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Everything posted by HighBrass09

  1. hahah. I'm having flashbacks of last year...oh god no
  2. The Bardins live on.... I'm out of here now, I expect spankings and pushups for this, this weekend
  3. "back in the day..."" "well back in the day" I really don't know, or care what happened "back in the day" This is 2010 just in case you didn't realize. Don't believe I said we got screwed now did I? Tommy Allen as VOReason? That's a joke, and not even close to what I said. Looks like you need some glasses because you clearly read my post wrong. and trust me, I'm going to be putting all my energy into it when the weekend comes. This builds up even more.
  4. Yes it was exaggerated Nick, I've heard some bad stories (I think I may have heard them from you, I don't remember) of 2005 Cadets and crowd reactions. That would suck! Great corps that year was though..
  5. Like Nick said, I'm not mad anymore. Last night I was certainly mad, that was a long car ride home. Buc's deserved to win. There is no doubt about that! It's just the spreads that confuse me and the rest of the world.
  6. Wanting to win is inside of everyone. We all want to. If it comes to September and we are 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 5th, or 4th place, it really won't matter. Sure, you don't get a piece of metal around your finger to show off to people (although after 5 who wants more) but I know myself and the rest of my family will be getting more standing ovations than Reading got/will get in the past 10 years. In the words of Tommy Allen, enjoy your golf clap, and the boos as they announce Reading 1st place with a score of 112 (by the look of whats going on now, why not) I'll be enjoying the fact knowing I marched in a VERY cool show, with a great corps and the whole crowd on their feet for the whole show.
  7. The show was fun. Myself and quite a few other people didn't have a great show tonight. It happens! Nothing is over yet. It's July 18th, 2010. Anyone is game right now. MBI is still out in the dark waiting to be seen by all.
  8. There's a thing called slotting...and there will always be a flaw in any system, as we are human ($1 to Zach Allyn)
  9. Excellent letter...I really enjoyed reading your articles as well. That one with Scott Johnson and the make-a-wish foundation is incredible.
  10. I'm sure the dad of the Blue Star Mello will be very happy to see this (His names Kris I think?) I haven't seen any show except for the Bluecoats show.
  11. There is a clip of it on facebook....just look up any Corpsvets or Empire folk and if they have been tagged then you should be able to see it. I don't want to post a link just in case of any rules.
  12. There's the thing, with 3 years of marching I don't know any "names" of a wedge.
  13. I second him!! It was a blast and Corpsvets is a great corps with great people. It was fun!
  14. Trash might have been the wrong word to be said, as I didn't read many of the posts. My point is it seems like everyone talks about BD, most of the time in a bad way. Don't know about this thread but still. Why not other corps?
  15. Seems like everyone in the world is trying to trash BD about anything they can possibly think about....I hate this section of DCP
  16. It was definitely fun. I cannot wait until Finals to do it again. Thanks Corpsvets, and great job last night!
  17. Sadly they are probably slotted in that "last place" position which sucks...Pioneer is a great corps and work just as hard as everyone else. They are good!!
  18. Who cares guys it was one parade, everyone still loves crown and they are still going to be top 5. Not the end of the drum corps world.
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