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  1. I remember the days in the 80's & 90's when I bought a ticket and went to the shows... got there early to listen to some of the lot warm ups....
  2. yeah... i am not taking a prediction post as seriously as you mate... it's all in fun. Sorry to cause any struggles with any one person thinking about this. Just hoping they do bounce back... and continue with their amazing successes. One thing we do every year is seem to overrate certain "Other" corps... I am just trying to take a realistic.. and fun.. stab at it.
  3. 1.Blue Devils 2.Bluecoats 3.Crown 4.Vanguard 5.BAC 6.Cavaliers 7.Mandarins 8.Phantom 9.Colts 10.Blue Stars 11.Blue Knights 12.Trooper
  4. I do remember when the law was passed in june last year.... i did not see the update about it being repealed... but it would appear that is correct and was repealed a couple months ago.
  5. There is a law in the city now that is not MEANT to target LGBT, but it is in reaction to the state as a whole... This is the first time we will not go in nearly 15 years.
  6. if you are in a same sex relationship I would recommend... if you go to this city.. that you refrain from holding your partners hand in public
  7. wow, i really did make that as confusing as possible... this was our most recent viewing of any of the corps and our top 12 as of now.. sorry. to confuse you guys. It makes more sense to just delete the post.
  8. ... this weather today was just too much for some of the spectators and i imagine the corp members were feeling it.... i have been thru 6 bottles of water already... and then having to hold my bladder.... yes, it is worth it today... and there are no surprises with how things are going on the field... can't hang around for the encore... TOO HOT!!
  9. actual top 12 and scores w caption.... maybe a quick comment with my placement caption and IN CAPS where i see them placing finals night 12th 80.475 Pacific Crest we had them in 13th behind Blue Knights... FINALS NIGHT SEE THEM PLACING 13TH BLUE KNIGHT SQUEAKING IN 12TH 11th 82.938 Trooper we had them in 11th.... FINALS NIGHT SEE THEM PLACING 11TH 10th 82.950 Colts we had them 9th ahead of Blue Stars.... FINALS SEE THEM PLACING 10TH 9th 84.175 Blue Stars we had them 10th....FINALS SEE THEM PLACING 9TH 8th 85.513 Cavaliers we had them in 8th...FINALS SEE THEM IN 8TH AND WINNING PERCUSION...THE GUARD..CONTENT AND STAGING...WHAT IS UP? 7th 87.375 The Cadets we had them in 6th..FINALS SEE THEM PLACING AHEAD OF PHANTOM AND BEHIND MANDARINS.. THIS ISN'T CLEANING FASTEST ENOUGH AND JUST NOT TO LEVEL OF THOSE AHEAD OF THEM. 6th 87.675 Phantom Regiment we had them in 7th behind Cadets.. SHOW HAS PEAKED AND VISUALLY IS NOT CHALLENGING TO THOSE AHEAD OF THEM. FINALS SEE THEM PLACING 7TH... POSSIBLY 8TH IF CAVALIERS GET IT TOGETHER. 5th 87.675 Mandarins we had them in 5th WHAT A SHOW... SO THRILLED FOR THIS GROUP. FINALS SHOULD BE IN 5TH NO THREAT TO TOP 4 4th 90.563 Carolina Crown we had them in 4th but not close to Bluecoats..CAN'T GET INTO IT VISUALLY...GUARD STAGING IS DISTRACTING AT TIMES. FINALS PLACING 4TH AND NO CAPTIONS WINS. 3rd 90.950 Bluecoats we had them in 2nd. FINALS SEE THEM PASSING BOSTON CRUSADERS.. NO CAPTION WINS 2nd 91.60 Boston Crusaders we had them in 3rd much closer to Carolina Crown. FINALS SEE THEM IN 3RD.. PROBABLY, MAYBE 4TH. LOVING THE MUSIS... VISUALLY... THIS SHOW IS HEAPS BELOW LAST YEAR. NO CAPTIONS 1st 92.60 Blue Devils we had them in 1st by only slightly larger margin. FINALS THEY WILL WIN. SWEEP ALL CAPTIONS EXCEPT PERCUSSION. THAT BELONGS TO CAVIES. THE GUARD IS INCREDIBLE AND THEY ARE STAGED SO WELL... AND BRASS, MUSIC, VISUAL ALL THEIRS...AND ESPECIALLY GE.
  10. well, you make a good point... but crown has got do do something different in the visual department if they are to break back into the top 2 positions. it feels like this 2023 production needs so much more to make any movement. I don't really know how Phantom stays in front of Mandarins. And how Boston Crusaders are head of Bluecoats is beyond me... but there you are. This is a great year for Mandarins and The Colts.
  11. having seen all the current top 10 recently live.... and basic summary of prediction in the "Predictions" chat. 1 Blue Devils can't be beat this year... and probably sweep captions 2 Bluecoats will pass up Boston due to their higher GE 3 Boston beats Crown.. because Crown's show is dated and is not visually stimulating. 4 Crown... 5 Mandarins beat Phantom on GE and Visual 6 Phantom sound incredible... there is no visual difficulty 7-8 Cavaliers & Cadets... either way. Cadets made some mistakes in design and I don't think it can be fixed. What is up with the guard staging and guard execution. Cavaliers... working hard and you see the improvements 9 Colts The is more to this show to be excited about than Bstars 10-11 Blue Stars or Trooper 12 Blue Knights or Pacific Crest
  12. If we all agreed on predictions we would probably look into it less. Respect is key and understanding it’s all part of the thrilling world of Drum Corp!! And Thanks!!
  13. part of the joy is that people can disagree and be respectful... with "i told you so" or "you got me"... without hurt feelings.. etc. it's drum corp... and we absolutely love it...and an old fart like me doesn't hold onto what drum corp used to be... or what it needs to be.. the joy of the kids is OBVIOUS. Predictions are fun! we are no longer closely connected in some ways... or maybe just an old fart like me. But we can all be just chill out... because... the judges are eating this blue devils show UP... they are gagged... and it will be a monumental year for BD.
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