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Everything posted by Rocketman

  1. It's funny that only now, to my recollection, someone has finally brought this to light. This is not anything new for BD. They've been doing it for years, possibly decades and apparently it "had" been working, and yes, it is a cheap way to get a crowd reaction. My "opinion" if you have to write an unnecessary screamer into the show, it shows a complete lack of creativity. It's like saying, "well, we need a reaction here. Since were not doing anything visually and I can't think of something cool to write for that reaction, hey Joey, can ya hit a triple z for me here? Sweet!" Rocketman - some things never change ampssuck
  2. Oh! Ouch! Hot Potato! To me, it seems, visual is STILL the problem. So much for "upgrading" in that area. Rocketman - March faster darn it. ampssuck
  3. I believe that Dallas and quite possibly San Antonio will be wake up calls for SCV and IF they finish higher than 10th, they will break 90. Rockettaman - GO SCV ampssuck
  4. 1. Cavies 91.75 2. BD 91.00 3. Madison 90.25 4. Cadets 90.00 5. Regiment 89.85 6. B Coats 89.05 7. Boston 87.50 8. Crown 86.50 9. Glassmen 85.00 10. Vanguard 84.50 11. Spirit 83.75 12. B Knights 82.50 Like always, I am a dreamer. Rocketman - Dream Weaver ampssuck
  5. Some things never change. Too bad! I wish they would! Rocketman - scarasm off ampssuck
  6. Well, just saw the DVD and before making my comments, I wanted to read others to see if I was not the only one that felt the way I did about it. Thanks, Rocketman at the movies ampssuck
  7. I was not advised as to the extent of the content to be provided. Sorry. I also believe he brewed his own beer. Rocketman - my bad ampssuck
  8. Beethoven is CORRECT Better Pagliacci? Depends on how you rate better. Ours was more complex and better played, Bridgemens was an awesome arrangement, simplistic in it's design. Now, for those who have not figured out who Whitey is - He was the father of the rifle that dropped in '78 and an occassional bus/truck driver. OK Z? Rocketman - too much info ampssuck
  9. Since my discovery of the corps in 1975, 93 is certainly one of my favourites, just for the fact that it was unlike most of the shows that preceeded it. Definately in my top 3! Rocketman - 93 rules! ampssuck
  10. SWEET! Now, got $400? Rocketman - will work for ring ampssuck
  11. 89 Regiment the sop entry towards the end of the closer. WOW! THAT was a horn line for the ages. Rocketman - loud is good ampssuck
  12. That's it! Anyone know where I can get a custom made ring? Rocketman - I want my ring ampssuck
  13. We're talking High School here, right? If so, I agree, I'm still waiting! :P Back on topic, it certainly would have been nice to be recognized as an alum/graduate, and I applaud 2-7 for seeing the value in such recognition. Now, wheres my plaque AND ring? Rocketman - one ringy dingy ampssuck
  14. DANG! Tacky is being too kind. Considering you were there for them, it's the least they could have done for you. Are you telling me, corps now have alumni rings? What a freaking Rip! We didn't have anything like that! Rocketman - where's my ring? ampssuck
  15. I guess I'm old. I didn 't realize there were "qualifications" for being an alum. I assumed if you marched, you were an alum. I consider myself an "alum" of three corps, two where I marched their final years and one where I aged out. Am I wrong? Rocketman - not an alum? ampssuck
  16. You had rotars? DANG! Rocketman - piston, slip slide ampssuck
  17. ABSOLUTELY! Crusaders percussion was nothing to sneeze at either. Definately a great year for seniors all around. I was there too, all 14 years old. Rocketman - young then, old now ampssuck
  18. John: Marched that parade with Cadets (Sharpsburg), believe it was '74! Rocketman - I loath a parade ampssuck
  19. Sam: Thanks for the "photo journal". Whats REALLY scarry is, you're "then and now" pictures, don't differ that much. I'm not sure if that's good or bad! Rocketman - a picture's worth .02 ampssuck
  20. DING! DING! DING! You got that right! ampssuck
  21. LancerFi: Word! Rocketman - he of few ampssuck
  22. Bashing? Since when does questioning an outcome become bashing? Did I say anything derroatory about Marquis? No! And yes, our drumline was, to be kind, sub-standard, considering the rest of the corps. So, I'm glad that you can die in peace now. Rocketman - ? ampssuck
  23. In second place, which is really,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a tie for first! <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> <**> Rocketman - ties are worse than coming in second. ampssuck too
  24. "Z" Yes, we did! Rocketman - casa bo nita ampssuck
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