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Everything posted by JoshClements403

  1. I loved you before but I love you even more now for having goodies from this show
  2. Maybe you could use one of their shakos
  3. "And the Corps Uniforms -- Steve Trull at DeMoulin has been a saint for the last years. From the craziness of 2011, to the launch of Cadets2 DeMoulin has made it possible for us to try to enhance the production value of the Cadets. The Cummerbunds in 2014, the two uniforms in 2011, the Change to All Cream in 2012 – they are life savers!!!!! So … we have two options this year. And do know, the Color change for the Cadets will last for 7 performances only. The uniforms, used for these 7 shows will" Confirmed
  4. "It's TOC, scores aren't accurate" If the same thing happens at Atlanta "It's just a regional, scores aren't accurate" If their favorite corps doesn't do well "Scores aren't accurate"
  5. Crown is for real. The trolls can go back into hiding now
  6. Does it tie the show together? Is it dark or light?
  7. Maybe the Black Friday sale is to raise funds for the uniforms
  8. And from George regarding the change in color scheme "NEON is indeed the 10th Element, and as The Cadets begin to travel East, some facets of the program re-design are beginning to take shape as the last three weekends of the season come into focus. In March, the design team of the corps, laid out a strategy that would allow the Cadets to create a totally different show within the show. Something never done … something we thought would elevate the show to a higher level though the end of July and August. Neon was the key …. but there was much to consider as the different facets of the presentation were set not to one color palette but two very different combinations, one for the first part of the season and one for the “rush to the finish line”. From Backdrops, to Flags, to field covers to uniforms … all will be reshaped as the POWER OF 10 takes on a new look …. a very new look in the days and weeks to come. Here, thanks to the kind people at Dance Sophisticates, are the COLOR GUARD UNIFORMS, ready for fitting as the corps spends three days in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. So yes, you saw us in San Antonio, but come Allentown, or come Indy, what you see will be something completely different, and yet, very much the same. Great kids, great performance, a ridiculous challenge …. and now, that very same Shostakovich masterpiece will be draped in a new look; one we believe best brings to life the intensity, and magnificence of this symphonic celebration. Follow the Cadets at www.cadets.org for up to date notices on what is sure the be a summer to remember for fans alumni and corps members"
  9. New guard uniform and new silks. From George Hopkins' Facebook
  10. With the closed rehearsals, we're left to speculate what the new ending will be and when it will be here. Atlanta can't come any faster
  11. They've already added a ton of black to their show so the rumor might be correct. New guard uniforms look very nice as do the new silks. If they continue with the current color scheme and they do indeed get new uniforms I would bet that they would be all black with a neon green cumberbund
  12. that was a minor detour. Comparing shows will send this thread off a cliff and into the abyss
  13. Be prepared. You're about to be berated with comments on how you can't compare across shows and then people will start getting mean for no reason and then this thread will go off topic and it might never get back on topic.
  14. Just an interesting bit of information: Crown is 1 of only 3 corps (the others being Pioneer and Phantom) to not use props this year (unless you consider the banner a prop)
  15. I was about to have a clever retort and then I read your signature. Continue.
  16. Crown is less than 2 points away from the Cadets with an ending that doesn't really work. I won't say that they're in competition for the gold yet but you can't count them out until we see the actual ending.
  17. Alas the problem with online interaction. Things can come across as rude even though you don't intend for them to be that way. My apologies
  18. Do you ever have anything positive to say? At every indoor venue it works perfectly fine
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