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BWise last won the day on June 17 2023

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  1. I think you’re panicking NSXANAX. I mean they still are putting up great numbers and I love the show. They are staying very competitive in guard and percussion and actually visual in total .. music they’re winning the cap or very close .. so just gotta get the GE back up there .. as was said before .. different judges different night. Who knows what they saw or did not see.
  2. Me thinks yes .. and I’m going to the show. So .. we shall see but with a lot of rehearsal time this week you gotta think we’ll see more this weekend 👑
  3. As for last night … the obvious things 1) The Crown show is clearly incomplete. 2) Closer .. just running the clock you know they’ve got a good bit there to finish. 3) Bloo and BAC have what look and feel like complete shows .. 4) I do not really understand how Crown goes from best GE scores to date.. and then drop by a point at one event. Even regressed. Really .. they are competing well across all captions .. I think we just need to settle down and let the show begin to mature.
  4. Exactly .. agree on guard and mellos .. that middle brass just sails through the repertoire.. I think they got quite a few from Cadets I would add viz/music analysis as they seem to have accomplished design cohesion-show flow that just wasn’t there recently. Visually or musically it is impressive .. I’ve heard the closer is loud and potentially adds some color. Just rumors. And a uniform change of some kind?
  5. Innovation Coming back to this topic that my friend Karuna brought forward. When I look across the activity .. unless you want a Bluecoats show.. I see pretty standard fare in visual and musical design. And when Crown tries to get too far outside their sweet spot it kinda flops. Yeah the brass choreo is a little stale. The guard work was under written last year and they could have executed more. Percussion has really moved stylistically and it paid off. Brass remains solid .. so with a new visual team .. we’ll see. I think with the new leadership there will continue to be some level of freshness .. maybe not necessarily innovation. Word is they recruited well .. with Crown being a perc destination .. !!! Guard filled early too. I hear bigger props .. which is not a Crown tradition. Who knows but I’m excited to see what they bring out .. 👑 Not too early to plan the NB hookup. 👑👑👑 Suite for sure.
  6. What should they do next year .. story telling seems to have worked this year but you can’t do that every year. And anything in the philosophical realm didn’t seem to work in these past few years’ shows. Too many dots to connect … the keep it straightforward and not obtuse is definitely a carry forward .. let some of the drill set (not always moving) build over the season .. guard can handle more content .. just my 2¢ It’s not Crown material but someone needs to put on Moulin Rouge. Done well it could be strong. On to college football for me. I’ve gotta let DCI go for a minute. 👑
  7. Yeah .. I think they went a little too easy in the content . Guard particularly. Honest to god tho how are you 1st and 4th in GE1?
  8. Flo sound was off .. for sure. and it’s still off. BDs sound weird too.
  9. They’ve got the goods & talent to do it too!!
  10. !!! IT’S THE SHOW DAY !!! 👑 LET’S GO CROWN 👑 👑🔥👑🔥👑🔥👑🔥👑
  11. Last column on the right .. focus .. get ready.
  12. Yes .. last night was the toughest panel for Crown . But check in with kinky little devils .. I mean Poppy
  13. I’m the party pooper. I don’t think it was as tight. But a good run. Gonna be super duper tight between them and Bloo. having said this I don’t think anyone had a breakout night.
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