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Everything posted by BlueStainGlass

  1. They also didn't use any trombone. Everyone uses trombones now 🤣
  2. Same way Dan got it. They asked/interviewed successful directors that put member safety at the top and have strong business models to run a large business.
  3. But I think that was also design choice - the mold is set to be dark and edgy(not sure what word I want) and then brightens up the more the absinthe hits. All of the green parts were bangers.
  4. If I remember correctly it was family stuff that he wanted to step away for back in like 2017?
  5. So doing acid is ok? Asking for a friend and that friend is bluecoats 🤣
  6. I won't crush you. I think its just too safe and can't translate to a full corps. WGI Percussion designers in DCI work better than WGI guard designers in DCI. My personal opinion is the writing in a two parter - battery to horns cohesion and impact. The show was very technical with no pay offs really. The execution captions did all they could but if the judges don't like it you can't do much.
  7. judges will like the blue stars show and not hate it like this year.
  8. not even my corps song and im tearing up but can they play madre for the Glassmen.
  9. They won brass tonight for sure. Oh yeah and a championship
  10. They set my smart watch off thinking im active. Got my heartrate up to 130.
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