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Everything posted by Sutasaurus

  1. Whatever......I’m sure they will get their intonation cared for.
  2. I think my brothers and sisters of 2018 Phantom Regiment will do us proud!!!! Focus and believe in yourselves. That’s what we did. I don’t get it. Fans are saying the Regiment should modernize and when they do they criticize! Darned if you do darned if you don’t. REALLY? Do what is true to you and your fans will understand and support you. It’s inside of you...unleash it! S.U.T.A!!!
  3. Congrats sir. Be prepared to work hard and to enjoy every minute of it!
  4. As those alumni who came before you...leave your heart on that field and the score will take care of itself. SUTA brothers and sisters!
  5. Good luck to all the corps tonight. Stay hydrated and stay healthy! SUTA
  6. I'm lovin' it!!!! The "holsters" might just be functional and......BTW R U really gonna see them from up in the stands?????
  7. Ya can't please 'em all now can you? I am anxious to see how this develops over the season. The music choices are stellar and Will's arrangements will not disappoint. Now, about that uniform.......
  8. Hard to tell, in context with your other comments in this thread. Your humor is noted.
  9. Forgive them. They have an opinion that is different than yours.
  10. Probably to "re-tell" the story of Phantom of the Opera.
  11. 2003 was a more visceral program.....and it was appreciated by many. I hope 2017 brings back the raw, heartfelt energy the Regiment is known for. SUTA!
  12. I'm very excited to see what this new team will bring to the field. Welcome all.
  13. FYI, Regiment played Les Preludes in the mid to late seventies. That's how far back my Illinois memory goes. If I'm not mistaken, the year we played it, I believe Bridgemen played it. I remember playing an impromptu run through with each corps playing their own arrangement of it together. It was truly a great experience.
  14. If you have such a forward thinking vision for the corps. then why the hell aren't you doing something to enact that change? Between you and phd, you have all the answers ( comrades me think) and yet you do nothing more than blather...yes, I said blather on an online forum. This "Oh, my source who shall remain nameless because they LOVE their thankless job @ Regiment and want to keep their job is disgusted by the upper management"crap doesn't fly anymore. You ever heard the expression "credibility is earned"? So far you've scored ZERO points on the credibility scale. I'll be more inclined to believe you when you publish your names and your sources names so I can see if those names show up next year on the board or design staff roster.
  15. Um no. 2010,2011,2012 were not in reverse. Am I happy the corps finished in 8th place? No. Am I happy the corps stayed true to it's identity? You bet! I'm glad they didn't go the circus route that many of the corps that finished ahead of them did. If bucking the trend cost them X amount of places....so be it. I'm sure the tide will turn in their favor again.
  16. Dude, get a life. you're opinion has been noted.....
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