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Chief Guns

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Everything posted by Chief Guns

  1. They did great! Visually they are cleaning up!
  2. @MandarinMom Did you and your husband enjoy the performance? First time seeing Vieux Carre live tonight correct?
  3. I believe this is the first time the Mandarins will be performing in Murfreesboro. Another day, another milestone accomplished. Congrats Mandarins, you earned it! Let's set another corps record by cracking 90 before August 1st for the first time ever. Good luck tonight! Put a spell on them!
  4. I have a buddy stationed at Fort Liberty in NC. He said the humidity is no joke out there. Japan in the summer time is next level. There were people from the south tap out in Japan lol. Djibouti Africa is so unbearable, the only thing that kept me upright and moving, was the fact I didn't want to lay down die and have my carcass cooking on that hot *** pavement lol. Yes back to topic. Sorry @Weaklefthand4ever
  5. And then when the Mandarins Color Guard comes out in the black, green, and gold Jamaican bobsled speed suits, someone will be offended and make a thread to whine and complain about them somehow being sexual in nature. Lol.
  6. Love what Becca said at the end...... "Support all the corps, support all the kids marching, and don't be a hater!" Sadly once scores are announced, that quote will become a distant memory for some people.
  7. Watching the vid now. Mandarins struck gold with J.W. Koester, and his entire staff. They will be a mainstay in the top 7 for years to come. Becca, Peter and Vince must be protected at all costs. So proud of you Mandarins!
  8. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Cadets or SCV perform at opening ceremonies in 1996?
  9. We know you want to come over to the dark side. Go ahead.........buy a BD shirt LMAO.
  10. And BD fans will be congratulating you when it happens. Real Recognizes Real. Crazy respect goes out to our brothers and sisters in Boston.
  11. Agree. I am not looking for the Mandarins drumline to beat SCVs line or score with them. Vanguard is elite in percussion. I just hope they can close to AT LEAST within a point, and the rest of the captions can make up the difference. Mandarins are starting to clean up visually, and the judges have rewarded them in the visual captions the last couple of shows.
  12. If little man from BDC is rocking out on the guitar with BDs A corps, that has to be worth at least five points by itself in music analysis. But then we would have to sit back and watch the ABBD crowd start counting all the BD members in hopes that little man is #166, and BD gets disqualified for having too many performers, like they did back in 2015 when BD unleashed Clara. As if BD wouldn't plan for that in advance lol.
  13. Mandarins continuing to re-write their record books. With three shows this weekend, they have the opportunity to crack 90 for the first time ever in July. Last year they cracked 90 on August 1st. So proud of this corps.
  14. Agreed! Hopefully he gets a run tonight before the weekend shows. Never realized how important the guitar player is to BD..........until they didn't have it.
  15. Great job tonight Mandarins! Closing in on 90! Keep pushing!
  16. Oh I agree totally. SCVs drums are ELITE! Just hoping they can close the gap just a little.
  17. Mandarins took GE2, Tied GE. Took VP, VA, Visual overall. Took Brass. Lost by 0.4 Drums are killing the Mandarins.
  18. Last week in Broken Arrow, Mandarins were 4.2 behind Crown. As of last night, the gap is down to 2.4. I believe this is the closest Mandarins have ever been to the amazing men and women from Ft. Mill SC. Keep pushing!
  19. Great job tonight Mandarins! Love seeing those one's in a couple of subcaptions!
  20. Texting with my son now. He said EVERYONE'S brass score went down tonight.
  21. I see a couple of one's in subcaptions for the Mandarins. Baby steps. Getting better each day. Great job Mandarins!
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