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Everything posted by Herk

  1. I think BD's DaDa music had some of the elements you ask about, but I think it was intentional. Their drill was much the same. So, it actually made perfect sense for their show theme.
  2. Why do they even HAVE a Minn Regional anymore...if they are going to schedule it so close to the Denver show? Isn't the Regional supposed to be when ALL the Corps get together in one place?
  3. I don't have the decades of Drum Corps viewing experience that many forum members have, so I'm going to take a slightly different approach to the notion of "emotion" than what the OP talked about. For me, something that is emotional is something that makes me want to cry, whether out of sadness, happiness, sweetness, etcetera. So...recent shows that generated that kind of emotion in me are the following: 2014 Blue Knights "That One Second" 2012 Bluecoats "UnMasqued" I didn't see the next show live, but ####...you can FEEL the emotion just by watching the video. 2008 Phantom Regiment "Spartacus"
  4. It was pretty cool to see BK jump 2 places last season. It would be awesome to see them jump 2 more this season. But I'll be happy if they only increase their scores over last year, even if they stay in 8th place.
  5. That's awesome!! I'm glad to hear that the Corps making that Western tour...including BK...get to play in that stadium after so many years. Good Job, PC!!
  6. I'm not sure, exactly, what you mean by "relaxed" and "strict". I've never marched, but I've seen a number of rehearsals from BK. On one hand, everyone...from the members on up to the Director...is very focused on what they are doing at the moment. That focus is always directed toward making the show better. On the other hand, I've never seen anyone get upset or go off the rails. Respect is a primary requirement. Every minute of the day is controlled...scheduled...and members and staff are responsible for being where they need to be and doing what they are scheduled to do....while being flexible enough to adapt and take advantage of changes. If by strict, you mean demanding then yes...you will find that in BK and I suspect in every world class corps to some degree. They will require you to learn and do things exactly as they want it. But don't think of it as a "slave camp". Think of it as an educational experience that will teach you about yourself, push you beyond what you thought you could do and give you the feeling of accomplishing something that a whole lot of people your age wouldn't dream of attempting. Good luck and don't give up!
  7. I didn't mean to imply this being an uncommon practice, though I think it might be uncommon for BK. Like you, I am very interested in knowing more about their show.
  8. Hmmm... Nobody commenting on that picture I posted? Did anyone notice that all the trumpet players have a mellophone in front of them? I'm thinking BK is going to do something similar to what BD did last year.
  9. If they can play in Denver, they can play anywhere.
  10. Love Eric Whitacre!! I suggest they do this for their encore piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOyXtuwPBu4
  11. No announcement from Blue Knights about their 2015 show yet, but they say that will be coming soon. In the meantime, here is a picture from their facebook page.
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