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Everything posted by Sutasaurus

  1. I go back to 2017 and I remember the crowd response being biased for the home team. Okay, I get it. It’s a home show but when you sit on your hands for not only the home team but all competitors then maybe it’s time to move on to a new venue.
  2. Thanks, but OUCH! Maybe Cavies should rethink the venue for next year….especially when it comes to fans’ eye health during the first 2 hours of the show!
  3. Watched it on Flo so take my reaction for what it’s worth. Previous posts from those who were at the show, said the audience wasn’t as “receptive” as the Muncie folks. The feed was not the best but it really didn’t capture audience reaction but other folks noted the audience participation was tepid. Those of you who were there please correct me if I’ve spoken out of turn.
  4. Nope. They are interesting tho. Hey, if you remember the 60’s you didn’t do them right.
  5. White rabbit is the opener so I’m stickin with rabbit props
  6. Thank you for the thoughtful reviews KVG_DC This is gonna be one helluva season. Alll y’all have a very nice drum corps this season. Year1Buick, did I get my “Texas Speak” right?😉
  7. Better than last year but not feeling contention for the top honors.
  8. One of the many reasons why I love this corps so much https://m.youtube.com/shorts/hNXTtkA1Wn0
  9. I’ll take a stab.. BAC Regiment Colts Blue Stars Cavies
  10. Horns are okay, drums okay. Guard???? Ummmmm.
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