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ranintothedoor last won the day on December 22 2021

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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Scenic City - '03, The Cadets - '05, Shenandoah Sound - '07 - '14
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Madison Scouts
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Madison Scouts 1988!
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  1. I got teary eyed on Flo a bit ago... Is that a Cadets homage @ the end? Cause if it's not on purpose, dang it, it was a wonderful surprise. Loved PR last year, love them again this year. Keep it up!
  2. Rumor has it... ooooo Rumor has it... ooooo Rumor has it... ooooo Rumor has it... ooooo Rumor has it... ooooo Rumor has it I'm the one she's leaving you foe.
  3. The last time I was on UR's field (JMU MRDs were performing) my tuba bell was hit with a beer can, as were many of us. Scratch that... that was halftime. The real last time was when we performed post game... and they shut the stadium lights off on us in the middle of our performance. lol good times ๐Ÿ˜„ You're right, though... it'd be a good stadium for a show!
  4. I long have held in my heart that the art can be separated from the artist. I still believe this. In the Cadets' case, however, after being reminded of the perpetual culture of the board/admin that fostered an environment conducive to all that's happened... ... the tarnish is real. It's really hitting home today. How can I watch a Cadets show with joy in my heart with the knowledge of what was going on behind the scenes? Or share with my students? Or wear my corps jacket? In the abusers' case, the artists used the art to abuse. Used us all. The art can stand alone, can stand the test of time. Generations of young people can watch YT videos of Cadets shows forever, and it will mean something to them. But the joy, for me at least, is darkened. They destroyed the lives of so many victims, and used the Cadets, all of us Cadets, to do it. ... Now that it's official, I'm glad the Cadets organization is done. At least today. I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow.
  5. That's what I thought (based on the conversations in this thread), so I was surprised to hear that. Thanks for humoring me, everyone.
  6. The link in the article only goes to a single graphic of the first page of the report...
  7. My friend's dad mentioned that The Cadets organization are moving to Tennessee. I hadn't heard anything about it on here and wanted to see if there was any validity to the claim. I didn't figure this was a thing, all things considered.
  8. UGH! I just had flashbacks to pep band about 6 years ago. I've been mad before.... but.........
  9. As an EDM fan, I freakin' LOVE Meute. ๐Ÿ™‚ The chops on these guys are frickin' ri-DONK-u-lous! As for the "stoned" comment, I get it... if you're not prepared to "trance" out during trance music, it's very empty and repetitive. The point is to get lost in it... drugs are just a (unnecessary) shortcut to get there.
  10. Thanks for this. Brought back some memories of the camps from that year with the staff talking to us about it. They were acutely aware of the Star comparisons and wanted to make it unique enough to stand alone and so decided to make it an original composition "inspired by" Medea rather than using Medea itself. Same with Liquid. I remember they said that they didn't want a straight arrangement of Equus because it's... about... horses... (lol) and didn't want to confuse anyone, so they asked Mr. Bocook to write an original "inspired by" Equus.
  11. Okay! Obviously "wait and see" (no corps experience... I wonder what his interest in the activity is, enough to apply for the job?), but that resume does seem pretty solid. I LOVE the marketing and "obscure Olympic sport" experience. AND the financial red-to-black angle!
  12. Just an anecdote from Flo: My mother in law was just like "wow!" She was flabbergasted by BD and didn't really have a response. She had to process it all, so that may explain the reaction. The other adults in the room were just like, that was amazing, but I don't get it. My wife explained the French artist and the cut-outs and then they said, "oooohhh! Well that was amazing. " So, all of this going on in the stands may be the reason why there was such a delayed response. BD shows are spectacles of art. 2005 Cadets got the same kind of applause all throughout the early season. I get the frustration with the lack of standing Os, but sometimes those quiet reactions are earned in a good way!
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