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Everything posted by Reggi93

  1. I can definitely see that. We used to joke that all the lamΓ© in Winnebago county was sold out because of Regiments design team. πŸ˜‚
  2. How have I gone 30 years as an alum and never heard "Phabric Wedgiment"? Fantastic! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  3. I've read this entire thread with great interest. I struggle with dividing up the amount of angst I see thrown Madison's direction by so many and wanting to remain positive about the improvement I can see in this corps. I feel for these kids busting their butts daily only to come online and see so much anger and judgement. Even if it is aimed "at admin" its still mud in the face. My favorite comment was "they had 3 years to turn it around. So was that 2020 year that should have been the magic year when we all lost 50-70% of our revenue AND a lost season to recruit with? Or was it in 2021 when we had a 5 week non competitive "season" with about 8 shows and oh let's say 5 months to plan for it because nothing got decided until Januals? Should THAT have been the magic year to turn it all around? Or was it in 2022, amidst a season where most corps barely held it together while bleeding out money trying to mitigate COVID outbreaks? Was THAT the season of the magic turnaround? Last I checked they improved by 3 spots last year so maybe it was. Troopers and Colts both spent 10 years at least down in those 13-17 spots. But I guess we are okay with that because they've always been bubble contenders. Madison has 2 championships and spent most of their history in the middle of the pack ranging from 4th to 8th so I understand the frustration. In the 22 years of the 2000's, they've mostly languished in the bottom 3rd of the top 12 dipping in and out of finals 7 times in 19 seasons with 2018 being a historical low. Yet they improved 3 places last year. Yes i realize they aren't back in 12 yet but I have faith it's coming. I just take exception with a ton of people seemingly expecting some miracle there instead of just supporting the corps as they turn the ship around.
  4. I think there is a ton of room for changes and improvement in the last minute of the show. Can't wait to see what this looks like in August!
  5. Funny! In 2018 I watched SCV and thought "this could have been a great Regiment show." In all fairness this show reminds me of the slightly outside the box risk we took in 93. A lot of people were not fully onboard with what we premiered saying it wasn't their cup of tea but we won them over in the end. I can't wait to see what they put on the field to go with this.
  6. Yes! Even I forget about MirΓ³ every now and then and I was in that show too! πŸ˜‚
  7. The entire 1993 production at Phantom Regiment was inspired by Matisse cut outs. Silks, drill forms including the form the helmets made on the ground, the floral leaf motif on the guard uniforms, the color palette, the backdrop for the pit staging was all Matisse cut out inspired. I'm glad someone else mentioned us. I was starting to feel REALLY irrelevant. πŸ˜‚
  8. This whole thing screams Henri Matisse. Specifically his cut outs featured heavily in his publication Jazz. We'll see what they do with it.
  9. https://regiment.org/matt-hartwell-joins-phantom-regiment-visual-team/
  10. https://regiment.org/matt-hartwell-joins-phantom-regiment-visual-team/
  11. This may have already been answered but Sage came back in 2020 and has been there ever since.
  12. Everyone should be doing this going into the last few weeks of tour.
  13. DCI has an ethics and compliance reporting channel. If you want to flood them with emails, it's better through that channel vs the contact us channel ethics@dci.org
  14. Early in the audition season, many lower ranking corps have fewer members at their audition camps. The reality is kids often shoot high by auditioning for their first-choice corps and then get cut and trickle down to other corps as the winter progresses. If your kid wants to stick with Cascades, I'd be patient. Spots will get filled as the season progresses. As far as the increase in corps size, yeah, an extra 11 at the top corps will siphon talent I suppose but also remember that a corps doesn't HAVE to have 165 members. There is a minimum number that is far more important. The larger questions for corps that had low audition turnouts to their in-person camps is whether or not they are capitalizing on the ability to accept virtual auditions.
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