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Everything posted by Continental

  1. Thank goodness I only listen to the wisdom of Vanna White.
  2. Boston made finals. Those kids must have been so fricken proud to have been part of that corps. Along with that achievement comes nerves. Imagine that you are the first Boston corps to get to finals after so many years. These kids are taught about recovery. He did it very well. Such a proud moment.
  3. 1999 Boston I think JD Shaw was the Brass Arranger that year.
  4. Another corps I loved in '99 - Phantom Regiment They didn't place any higher than the prior year but their return to the music of Tchaikovsky was really welcome. Their horn line seemed to have so much more depth in '99 compared to '98. So much great music to listen to.
  5. I liked so many shows in '99 - one of my favorites was Cadets. Loved the guard, the music and that incredible ballad.
  6. They should have asked them to sing the French lyrics to O'Canada. They would have known at that point.
  7. Just like Peanuts. Totally embedded with alternative references that make no logical sense. Note the social distancing in the attached video. It is completely predicative of current events yet occurred decades ago. The dirty one playing the bass is also clearly showing the Corona he is infected with.
  8. 1985 was weird for guard. Out of the top 12, I think only 3 corps used rifles at some point in their show (I'm not counting Velvet Knights with the plastic semi-automatics in their Peter Gunn opener - they pointed them, but did not actually spin them). Cavaliers, Madison and Troopers used rifles. I may be wrong, please correct me if I am.
  9. I have to say your comments on here are very interesting. We are actually talking about Drum Corps as opposed to social topics which polarize this place and get everyone riled up - and threads closed.
  10. This discussion makes me want to go bowling again.
  11. As a Canadian, I have never once heard that. As I grew up next to a major American city (Detroit), my accent has often been cited as "American" even by locals where I am. This is interesting because the influence would have been from Michigan which is not like the accent in the South (people in Michigan play "hackey?"). I have always been treated well. Of all the American clients I have worked with, my experience with those from the South has been very positive. In fact, my experience with American clients in general has been pretty much positive. Regional differences are noted, but there was plenty of kindness.
  12. Comments about "next to a bowling alley" are not reflective of cost and separation.
  13. I agree that Cadets were quite a powerhouse in '85. But the show IMO was something to admire, but not love. The drill was incredible, the brass arrangements were incredible but in the end, it didn't pull heartstrings. Vanguard had a knack for pulling you into their performance. The intensity of their opener alone was more than the entirety of many another program. It's not a criticism - but an observation on so many Vanguard programs of that era. Grover's Corners so eloquently shows Vanguard at the finest. Subtle and beautiful. No need to hit viewers over the head to make them join Vanguard on the field. So many have joined Vanguard on the field in tribute to how their show and performance made them feel.
  14. Is every single decision the Cadets make going to be scrutinized for virtue signalling? Can they just operate a drum corps with good intentions without consistent criticism? They have been through enough. The past few years have been very trying times for them. Please just let the Cadets do what they think is best for the Cadets.
  15. There have been multiple opinions on here that align with yours.
  16. I have traveled a lot in the South and was always awe struck at the friendliness of people. Complete strangers say hello to you as you pass them in the street. That does not happen where I am. Some of my favorite moments were with a client in Atlanta (I love Atlanta!) - where the reply to "thank you" is often "Hmm Hmm."
  17. Cherry Cheesecake - mmmm Still not as good as chocolate and peanut butter Cheesecake.
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