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Everything posted by srsadersnare

  1. Not saying good or bad...wish they did compete...they are very good, but it would be nice to get some of these kids involved in Drum Corps. They have Spartans literally a stone's through away. The area also has Pinkerton Academy, Salem NH, Alvirne HS. The comment about them not competing was in response to craiga saying he has never seen them compete. It is because they don't.
  2. http://www.londonderrynh.net/tag/londonderry-marching-band Unfortunately, they don't compete. They perform at football games, the Salem NH band show...the Rose Bowl parade quite frequently...the St. Patrick's Day parade in NY just about every year. The drumline performs at Celtic games at halftime.
  3. North of the border is Londonderry (New Hampshire)High School with a band size between 300-400 members each year. Pinkerton Academy has smaller numbers but well over 100 each year. Salem (New Hampshire) is no slouch either. Each is 30 minutes from Boston. Both are REALLY close to Nashua New Hampshire (the home of the Spartans). Might want to start looking at these programs for future recruitment for exisiting D & B's?
  4. I can so relate...I count everything. When you've been yelled at so much for tapping your fingers...tapping pencils and pens on your desk..tapping your feet, that you resort to playing drum parts on your teeth (left side=left hand...right side =right hand)
  5. Crusaders Sr. Drum and Bugle Corps to the Alumni
  6. Gotta agree about the guard uni's...for the time it was out there. It was quite an experience having Zingali as a drill instructor. Even as a snare drummer, he had us crabbing and moving all over the place. We lost one of our rifles for the season with those trampolines..I mean seriously....who practices trampoline on a hard topped parking lot? We were practicing at the Fargo Building Parking lot in South Boston at the time when she hit the trampoline and landed badly...broke her leg...talk about taking one for the team! I always though the vein in Zingali's head would explode at any given time when he started screaming...such passion.
  7. If you are referring to their drum solo, I believe it was called "Cookout"
  8. Good call. I have a teenaged son who could care less about Drum Corps and even he was impressed by this clip.
  9. Somerville Annunciators Pembroke Imperials Fitchburg Kingsmen Sir Thomas Morre Cadets Framingham Sharpshooters St Jeans Jeanettes Lynn Randolph Brigadiers Saugus Socialites Rockland Defenders
  10. Mike Pantinella is still around...playing trumpet for a local band "One Moe Time". It's on a website with him and his bio so I don't feel like I am invading his privacy. He played with us in Annunciators, Cambridge/Somerviell Cavilliers and Alliance too...great screecher
  11. This one actually happened to my little brother in 1980. He had a soprano solo with the Cambridge/Somerville Cavalliers. He flipped his horn up to play and the mouthpiece was not in very well. His mouthpiece went flying out of his horn and stuck in the ground. When the judge handed it it right back to him, it was PACKED with mud but he did not look before he put it back in his horn. He tried to play his solso and nothing...took the mouthpiece out...looked in it...tried to shake the dirt out. By that time his solo had come and gone. He stood in front of the crowd....visibly shrugged his shoulders in the "oh well...that really stunk" pose and walked back to his spot. The crowd could see what happened and clapped for him anyway. We won the Class B World Open that year where his solo was just fine.
  12. Every company front Boston played during Conquest The giant wheel and push after from 27 during Danny Boy
  13. First marched 1972...I was 10. Stayed with the neighborhood corps until they folded after a merger in 1981. Marched DCI 1982 and 1983.
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