum Corps people are truly one big family. I hope to continue in the activity forever!
  9. This is just totally random and so off-topic, but I love browsing the posts and seeing people's signatures. Some of the quotes are absolute crack-ups!
  10. No kidding?! Wow. Sounds like a legend-in-the-making (of course, that was 13 years ago--maybe it's already legendary).
  11. If it's all in fun, then why not? I wouldn't mind being on the trigger end of the deal! Looks like it would be a blast, both literally and figuratively!
  12. Sweet! Love the sound effects, especially at the end when the coffin closes. You guys are awesome! If I weren't already in an awesome corps, I'd be really tempted to defect to Renegades...
  13. Go for it! There are quite a few members in our all-age corps who are trying out for jr. corps next season. Friends who didn't march jr. corps usually regret not even trying out, so you got to at least give it a shot.
  14. All I kept thinking was: any moment, I might find myself time traveling with this guy with the out-of-the-ordinary glasses!
  15. Not sure exactly what you mean, but I can understand if you didn't like it, it's not everyone's cup of tea... For me, the entertainment value is high if it: 1) Draws a reaction from the audience, positive or negative 2) Puts a smile on my face 3) Makes me laugh 4) Influences my desire to get involved or do something similar 5) Gets the creative juices flowing
  16. Those Twinkie Twins were sizzling! ^0^ Thanks for posting the link so I can re-live Anthrax Ripple DCA 2007!! I had an awesome front-row, ground-level seat! Gosh, I love technology!
  17. Uh, yeah, I happened to witness Eddie get pretty close to you, gambetty! I might even have a pic...
  18. I. Want. Pizza! You mean I gotta wait a whole year? Darn!
  19. Making a note... I'm definitely going to Hot to Trot Pizza next year! Their pizza looks delicioso! Thanks for the referral!
  20. Why, Cozy, one of my most memorable moments (and there were many) was talking briefly with you at the Clarion restaurant on the morning of the last day... I asked you about where the Borg Cube ended up and you replied it appeared in the lobby area after a strange disappearance--just what happened during those undocumented minutes/hours remains to be known. The whole weekend I was mesmerized by your glasses and the neat rim design, all the while I did not know who you were. So, at the last conversation, I was tickled pink when we exchanged names and you said, "My name is Cozy."
  21. " . . . 'cuz I'm proud to be an a'merkin, where at least I know I'm free . . . " Oh. Uh... *clears throat" 'Xcuse me... I was just practicing with my new vocabulary word... :P . . . Methinks we all are gonna have a blast in Ra-cha-cha! Beat you to the Dream souvie booth! Back to ...
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