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Tim K

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Everything posted by Tim K

  1. A medical emergency made them short one driver. According to a Facebook post from Crown that driver had an episode of some sort last night and he’s currently in the hospital. It’s too bad first and foremost for the driver and I hope it’s not a life or death situation.
  2. To give Flomarching credit, it has improved. Some broadcasts are better than others and I wonder if the better broadcasts have people who understand marching doing the filming. I have suggested before that they should speak with Tom Blair or folks associated with his organization. Knowing the shows better would help too. I know a few folks who went to San Antonio have been very frustrated since seeing so many of the shows live. They feel Flo misses some of real show stopping moments.
  3. This lineup makes me wish I could make a quick trip to Ohio, especially after the rainout in Allentown. Flo will be helpful and I’ll be watching.
  4. That’s what I would think too but I seem to recall seeing somewhere you lose the performance fee and you’re fined if you’re a no show. However that’s for competitions. A standstill after a rain storm is a different matter and the fine sounds severe.
  5. I looked on DCX and it lists all prelims and finals on the same day most years. There was a time when 35 corps would complete for the twelve spots. There would be a prelims on the Friday and those who didn’t compete did so on Saturday morning with the finals in the evening. Based on the number of corps competing, my guess would be 1981 may have been the last of two day prelims and finals for DCI East.
  6. I don’t know how accurate this is, but word in the stands was that Boston Crusaders opted out due to Covid concerns and the corps was fined $5,000 for not participating. This was not something I heard from anyone associated with BAC but it was the popular explanation at Allentown this evening. Of course when it comes to rumors in Allentown they are either totally correct or totally wrong.
  7. Depends on the corps. Surf is on the field with percussion.
  8. We’ll see ten of the eleven scheduled. It should be a nice evening.
  9. I’m in the stands waiting see and hear what we’ll see and hear. The mood is pretty upbeat with a good number devoted folks in the stands.
  10. The two days would have been in the 70’s to mid 80’s. Midwest was the other big regional. Every corps did not compete in every regional and for those that didn’t do national tours, it was a chance to compete with the big wigs.
  11. On a positive note for standstills, busses are still arriving. On a negative note the rain is still pretty steady. I’m a die hard and wait and see, but I don’t expect to see everyone if there is a standstill show but if there is something I’ll be appreciative. 🌧️ ☔️
  12. When it was a one day event, it was prelims usually on a Friday finishing Saturday morning and finals at night.
  13. I like no intermission. There are so many standing ovations in Allentown, you don’t need a break to stretch. Besides, line are long for concessions, the food trucks are far away so getting food and getting back to your seat on time is difficult. Bathroom breaks may be a problem, but other than that no intermission works fine.
  14. I’m not sure if you were in Allentown last night, but if you relied on Flo or reports from Facebook, you didn’t experience the full impact. It was an iconic DCI East moment and a huge positive gesture to those who marched with Cadets. Even before the corps moved headquarters to Allentown, DCI East was huge for the East Coast and New England corps. In the 70’s and early 80’s, Bridgemen, Boston Crusaders, Crossmen, 27th Lancers, Garfield Cadets, North Star and a few local corps like Finleyville Royal Crusaders and Holy Family Defenders who made finals a few times all had what some consider their greatest performances in Allentown. Midwest and Western rivals always wanted to upstage the gritty and at times tough East Coast and New England rivals. I wish I had been at some of those shows rather than relying on people sharing memories. Now that it’s a week before Indy, younger alums recall the beginning of the final push in that stadium. Allentown is the one show that merges history and contemporary drum corps. My guess, actually I know, that older and younger alums, surrounded by former rivals and appreciative fans, were moved by this kind gesture.
  15. Just saw a video from Allentown. It’s pouring. Of course it’s from someone at the Boston Crusaders alumni tent and they’re having a grand old time. It would take a tornado, mudslide, and earthquake to faze that crew!
  16. I’m in Quakertown, about ten miles from Allentown. It’s spitting a bit and there is a threatening cloud in an otherwise blue and puffy cloud sky. It is steamy. I stopped to grab some photos and my camera lenses fogged up right away. My non meteorologist guess is within an hour, the clouds will open and the hopeful result will be a night like last night.
