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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. I know what i am saying now might bing in the prediction thread but hey am here in my home thread. Yes I agree, It's definitely a BD and SCV again in my book. If BD streak is to be broken this year then i do believe it will be by SCV and i wouldn't mind at all. However BD might answer that call again to keep the streak continues and that i really don't mind at all either. But i do think Bluecoats have a high chance to push forward strongly i am loving their shows so much, a big threat in the top three can spoil the party of the 1-2 . Crown is ify for me, but i never count them out, they might just find their footing in top 3 this year.
  2. Those machines might have cost too much (Assuming) to not get passed around to be used up LOL. Getting value for money. Boston: Now that i've risen from the bottom 6, i wont even consider those bottom less wanna be's, except the cadets they have fallen, a fallen soldier indeed. I can only now relate to the top 6 and so i will present my gift only to them. A tough bunch to penetrate, but I'll try, now that i am apart of this Elite force they just might accept. Boston to its fellow Elites, BOSTON: Hey CAVIES you need any smoke machines ? CAVIES : No we are good. Our theme doesn't need one this year, maybe next year, NEVER! Boston continues his journey, BOSTON: Hey Cadets how about you ? CADETS : We didn't have much success with our designed props from last year, what will we do with Smoke !? BOSTON: Ok cool.. (Speaking under breath) Your lost. 😞 BOSTON: HEY our friend over Rockford, i know you not apart of us right now, you know... Top 6 Elite but do you want a nice smoke machine for. "if Joan have a heart " theme ? PHANTOM: Um naah, we still have jungle gyms from last season, and there's no monkeys to ride them you wanna trade ? BOSTON: 😳 PHANTOM: you could combine them with the smoke machines to get ' jungle smoke' to complete a smoke theme trilogy BOSTOM: for God sake no! We have water in a glass this year with giant foot steps in the background. 😁 BOSTON: Yow crown! Wassup buddy ? No heart feelings from 2017 right ? CROWN: I guess not, (annoyed voice) what do you want Boston !? BOSTON: Nothing nothing in a soft undertone, just wanted to make amends by giving you this peace offering, you guys could do a part 2 of BEAST it will definitely add to the general effect and help with the visual this time, you know ... The smoke will be seen clearly πŸ˜‚ CROWN: Leave us alone you've done enough, you took away our staff and our Zingali trophy. Plus we have tither tother we trying to get rid of it too but everyone decline my offer of it, because they say it's been underused. BOSTON: Good luck getting rid of it. No we didn't steal your staff or guards, your staff walked and we scoop them up, i thought Blue Devils had the rights to the Zingali not you, they should be the salty ones not you crown. Btw you have awesome horns you guys sound out of this world. Ok moving along. BOSTON: πŸ˜‰ Bloooooooo am a big fan of yours, truly! You know that right ? So i have a gift for you, Um.............. BLUECOATS: πŸ˜’........ Stop right there! Say no more, I know what you up to and the answer is NO! NO! NO! We not accepting gift at this moment. Send it over to those two in California maybe Babylon need some smoke or Blue Devils might have a innovative way to use it. They take props to another level.. King of props, oh #### i forget about us πŸ˜‚ BOSTON: knock! knock! knock! On big metal door. SCV: Opens metal door BOSTON: Surprise!!! SCV: Oh god no, not you.. What brings you here, want something ? Well no we not giving you our caged platforms stage steps whatever they are. Boston: Ummmmmmmm..... (smiling nervously) 😁 i don't want that! I travel all the way here to this Babylonian city to bring you something. SCV: Oh god no, not that! I don't want that!! Try our neighbor!!! SLAMS BIG METAL DOOR!!!!!! Boston Travel across the region to enter the kingdom of the Blue Devils. Approached guards at the palace, and given access to see the king inside blue dynasty throne room. Boston then carefully approaches the king inside the throne room. BLUE DEVILS: Stop! Come no closer. What business have you here in my domain, the kingdom of the Elite top 6.. BOSTON: Sire, I've been wondering around, for days and miles across regions trying to give away this enchanting gift, the golden machines of smoke. I was thinking since everyone from the ELITE 6 refuse to accept my gift except you, i was thinking maybe you would take it as part of your collection ? King Blue Devils: bring it hither let me look at it. BOSTON: ok Sire. Here it is. KING BLUE DEVILS: (in a mighty slightly evil voice) Oooh ha ha ha... They all fools! My upcoming one boston they don't know know the use of this golden machines of smoke, i'll accept. I can do a new innovative thing and turn smoke into blue.. (In loud kingly voice) YESS!!! BOSTON: (Sigh of relief) (boston whisper to self) i thought i'd never get rid of it. No more smoke ( clever evil smirk). Boston dismissed from his meeting with the king, walked out and said to himself, BOSTON: Dont worry my king, i have a plan to get close enough to you and take your crown, your kingdom and rule the ELITE 6, my plans are working now that i have found favor with the king. The End.
  3. Is there a trend this year that i m not aware of ?
  4. Someone's brain been wired to drum corps 24/7 it's slipping into your dream. Weeeeeeeellll we will see how that dream turn out to be by August. I honestly and personally think it will be another battle between SCV and BD. Who will take it home will depend.... A third will be in the mix but i can't say for sure who will it be, which i think is between CC, BC, maybe Boston C, Who knows ? CAVIES might make a leap this year, CADETS might push back into top 6 ? ? ? all these possibilities are thrilling to think about.
  5. Yeah. Interesting... About the guitar that is.
  6. Here is my 12 1989 2008 2002 2006 2003 2007 2013 2017 2010 1992 1995 2004
  7. Teaser trailer . . . BLUE SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arriving in the year 2019
  8. Heard similar statements numerous times, but never turn out to be the case, 1. Never underestimate the Blue smoke, even though you have a good point. 2. Don't Forget they are still on top within the top, one of the top with the most consistency of high level shows and performance in this '' different era of drum corps now ''. They consistently bounced back very well from defeat. They are that strong! HOWEVER the streak could very well be broken this year, but i'll wait first before officially uttering such a statement. They always bring something really great, and they seem to be morphing from my observations.
  9. I know right. It stays that way until we have something. . . . . ....
  10. Well yes more of course.. but it's not like they haven't been giving us drills every year. Smart, creative and inovative drills unique to BD.
  11. Already excited to see what BD pulls from their archive idea of shows they have waiting to explore. hope it's something very fresh and new.
  12. It probable could be a new direction, since the nature of BD is to not do what everyone else on the field doing, i think they will still have amazing staging but probably wont be so pronounce as before.. idk just saying lol.
  13. Congrats SCV! Blue Devils what a record another silver when you not winning gold. Congrats Boston even though I disagree lol..
  14. Yes so true..... but its nothing of a hot mess according to that poster so I posyed to them and ignored their response to me. They just dont want BD to win Guard trophy. But your right .
  15. Big beautiful moment Scv.. that was awesome!!!! Solid performance
  16. Uh ? We seeing different things. Are you seeing wat you wanna
  17. Stunning! Just ####### stunning in spite few issues.. overall better than last night.. meticulously clean throughout.. but then issues stepped in here and there.. but still strong. Win lose or draw.. your the best Blue devils!!!! I love you! Thanks for a awesome show, so entertaining and lush throughout.
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