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Jeff Zehner

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Everything posted by Jeff Zehner

  1. I recall playing a daytime concert *show* for our Veterans at the Coatesville VA Medical Center many years ago... We played A MARCHING SHOW in the medical center courtyard with orange cones for "reference" instead of lines. The space was too small, and there were even trees within the *imaginary* field. I recall being told just to go around the trees as needed.
  2. Aye, But Wait! There's More! Detach each of the four legs and you can fill each with your favorite piratey libation! If ye ain't one for the liquidy spirits, simply fill each leg with sand, invite three friends and bludgeon your enemy to death! Not the violent type? Simply take a leg from your big blue piratey pedastool* and shove it in yer horn. Voila! A mute! Order Now! *not to be used as a flotation device
  3. What's a tweet? Fine weather here in Wildwood on Friday night. Bucs start rehearsal in one hour! Saw lots of familiar faces here on the boardwalk - YES, Kohr's frozen custard is that good! Drum Corps season has begun. :-)
  4. Ok, Marianne, so we're not going to be at the airport at the same time it appears...so we'll have to settle for a b**r at Kelly's. :-)
  5. As soon as we find a place to hole-up the horse for the weekend!
  6. Thanks! Disclaimer: “No Cats Were Harmed During the Making of This Show”® oh, almost forgot... The Buccaneers are coming!
  7. The 2009 kick-off celebration for all! Lawn Chairs welcomed! >> In lieu of an admission fee, please consider bringing with you a donation of a non-perishable food item (dry pasta, pasta sauce, drink mixes, cereal, chicken broth, cookies and chips with an expiration date of July or later, plastic sandwich bags, plastic wrap). Many of our members travel long distances each weekend to be Buccaneers. We want to help our members keep their costs down by providing them more meals, at a lower cost to them, this summer. Your generosity will help us do that. Please contact Lois Tierno at 484-802-7135 with questions. Buccaneers souvenirs will be on sale. Please support the corps with your purchases!
  8. The smell of salt and sea in the air - hornlines warming-up - drum lines echoing off neighborhood streets - guards revealing their costumes and regalia - getting our first glimpses of the 2009 season! Courtesy of to the City of Wildwood, NJ and the Hawthorne Caballeros! Can't wait!
  9. Can't wait! (Dieting now in preparation.) Mack's, Kohr's and Kelly's .. watch out!
  10. We're not selling on the website "yet" - but you may inquire by contacting treasurer at readingbuccaneers dot org. :-)
  11. Do not go gently into that good night...
  12. I haven't read any specifics here "denying" the recession. I haven't read anyone who claimed drum corps is "doomed" as a result of the recession. What I "did read" is that some people are determined not to let the recession get the better of them and their drum corps passions if at all possible.
  13. That's no video.... It's a Movie! Great job!
  14. Truly Awful. I'm deeply saddened (and angered). My deepest sympathies extend to you.
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