  17. All day at J. Birney Crum Stadium? I always argue we should not move Allentown to a dome and to leave it as it is. I also know back in the day people sat in the stadium for two days with prelims which sometimes included almost 40 corps and a finals show, but at 61 being at the stadium all day may be a bit much seating wise. I’d do it, but it wouldn’t be fun. Two days with a break in between works well.
  18. Word is that there was a mistake that will be corrected this morning. I won’t swear to the accuracy since it was a Facebook post but it would make sense. Crown was excellent last night.
  19. I have a valid excuse for talking about the weather. I’m from and still live in New England!
  20. You and me both! I’m bringing a rain coat. I believe in Murphy’s Law. If I’m prepared for bad weather, it doesn’t happen!
  21. The Lawrence show last night was amazing. I thought everyone was on top of their game. Troopers had a great run and the audience loved every minute. The brass was particularly strong. I’m not sure if there are additions or things you just don’t pick up on Flo but darkness to light really worked with the yellow flags at the end. Even if the devil mask drives me crazy and I’ve said enough about it elsewhere, the soloist is amazing. Though there’s energy throughout the ending was spectacular. I’m not sure I know what to make of Cavaliers this year. There are some great moments but it doesn’t come together as a whole. There were points with energy but it was inconsistent. I liked the shirts lighting up with the red, but the uniform change didn’t make sense. They also seemed to have prop troubles. I don’t want to sound too negative because what’s good in the show is excellent, particularly “Man in the Mirror” as a ballad. The guard also had some great maneuvers. That being said, judges had them ahead of Troopers. It was great to see SCV back. This show seems to be an excellent reentry show. It’s ambitious but not too much so which enables the corps to get some solid footing. Musically they grabbed me. The show is no frills prop wise, actually no props at all, but I thought it allowed the talent of the corps to shine. Crown was amazing. The rivalry between Crown and BAC has heated up over the years, but for the audience as long as Crown can put breath into their brass and make music, they’ll be loved. They got multiple ovations. The guard was excellent. When I saw recaps that Troopers scored higher than Crown, I thought there was a mistake and according to Facebook that’s the case, though I won’t bet the far, until an official announcement is made that the recaps are incorrect and Crown placed second in brass. This makes sense because no pun intended, the brass was on fire! 🔥 To say Boston Crusaders had an amazing run at their home show is stating the obvious, but it was a powerful, clean, entertaining, and interesting performance. Everything seemed in order and it was impeccably clean. You see so much more when you see them live. I’m not sure if the shakos were lit up in other shows but they came across last night. Boston area fans know and love a good guard and BAC did not disappoint. I’m not going to underestimate Bloo, and I’m sure Blue Devils will not give anything away, but things will be close in Indy.
  22. I was at the show in Egg Harbor last night. Lots of masks on marching members when not performing. On another note, after being rained out last night (the stand still was enjoyable but not the same) and Allentown looking iffy, I’ll be very happy to see live competitive from corps tonight! If Watertown to New Jersey back to Lawrence and Watertown then Allentown seems like a lot of driving, it is! What we do for the love of brass, percussion, color guard and a whole lot more.
  23. It did turn out to be a stand still, but it was a fun evening. The crowd appreciated the efforts. No major surprises though I will have to say Blue Knights was stronger than I expected. Bloo is amazing and is just so confident. Surf seems to still have holes from their recent Covid outbreak but had huge home field/family support. Cascades presented some of their show music which sounded more difficult than what the corps has done in the past. Colts just featured the brass which was solid. The audience loved Crown and Crown loves an audience! Caballeros Alumni also performed. Most are not exactly 21, many a few years on me (I’m 61), but they still have it. Egg Harbor Township High has a great stadium and field, but it had limitations compared to Rowan University which was unavailable this year. There was little on site parking, you parked at one of two schools which were two miles away, and there were only six shuttle busses for about 2,000 people. That being said, most likely it will be back at Rowan next year so the challenges will take care of themselves. On a final note, whoever organized concessions deserves high praise.
  24. I just arrived, all sorts of issues. Little parking. People are being shuttle bussed from a school a mile away. There was an accident that is blocking the road so the busses can’t get through. The rain just stopped but it was torrential-/2”18 Allentown deluge torrential. Don’t know what we’ll see. My guess is standstills.
  25. I don’t see a thread for this show. It’s not being broadcast. I’m attending. Right now it looks perfect though I see chance of thunderstorms on Weather Underground. I don’t guarantee posting while at the show but will when I return to the hotel.
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