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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. I'd listen the show on the repeat. The Musical brilliance is just so oooooozing good to ear.
  2. Am sorry Bloo new ending isn't doing much for me. At first i thought it did but getting a better view i see differently.
  3. Blooo Flag and soloist feature in Come together, remind me of apart of BD 2017 ballad moment..
  4. Look at Goliath lol... He laughed lol little he knew his head was gonna leave his body soon.
  5. I might be alone on this, I've kind of miss seeing the judges running around on the field like headless chickens.
  6. Whoe.. Thank you BD! i was watching and waiting, and my watching and waiting feels lile a paid off tonight but still watching and waiting lol 👀. Respect to Bloooooo they are amazing and not playing around. BD you have to keep that edge and kick it in some more in which i know you will.
  7. Congrats BD! Love you guys. Congrats Bluecoats always love you too. Loving both shows. Great performances. To BAC, Crown, Cavies thank you all for being so competitive and amazing. Great Talented Kids from every corps. Thanks for an amazing season i get the honor to witness and will share with my kids in the future. Looking forward ATL cant wait!
  8. Oh please! I beg to differ, If that's your definition of bland? BD far from being bland and never have been. You either like their show or you don't from year to year But bland and BD never goes together.
  9. BD that performance was really hauling and looking very Dangerous! Love the addition to visuals its so good. Horns getting better sounding much stronger! Still to improve some more but my Gosh such a wow! My draw dropped!
  10. Oh yeah lol.... Its really on that popular tube site.
  11. I just watch video of BD performance tonight.. Can i tell you, i am so ####### excited with what i just watched. You are going to love it too!!!!! Guys you are going love it even more. The show have gotten cleaner, The visuals are more defined, the BRASS Big improvements they sound incredible. Added musical changes, within the show and at the closer. Can i tell you that the closer have also changed, i am loving it, more and more. But you can tell there's still more that will be added to the ending. Don't know of it will change again entirely or just addition. Whichever way it is all working. Sooo Goood! Its going to be such a dog fight between BD and BC.
  12. Yeap. Like the Blue Stars show much. They look like minions in those costumes, within that staging sets and props. I love it.😊
  13. CONGRATS! PC You have a wonderful show. You have beaten the Madison Scouts and that's something to celebrate. Shows how much you have grown and growing. Just keep pushing and some day you might just break into.......... Happy for your stride tonight. Lets finish this season with a break out story for you PC. Cheering you on!!!
  14. I just watch! And watch, and watch lol. Because i know BD is taking that lead soon. I listen and read what everyone is saying and i dont flinch or even nerd to defend the inevitable. but i keep watching and watch and watch some more. In all honesty if i know without a doubt that BD couldn't and wouldn't catch and pass them then i would clearly admit so and just cheer them on just the same. Mind you that everyone is coming with changes and final touches along with final closures to their shows. But that wont change BD position to take the lead seeing how this show have more legs to maximise. I actually want every group to maximises and get so much better than they are tonight.
  15. WOW again!!! Lol so close. Congrats Bluecoats beautiful show, i love it even though i hated it at the begining of the season premier. But WOOOOOOOOW THE DEVILS ARE COMING! Congrats BD for narrowing that gap again.
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