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Everything posted by Continental

  1. That you for posting that. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
  2. Thing is, DCI increased their site capacity over the years due to slow downs encountered with accessing scores/recaps on finals night. Unless they modified the site capacity during the non-season.
  3. It was posted in response to your comments about children attending school all year.
  4. Then there are parents and grand parents who are now dead.
  5. In that past long while I've seen many well thought-out posts. The fact that some view them as abject negativity puzzles me. It's as if the people who respond want to make others believe that other opinions have a magical say in how the coming months will progress.
  6. DCP has had contributors from many aspects of the activity over the years. Some of those contributors still post on the forums. You learn a lot of behind the scenes stuff by reading what they post. I do not understand how you feel that presenting a counter argument in these challenging times means people don't want drum corps at all.
  7. Funny, many of the "logistical obstacles" that have been presented over the past many months have come from those who have actually worked with setting up a tour. It's almost like they have first hand experience with it.
  8. Atomic bombs don't have fuses like those used by Wylie Coyote.
  9. I appreciate that you are seeing closed threads somehow in correlation with your not being on this forum and your life experience/return, yet suffice to say, there have been a heck of a lot more closed threads in your absence that have nothing related.
  10. I have no doubt. Edit: I should clarify that I mean I have no doubt it's a labor of love for him.
  11. Your history proves you never throw anyone "under the bus."
  12. The ones who keep this site alive for the current period. Not that the owners need contribution, but I suspect they need members to remember it still exists.
  13. No insults, no accusations. It's just a thread. IMO no reason to close. Suffice to say, every day, every week we deal with new (and old) realities.
  14. The cat I saw had flashing lights and flew around the room.
  15. I'm also getting the vaccine to prevent others from getting the virus from me. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
  16. I've read that it can cause a person to break out into a horrible, off-tune rendition of "Hello Dolly" that only morphine, percocet or anesthesia can control.
  17. Webster's Dictionary had absolutely nothing to do with my class speech on Halley's Comet back in the day.
  18. Remember when you were new last year and asking why people behaved in such a way on social media? And calling out behavior on here as if you had never been exposed to anything like it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  19. We are coming close to Easter. Peeps are commonly in this form at this time of year. While i appreciate their use of punctuation, I would appreciate more their ability to stay in the package prior to consumption. https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/c_fill,g_auto,w_1200,h_675,ar_16:9/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.cnn.com%2Fcnnnext%2Fdam%2Fassets%2F200401135136-peeps-candy.jpg
  20. My goodness, you sound like someone who has experience.
  21. Can you please also run it through some of the other detectors as well?
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